I don't get it

I don't get it.

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What don’t you get? It was a fairly simple premise. The entire plot was that the guy just lost his shit and wanted to kill himself in a way that had some kind of effect.

His head got blown to smithereens lmao

What was the social commentary tho


So far i have only seen the two first episodes. Damn let me tell ya. Im really not impressed. It has been pretty boring so far. I think they are running out of ideas. I think ep 2 was better than 1. But still it was pretty meh. Basically just "lol bro social media and phones are baaad! Look everyone uses them all the time"
Yea i get it. Everyone gets it! Now wheres the good story?
Also the ending was trying be all like "woaah so deep you have to think for yourself what happend in the ending!" But it just came off as lazy. Like they just didnt know how to make it end.
Fuck this show.

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The message was that people are addicted to phones and social media. The guy even says it in the episode

was it gay?

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wot if you couldn't control your addiction?
shit season
shit show

social media and he just wanted someone to listen to him without trying to make it better, trying to help for social points.

I really doubt it would be that blunt
What about the mom and the daughter wbo killed herself?
Also were they trying to paint Mark Kikeberg in a good way? HE A GOOD BOI HE DINDU NUFFIN

Facebook is bad mmkay.
But seriously, it’s weird to so desperately look for social commentary in these. Like half of the black mirror episodes don’t have a solid moral. I don’t know why everyone expects a moral from them. It’s like the Star Trek episode. You aren’t supposed to go ‘oh it’s good that guy is dead!’. It’s just a story.

people are more than ok putting/blogging their problems on the internet than actually talking to people like relatives, it goes both ways btw.

Do you literally have no ability to think critically about anything? This episode was incredibly basic.
>what about the mom and the daughter
The implication seemed to be that the reason for the daughter’s suicide would be found on her Facebook page. If she was being bullied through the internet, then that just pushes the message of ‘people live through fb/their phones’ even more.
And they say outright that the zuckerberg guy has no control over what happens to his site anymore, even if he wants to change it. He goes straight back to meditating after everything is done. He’s still a pretentious rich asshole, and these events didn’t really effect him.
I suppose an argument can be made that the message is ‘these kinds of things will happen no matter what, and it’s pointless to blame the internet’, because nothing was resolved, but even that is kind of a stretch.
Black Mirror is not very smart.

Yeah, I figured that. Thought it was something a bit deeper, though.


I figured there would be something underneath it, because we have been through "social media bad" at least five other times in this shitty show.

Black Mirror is social commentary for retards. It was before, it is now, and I'm assuming it will be in the future.

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There was no grand point, just a bunch of stuff you can take from it if you choose. Such as nobody seeming to care that Fakebook had more power and capability than the British police and the FBI combined. That Moriarty blaming social media did nothing to change how everything was his own fault and all his problems wouldn't exist if he just put the phone down. How Steve Jobs blamed others for his problems when they were his responsibility too. How the ending doesn't really matter, who lives, who dies, what the woman finds, it's just other people's lives and when you lose interest you'll stop looking until next time. It was just a human story with a tech backdrop, no major wot if.

>This show keeps giving the same message!
>THIS time, though. THIS TIME there is NO WAY that’s the message, it MUST be something deeper

I guess we can say they didn't subvert our expectations.

yes it was, episode one sucked