Do actresses have a prior private 'audition' before getting a role with nudity...

Do actresses have a prior private 'audition' before getting a role with nudity? How would the director know if the actress would change her mind until actually filming the scene?

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they have private meeting with jewish producers before there of age to get a feel for them

Also wouldn't it be prudent to assess their body for suitableness beforehand?

What happens to all the cut footage of nakedness? Is it burned forever or stolen by lustful cameramen?

>Do actresses have a prior private 'audition' before getting a role with nudity?
they probably have tasteful nude modeling pictures
>How would the director know if the actress would change her mind until actually filming the scene?
nudity would be written into their contract

>what are contracts

It's common for a lot of TV/movies, even when there's no nudity involved. I was on Jim'll Fix It many years ago and I had to strip down for that. I wasn't even naked on the show haha weird.

Contrary to what you incels would like to think this is not how things work. There's a thing called casting auditions, where actors are screen tested to see if they're fit for a role. These tests are done under a number of different circumstances. Actor A will test with B, A will then test with C, and so on and so forth. Until the casting director is happy to choose from the viable pool of actors that make the cut. This is known as a "callback", where an actor auditions and then is called back to screen test further, even high profile actors and actress go through this process.

Under some circumstances, some actors/actresses do try to 'pay' their way through this process, and that might include doing sexual favors or whatever for someone at the higher end of command, but that's not the norm, it's an exception.

In regards to the whole 'nudity' question, assuming of course you mean a role that requires the actress to be nude on screen, please note that it's all perfectly stated in the casting call and in the contract; they are aware of what the role entails, and the casting directors will test for these scenes as such. What some of you are suggesting, that an actress auditions for something and then all of sudden has to show her tits is not how things work. And these screen tests are not 'private' in any sense. They are even filmed for assessment.

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>t. Barry "the nose" Nussbaum

>tfw you realise that real producers browse Yea Forums

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>they probably have tasteful nude modeling pictures

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>that's not the norm, it's an exception.
Somehow I don't believe you

High profile celebs are responsible for 90% of the most worthless shitposts on this board, and I want them to go back to reiddit right now.

And what kind of auditioning the actors do for these movies, idiot?

The whole casting couch stuff is way overblown. Shlomo Horovitz has access to 18 year old swimwear models that double as prostitutes at the press of a button, he doesn't need to resort to fucking 7/10 wannabe actresses.
It's mostly just sensationalism.

I want to bite DD's diddies

it's less about getting laid and more about dominating the actress. shlomo wants to degrade her, not get his own rocks off

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>but that's not the norm, it's an exception.
Lol'd with that so hard, but everything else is true. Also, actresses at their acting resume usually post if they are willing to do nude or explicit sex scenes.

Dan the Van, are you, you are?

If you couldn't tell that daddario has the body of a literally goddess when she has clothes on you need to get the hell out of the film industry and start injecting testosterone directly into your eyeballs.

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