What do you think of this DOCUMENTARY about a young woman with autism?

What do you think of this DOCUMENTARY about a young woman with autism?

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Based femcel

Based Florida femcel, would valentines with

what the fuck, how can a woman who looks like that be a model

>pete davidson
Dude looks perpetually ill

>black femcel wants a white guy

why does she draw herself pale as a ghost?

I think it’s to match how she draws incel.

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a lot of models aren't so much attractive as they are distinctive looking

Tall + skinny + top tier jawline
That’s all you need. Unfortunately most people are too busy being fat jawless midgets.

I don't know.

Old acquintance of mine became a model and even now she isn't what I would call pretty
But she does have a very striking look.
Sharp features, sharp jaw, intense eyes, that stuff is what they want
Take a look at Cara Delevigne, not pretty according to many, but still a model (thanks to daddy's money though). She does have that model look however


>Pete Davidson: hey u comin to that hot dog thing upstairs
>girl: N O

>start reading it right to left

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>fat jawless midgets
Literally me


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>tfw no autistic reddit using femcel gf
idk how much longer i can go on Yea Forums bros......

She's not autistic, she's from Alabama

>Bottom Right


Punished "Venom" Incel

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Who is this guy she keeps drawing?

He’s supposed to be a random nerdy redditor she finds cute. She’s afraid he’s falling into the incel hole.

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