Persepolis (2007)

Have you watched it, user? What'd you think of it? Masterpiece, good, okay, bad or trash?

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I saw it when I was in middle school
It was comfy

same rewatched it recently
enjoyable enough not much film about this desu

saw it in school like half of french student I beleive ahah.
liked it desu

I read the graphic novel and legitimately thought it was awful. The illustration style was nice but the book was meandering, episodic and has unending pity (self-pity) for the main character.
It's about a girl who's right about everything being set back by mean, stupid people on her quest for the success she obviously deserves

Brown peoole

I remember it coming out to virtually no fanfare, I saw it and thought it was pretty good
if it came out today there would be woke journalists out the ass fluffing it up and talking about how ""important"" it is and I'd probably hate it

Yeah, it's garbage.

Its trash, basically The Handmaids Tale if it came out years ago and was animated and written by a teenager


>movie #143096507 about the plight of being brown
>shitty animation masquerading as "style"
Hard pass.

This. Also it's very difficult to feel any sympathy for the character after she flushes her own life down the toilet over and over. She even manages to get kicked out of a fucking convent by calling the nuns a bunch of whores.

Islam bad because it opresses whores: the flick

All shitskins need to be liquidated

roastie propaganda

ayone here seen pic related?

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Yes it's not all that. It's about a Persian vampire ooooooohhhh

I'd take pictures of Persian girls in skirts any day, lad.

The girl is cute so I liked it

the movie looked fantastic, but the story was turbo garbage fanfic tier

kek, that's basically western activism in general

>caring about Muslims

And that’s why you’re getting replaced.

>kek I'm just like as an ineffectual libtard xD

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fuck, who knew having a boner for exotic women could have such geopolitical ramifications.