Kitchen Nightmares

How long did it take for you to realize that Gordon Ramsay is a fucking hack?

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The one at the bottom is clearly better don't know what your crying about incel

It's typically the chefs job to present food in an edible way. It shouldn't be the responsibility of the eater to cut his burger in half, especially without toothpicks to keep everything together,

I know you will bring up steaks but they must remain intact to keep the flavor in there as long as possible.

What the fuck would you know...lazy shit poster.

They were out of large buns

Shut the fuck up, faggot.

You're just being a cunt if you think a burger patty should be that thick.

Are you retarded?

The hamburger meat of the top one is alot bigger than the buns, making it hard to get a bite of the buns. And he cuts the one he makes himself.

sneed yourself faggot

OP if you've had a burger like the ones on the bottom you'd know you can compress the bun and condiments down so it can easily fit in your mouth, stop being a contrarian cunt

I love it how Americans are so full of shit. They don't even know how to cook their own national favorites right, they just think "hurr hurr bigger ez better 64%!"

the top patty was a shittily overcooked and unwieldy and poor textured clearly empiricallt unseasoned slab of gristle and mud.

the bottom that he cooked is clearly well-prepared. cooked rare. properly handled buns. the list goes on. it's a superior product because it's the difference between a cook who was forced to follow shitty recipes by an ignorant owner in that episode vs a world class chef knowing what he's doing.

this is easy for anyone to see, leaving me to believe you're either b8ing or a dumb fucking American.

What's it called again?

>I know you will bring up steaks but they must remain intact to keep the flavor in there as long as possible.

They were Aussies in the show.

This is the “is Batman V. Superman too deep for modern audiences to understand?” Of the “why are niggers so evil?” Posts. Lynchian if I might say so myself

He has had 16 restaurants win a Michelin star

Why are so many of you going on an autistic rampage? Seeing his hypocrisy just pisses me off so much.

bottom ones are tiny, look at the size of his hand compared to it

was he /our guy/?

Attached: Nino.jpg (600x525, 64K)

bottom """burger""" looks like a fricking cake.

>he doesn't rest his steaks

>trying to eat a burger upside down in the top video
>cutting the bottom burgers in half letting all of the juices spill out
>not using nearly enough cheese for a burger that large
Jesus what a fucking hack

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Gordon is a hackfraud.

cooking is a hobby, not a profession

Hello, My Name's NINOOOOO!