Never actually details his characters' tax policies

>never actually details his characters' tax policies

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Other urls found in this thread:

He's a libertarian

there's a whore tax in clash of kings

take that Tolkien ehheh *farts*

Imagine thinking that you’re going to write a political thriller in a made up world about how there is no good or evil, and then writing an ending that’s literally “good guy kills bad girl” lmao

>the Lannisters are rich because they live in a big gold mountain lol

>made up world about how there is no good or evil
How did you come up with that retarded shit?

>This kills the Bait op

You can't just put meme arrows in front of a reasonable statement and pretend that it doesn't make sense.

"yeah, there were taxes" is not a detailed tax policy.

>the same houses have ruled for 8000 years lol

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jordan peterson

Martin himself

These are outliers, and in a world stuck in the European middle ages it's not that unlikely. There are real world examples of dynasties lasting through pretty much the entire middle ages and beyond.

>Be Grrrmmmartin
>"Haha lets tell you how DARK war really was. Look! Le ebin grim realism!"
>*dodges Vietnam*

Meanwhile Mr. "Fairytale" Tolkien witnessed two world wars and served in one

dany puts a slave tax for slavers who want to buy voluntary slaves.

Give me a quote then.


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>ruling is hard
>my solution is 10yo autistic treeman becomes king

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>thinking that's his solution

This fat fuck writes entire chapters on the food for feasts

>Saudis are rich because they're sitting on lots of oil lol. What shitty worldbuilding

>GRRM would rather make a weeb game than finish the books or help Dabid write a better finale
How's it feel to be cucked by Yea Forums once again?

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ITT: Arrogant brainlets believing they are much more intelligent than they actually are mocking their intellectual and creative betters

Arrogant brainlets tend to remind me of pic related. They'll shit over Martin for calling a western region in his world the westerlands but are too dim to realise this is how shit is named, like Austria, for example.

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Its been confirmed that Bran was one of the end notes guurm gave dabid. So yea.

i thought about this the other day
how do the maesters support themselves?
i know the hightowers protect oldtown, but who funds the upkeep of their grounds, all their food, ravens, paper, precious metals etc

>you cant know something if you dont experience it first hand

The lords of Westeros, I imagine. There's a quid pro quo element to the Citadel dispatching a maester to serve them, i.e. payment for the Citadel to continue running. Also, many lords will be willing patrons of the maesters out of a genuine desire to increase learning, etc.

The theory is that Bobby B had to grant all kinds od tax exemptions to nobles to get them to accept the usurper, and that this is the reason why the crown has such a huge debt.

Plus GRRM portrays war in a nuanced light, which includes the elements of human bravery, creativity, and glory that war does bring out of us whilst still acknowledging the horrors it can bring.

>about how there is no good or evil
Le based centrist strikes again.

Unbelievable that some idiots still believe fence sitting makes for engaging fiction.

No, that's speculation, faggot. Dabid claimed there were three 'holy shit' moments for them. We can only speculate. It's likely one of them was Shireen burning (I think they first mentioned the three moments when talking about Shireen burning) and we can only speculate to the rest. It could have been Dany being offed by Jon for all we know.

seems soft honestly
a lot of lords dont like the maesters, for example why the fuck would balon have paid for one when he hates them? i doubt it

>“[Creators] David [Benioff] and Dan [Weiss] told me there were two things [author] George R.R. Martin had planned for Bran, and that was the Hodor revelation, and that he would be king,” Wright said. “So that’s pretty special to be directly involved in something that is part of George’s vision. It was a really nice way to wrap it up.”

the dwarf's penny

Accept there is good and evil in ASoIaF. Ramsay and Gregor, for example, are unequivocally evil, sadistic monsters, and men like Barristan are unequivocally virtuous and heroic.

>World building
>Westeros is just anglos and generic meds in the south

What is the Elden Ring's tax policy?

Credit to you user, you provided a direct quote. This is the first time I have seen this. Wright should have shut his fucking mouth though. Having said that, I'm not going to shit on Bran being king cause I obviously no how different getting to that point will be compared to the show.

>world about how there is no good or evil

Why do people keep repeating this? There are very clear examples of good and evil characters in got.

Aren't there LOTR threads you should be screeching in as you futility try to destroy Tolkien for the umpteenth time?

Barristan repeatedly does nothing to stop people from doing horrible things because of his duty. He is a good knight, but he is a terrible person.

>Fuck Dostoevsky for his faggy book about a godfag, le epic cynic atheist xD and dickhead elder brother acting like brainlets for 800 pages!
See how easy le epic reductionism is, user?

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Why are incels so butthurt over this guy

None of this really details tax policy though

I like Tolkien and Middle Earth though. I don't shit on him at all. Imagine being so fucking stupid and thinking in such binary terms you find it inconceivable that I can love both sagas/worlds. Kys.

No they aren't nearly every house in the series has been living in the same castle since the beginning of time.

Nice try GoTlet.

As far as war is concerned yes, now go be a pseud somewhere else.

A good man constrained by societal conventions, like how Gregor's excess violence stems from the pain of his condition and constantly being drugged up. That's where some of the nuance comes in whilst still having characters that are actually good and evil.

>you dont like this hahah !
>actually i do
>hahaha you dont

>not even calling me a ASoIaFlet
Kys and take your shitty bait with you, faggot

He's ancap.

See you screeching in the next LOTR thread sweetie.

>a man is bad because of other peoples actions

What has he done that is good? He is a dog who does as he is told. Knights are a meme.

Indeed. I'll screech about how great the lighting of the beacons was, especially the music used.

I have never been in a war, but i still know how bad it is, maybe i have not experienced it directly, but i dont have to directly experience that to know the extent of its efects.

Do you know what the term goalpost shifting means?
It's not when you point out someone hasn't met your criteria.

>knights are a meme
Very peculiar how modern an opinion this is. Contemporary citizens would very much disagree

His wife really wanted one. Though that was a mistake for poor little Uri.

ASOIAF is pretty anglo centric tho. It's basically fantasy britain and every other race is either generic med, arab or nomad.

Never said it was universal. But it's more than enough for the Citadel to sustain itself.

just popping in to remind you NOT to check these dubs. Trust me, they’re there, but DONT LOOK AT THEM. Schrodingers dubs.

Sandor always knew it, and by Feast all the smallfolk knew it too. The High Sparrow > dumb cunts in a fancy chair.

>but i still know how bad it is
No you don't

>shireen getting burned came as a shock to the dabids
are they seriously retarded? no way is that kid not getting burned

Not really, no one really believes knights have any legitimate code of honor in the books. Everyone comments on the shame that knighting men like Gregor brings everyone, or how cruel men like Amory Lorch are, or how men like Bronn now carry dangerous titles they really shouldn’t. Knighting is just part of their system, they don’t actually believe anything said about it.

not "the imp's penny"? the lowborn dreggs of kingslanding really took the highroad on that one,

Heh i forgot i was in a thread about a series and it wasnt someone shitting in the real version of knights

"I was just following orders" doesn't do it, people who externalize their responsibility to an authority are maybe just but not intrinsically good people. I think the d&d meme alignment for this is lawful neutral.

Enlighten me

George Lucas wasn't in space
>continues to make the best space fantasy in history.

Characters keep saying that this isn’t the case though.

Oh no, not a setting based loosely on medieval europe and the surrounding areas.
Write you own book about abbo kingdoms fighting over the magical sniff juice or whatever, then. By your logic everything is something "centric" with "generic" everything else. Absolutely brainlet tier.

Console babbies never grow out of it do they.

You’re pathetic

>ASOIAF is pretty anglo centric tho. It's basically fantasy britain and every other race is either generic med, arab or nomad.
It's really not. The only thing taken from Britain is the War of the Roses.

Says the guy who can't go a whole day without crying and screaming about a writer who has been dead since the early 70's and how inferior he is to some tv writer who's most scathing criticism is bout taxes. This is the hill you have chosen to die on, so die on it.

I did War of the Roses for A-levels and, even then, I can't say it's like some one for one copy or eerily similar or anything.

>Star Wars the best space fantasy in history
Not even close

He does, he even does the same in fire and blood you retarded showfag

You literally acted like defending Martin was synonymous with despising Tolkien and basically replied with 'n-no you don't!' when someone said they liked both. You're the brainlet here, faggot.

He looks like he smells like a wet fart.

>fire and blood
Jaehaerys was so based.

>defending Martin was synonymous with despising Tolkien

It is though. GoTfags have made this abundantly clear since even before the show existed. You can't straddle the fence now.

I can't

>Perhaps this is my answer to Tolkien, ruling is hard, and the only thing worth writing about is the conflict within the human heart
>Bruh I'll write a tree wizard character gifted with omnicient powers and he'll be king because he knows what's best

Oh ok

>assuming I'm a show loving GoT fag
I fucking hate the show, user. I think it has sucked as an adaption since season 1. I'm a bookfag. That's what I love and defend, and I can love that saga whilst also loving Tolkien's work. Hell, I shat on the recent Tolkien biopic precisely because he deserved better than that generic, uninspired trite.

dunk or brienne would have done something. they're sorta stupid that way

It's not brainlet tier, it's a trope pervasive in anglo fantasy. You have the anglos and gay frenchies, then some hot blooded meds. Sometimes if there is some Central & Eastern pendant it gets crammed together to Ruritania like pic related.
Everything on the periphery is not as fleshed out as the anglo core, that's why the Daenarys storyline in ASOIAF is so boring.

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>The dragon Reborn actually has a tax policy
>the battles all stress the important of scouts.

This is why the Wheel of Time is the superior fantasy series

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ASoIaF does express the importance of scouts.

Are they even mentioned in the TV series?

He goes into some details early on in Fire & Blood and then sort of forgets about it when it gets to more interesting things.

he's more tree than man, and there's a lot of visual imagery that basically paints him as a prisoner/brain slave of the children of the forest, who actually kill jojen and feed him to bran in the form of a bloody paste

We're discussing ASOIAF, not shitty companion books written by his lackeys.

>that scene where Lady Stoneheart appears and has Jaime raped by a pack of feral wolves

i still can't believe D&D actually went there

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Raimi's idea to put makeup on the Iron Bankers son they have massive hook noses, curly black hair, beady eyes, and a star sigil was extremely distasteful. I am glad they reshot that scene with actors like Gatiss not wearing makeup.

>A bull there was
>A bull, a bull
>All big and black
>And hair like wool
Was this change really necessary?