Post skinhead kino

post skinhead kino

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why did they rape him?


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bonding ritual

can we get some recs on skinhead kino about non-nazi skins too?

also i'm thinking hard about starting to wear suspenders, should i?

Because white nationalist/neo nazi groups in the west figuratively rape unwitting, naive young men. Enjoy having all your friends in these groups be cops, recording your every move.


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Why the fuck are so many racists dumb ass LARPers nowadays? Just be a cool racist, morons. You don't need to run around with a swastika and tattooing your face. Makes you look like an idiot.

fuck off ya weekend warrior

Apt Pupil (1998)

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Post skinheads you want to fuck

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Zoomers think in order to actually believe something it must be expressed in every facet of your life every moment

And millenials.

because all skinheads are secretly gay and are just angry at the world because they haven't accomplished anything

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that one with ryan gosling

For the same reason every leftshit wears problem glasses. They should be all turn into fertilizer.

>white nationalists want to figuratively rape them
>leftshits want them literally dead

Tough choices these days.

Cause it’s a movie

Lefties trying to radicalize people and create the racism that they've been pretending exists


Greatest Meme Never Told is filled with debunked propaganda

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