Manliest movie ever?

Which movie is the manliest movie ever Yea Forums?

For me it's Gladiator.

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bumping my thread -_-

Any of the main historical epics, because men created relevant history.

Braveheart, Ben hur, Spartacus

this or 300

anything directed by michael mann

Based. Gladiator is my favorite movie of all time.


It was all about men being men back then.

Poor little white guy

I'm not even white faggot

Conan, my dude.

Not sure if trolling but I meant thus one. Only this, the rest of the series is pretty gay

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I have never really seen Conan. But Predator would be my second pick for this.

>that quote

It's not 300 BC anymore, men don't need to be jacked so they can fight against persian invaders

Working out is ultimately a massive waste of time

Says the fatty

300 is the most homo thing ever fucking made.

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that quote is about self improvement, not about fighting hordes of invaders. also irrelevant to my post. what's the manliest movie according to you user?

>what are the health and social benefits of not being a fucking slob
>what is joy from exercise

t. Limp wristed noodle armed s*y grinning numale

xeres was a fag other than that no

>girlfriend goes to another college (in-state rival)
>she goes to see 300 with her sorority
>I go to see it with my fraternity
>she says it was a good movie
>tell her she needs to get over here because it made me want to fuck
>she laughs and asks if shirtless dudes make me horny
>say because I hate persians and seeing so many get slaughtered made my dick hard

Have sex

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Name me one man with top notch physical fitness who is/was a very powerful/influential political personality, great artist, inventor, scientist, innovator, or whatever.

Unironically Rollerball. It's promethean as fuck.

>joy from exercise

All I ever feel is soreness and fatigue

Most ancient Greeks. The point isnt to be a fucking gym rat, just get somewhat fit.

Its literarly shirtless dudes killing people with clothes and some monsters.

How do I know you're fat?

Paths of Glory
Apocalypto close second


>Working out is ultimately a massive waste of time
I don't even work out and I know that's bullshit. Working out is one of the best things you can spend your time on and be proud of.

Das Boot. Manliness has little to do with muscle size, that a real nigger approach to it.

>Working out is ultimately a massive waste of time
I guess staying healthy is a waste of time now.

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Predator or Conan the barbarian

>Most ancient Greeks.


Name me one contemporary personality, nigga.

Chernobyl. Nothing else is comparable in manliness to going willingly into invisible face-melting hazard to save millions of lives.

And it is all based on real people from our own time period.

Look roastie, when men see other men doing manly thing (even if half naked) they get a boost of testosterone. I understand you, on the contrary, get your vag wet...but our brain works differently.

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won't that would be every ww2 movie ever made as well?

That's bravery and bravery is just one aspect of manliness

The Last of the Mohicans.

Literally every aspect of masculinity is represented perfectly.

Based on what?

Gladiator does that as well and Crowe and Joaquin scenes are classic.

Honestly, anything with both Prince and Peanut Untouchable in the cast can’t help but be amazing. How they had the budget to get them both is beyond me.

Any Given Sunday for me.

Honor...combat...camaraderie and how women WILL try to ruin it all if they can.

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Alone in the Wilderness

it's just a documentary about a guy who builds a log cabin in the woods and lives in it


Post body

American football is probably the most degenerate sport though.

For me, its either Lawrence of Arabia or Master and Commander

>this is my enemy
you know, this is just the shit you need to see when you're blackpilled

Conan has the perfect philosophy behind the ideal of strength, both of flesh and will, and handles the themes of self-accomplishment, destiny and hierarchy extremely well. The music is god-tier heroism, the photography is superb and the lack of dialogue elevates the themes of the movie. There's a very strong Nietzschean spirit in all of it.
Predator is also a great contender.

>girlfriend goes to another college
You’re being cucked user

I'd give it a try user.

You realize the movie 300 came out 13 years ago, yes? I finished undergrad in 07. I can barely remember that slut's name. Only reason I really remember her is because of the greek connection. I don't mean anal, though she did let me stick it in her butt, I meant the frat/sorority thing. I'm quite positive she cheated on me, as I am quite positive I cheated on her.

Get out of here plebs

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"deje que el pqasado muere"
kek fucking white lefty cant even ask is xer tatoo in spanish makes sense

haven't watched it, what is it about?

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added to my watch list

itt: homosexuals looking for homoerotica

Literally artsy faggotry
>The Roman Sebastianus is exiled to a remote outpost populated exclusively by men. Weakened by their desires, these men turn to homosexual activities to satisfy their needs.

>Fights authority to do what is right
>Takes revenge on all his would-be killers
>Gets the hottest girl in town
>Then turns her down to do his duty

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damm a tagline like that can't lie about its content

shit movie then
fuck off tranny, you'd never understand manliness since your dick is chopped off. go and dilate.

You sound like the homo here


Manliest movie is Master and Commander
Manliest tv show is The Terror
Manliest music is sea shanties
Manliest job is anything on the water

Sailing is just the manliest thing of all time. It calls to us and women don’t ever enjoy it. It is entirely masculine.

Based. This truly is the Untouchable Bros. best flick


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for me, its predator

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Agreed, there's nothing better than being on the open sea

More kino like this?
Going to watch the original movie too.

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Badass movie.

>Get to da chopper!

that movie will make you a goddamn sexual tyrannosaurus

There is no way socrates said that... Socrates was a fat fuck who spent all days debating

The Great Escape

He was the Robby B of his time.

what are you talking about he fought in severall battles

in his later years yes he spent all days debating

Correct. Sailing and mountaineering are peak masculinity.

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I'm with this guy

That's lies. Socrates only fought with his mind

Good Will Hunting

he saved alcibiades on the battlefield and got saved by alcibiades in another

get your facts straight

It doesn’t

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The Passion of the Christ

>Cool violent action movies are now gay.
>Hating fags is gay.
>If you aren't comfortable with gay people coming onto you you're secretly gay.

I fucking hate the current state of western civilization. There is no joking. You literally have to watch how you act, talk, or what you enjoy, because everyone is obsessed with homosexuality. Letting fags come out of the closet was a terrible idea.

Gee, i don't know, maybe Arnold Schwarzenigger.

this. I remember seeing it when I was around 14-15 and the scene where he's prepared for war and just bellows in the jungle for the predator to find him made my chest hair grow an entire inch.

kek, so true.

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user, I promise you're missing out. I couldn't do a pullup until I was 23. I was weak as fuck and I hated everything. Exercise makes life a million times better, and the people around you respect you more.

Cope harder fatty

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probably because you're a fag and have never really stuck to a workout plan for more than a month

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Is this a movie about people who are older than 30 and still virgins? Like a Yea Forums in real life club or something?

fight club

You must baiting cuz NOBODY could this much of a fag.

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Why is everything "bait" for you fags?

>Can't appreciate and admire peak male form doing manly shit in a movie
Somebody is pretty insecure about their sexuality

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Outlaw Josey Wales and I Saw the Devil are manly revengekino. Wales is probably as manly as it gets, tho, and overall my favorite film.

Not him, I can admire it but the comic book slowdown and edit shit makes me cringe. I would rather watch a historical depiction of the battle, 300 is just cringeworthy

As other user said, Arnold went on to get the highest office in the US available to a foreign born person.
Also Putin was/is quite fit having been a spy, look at any photos of him hunting etc.

Unironically, Arnold Schwarzenegger's "Pumping Iron". Ignore the people suggesting 300 or whatever the fuck, those films were made by soibois for soibois.

Yeah I agree they used the slowdown too much.

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socrates was a fucking homeless neet who yelled at random strangers in the forum. he was probly skely-tier considering he begged for scraps of food

Go to bed, Yukio Mishima.

You’re thinking of Diogenes

Utterly based.

Retard. Socrates fought at war, you know.

pretty sure in Apology he says he gives up on working because the gods told him to, and that he begs for food from the children who follow him around.

>yes, I am a man, I am a strong alpha male, at the peak of my physique, virility and intellect

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>believing every shit Plato writes
You know the dialogues are mostly fictional, right?

What? Next you're going to tell me that the romans aren't descendants of trojans.

When you die, Crom will ask you the riddle of steel. What is stronger: flesh or steel?

He literally drank hemlock so as not to slight the state, and fought in numerous wars. Definitely not a neet. Although he was a fag, and probably plugged numerous little boys.

What if the riddle of steel is the willpower we build along the way?

Which version?

Honestly it's cheesy but I still to this day love both Gladiator and Dead Poets Society.
Two different ways of becoming or behaving like men.

Socrates and Plato were fucking ripped m8. Most Roman politicians and statesmen were muscled as well (Both Caesars, Marcus Aurelius, Trajan)

>Socrates and Plato were fucking ripped m8.
source ?
As for the others, most were war generals, makes sense for them not to be fat blobs.

Add Pursuit of Happyness to that list as well

Double this,
It's so manly it wouldn't be allowed to be made today.
There are those that would ban it if they could.

>ben hur, spartacus

Or a bunch of sweaty almost naked men in a film were they spend half the time rubbing against each other is gay

Putin, Arnold, the Mongolian president is a freaking tank funny enough.

Socrates was a soldier in the Peloponnesian war and Plato was an olympic wrestler.

>You havent taken over the world with your six pack
>therefore its worthless

I hate this argument, because it's pretty clear that whoever talks about the achievements of others has never actually achieved anything themselves. It's like that shitty argument, "people who are proud of their race/nationality have achieved no personal goals." It feels less like an attack on the thing (pride of fitness, race, nationality) and more of a personal attack.

You shouldn't really be going on the achievements of people you attack, unless you're legitimately successful yourself.

at least he looks happy and comfortable
I dont exactly envy him but you know, could be worse

Master and Commander
The Hunt
Black Hawk Down
Rescue Dawn
Saving Private Ryan

300 is a fucking snoozefest. Great trailer though.

>peak male form
LMAO dyel

Arnold is kind of a moron and didn't do shit for the world, he's only succesful personally. History won't give a shit about him.

He's more like proof that "1 in 1000 dumb jocks can succeed too eventually". He's far from the norm. The norm of successful geniuses is 0 times spent in the gym. Look at Gates, Einstein, Bezos, and Zuckerberg.

>hating Braveheart

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Howdy little lady

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The 13th Warrior is late 90s, unfiltered chad-kino

This shit is peak comfy watching.

an excellent body is as real and true as an excellent mind. the ideal is both. do you think an elite athlete isn't doing things with his body someone like einstein is doing with his mind? you have no capacity to imagine greatness. kill yourself.

>soi boi tech magnates are peak humanity

The Edge

>Gates, Einstein, Bezos, and Zuckerberg
humanity's beta bux is what they are, figuratively and literally

I see a bunch of men in clothes that are accurate for the time fighting side by side to protect their women and children, against incredible odds. If you're straight when you see this you aspire to be it, when you crave cock you try to tell everyone that you can only like it if you're aroused by it.

>films women will never understand

anything peckinpah

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