God, I hope my boy Jake rawdogs Jessica Chastain in this movie and they show everything

God, I hope my boy Jake rawdogs Jessica Chastain in this movie and they show everything.

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Jake's gay

Jake's character will be gay or trans and Jessica's character will be blacked.

Not much is known about this series, except for the fact that it will suck.

God I hope so.

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I hope that porn gets normalised to the extent that full on hardcore scenes become the norm in mainstream movies.

look at the background of his picture.

pleb taste

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the mexican flag?

Well I thought the division was pretty intriguing story wise. It's not deep or anything but there aren't a lot of decent disease flicks out there and the division can combine a city collapsing with some good action pretty seamlessly so I'm game. And I'm always open for Gylenkino...

I'll only show up if it has the comfy winter new york atmosphere.

This guy fucked Taylor Swift. Probably when she was a virgin.

There's another Tom Clancy movie called "Without Remorse" being made, screenplay written by Taylor Sheridan.

He’s probably fucked over a thousand women.

How do you even fuck Taylor Swift without her weird bony bird pelvis digging into you?

by having a big penis that doesn't fit all the way in


lmao, the second game flopped so hard they had to go the ultra low budget direct to streaming approach which is just the modern equivalent of major blockbuster sequels being released quietly to DVD with Syfy channel quality production.

Why even bother if you're not going all the way in? That's like being satisfied with just a handjob when you're out of highschool.

Got news for you OP

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of all the vidya to adapt why'd they go for a bland mmo-lite with bullet sponge mechanics

>implying the gameplay matters in a film adaptation

Jeeesus christos

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