This has to be the best American screenplay of all time, right?
This has to be the best American screenplay of all time, right?
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I see you plebs let this thread flop. I'm so disappointed.
That movie is for boomers and edgy fagz
It's a "baffoonish men drink and yell and be sad, amirite career ladies?" episode
what else could contend?
I watched it for the first time last year. It scares a little bit how accurate it is, and how far does manipulation go.
Yeah. Hard to tell how much of it was intended as satire at this point, because most of it came true.
great film but it really loses its focus in the last 3rd
fucking zoomers, every time
Tucker Carlson delivers monologues like the ones in this film every night. Here's a good one he wrote over christmas break.
how did you happen to watch it
I looked at the imdb charts yesterday and picked a whole bunch of movies, having NEVER heard of this movie before. It was one of the few that actually finished torrenting, and I've seen 2 threads about it since watching it yesterday.
Always saw it on "top movies" lists and decided to see it. Definitely watch it if you haven't.
No, it's shit.
It just got put on Netflix at the start of the month
Self-pitying, sentimental, long-winded, and unimaginitively misogynist.
Go dilate your wound
There's definitely better screenplays out there, but it's a solid 8/10 and a very important movie to boot.
>having NEVER heard of this movie before
why do plebs just casually admit shit like this on this board?
Lumet doesn't nearly get the credit he deserves on this board. Or in general at all.
12 Angry Men, Dog Day Afternoon, Network, Fail-Safe, The Verdict are all equally phenomenal, the man shat out kino after kino.
>William Holdens wife has a great scene chewing him out for running after Faye Dunaway like a dopey Teen
does that message hold up today?
>let's see who owns all of media today
The flaw is Peter Finch folding just because Ned Beatty makes a speech at him, after he's spent the previous hour of the film channeling the voice of god (in his own mind at least)
How is this a flaw? People listen to Peter Finch because he's on television, "the most awesome God-damned propaganda force in the whole godless world." Because he's speaking on television, and people are mindlessly listening, he may as well be God. But then when he himself meets someone who can scream and monologue at him about a big idea better than he can, he sees a new "face of God".
Reminder to check out The Hospital with George C. Scott, another good Chayefsky script
It's exactly right, the media is more of a circus than it's ever been and every aspect of our lives and our selves is owned and manipulated by major corporations
The only thing Network didn't predict is that the internet would come into prominence and give us the ability to delude ourselves with meaningless entertainment and lies of our own
fucking zoomer
The Americanization of Emily is another good one by him. About the start of globalization and American influence in WWII.
Love that one guy's reaction to the woman saying he has a small cock