Kinos with this theme?

Kinos with this theme?

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dont see the problem with this data

yeah, you only need to go outside to see there's been a massive increase in toxic masculinity and kkk activity of late. of course.

.... yes, that's kind of what it is out there.

Read what research and academics have tosay (if you know how to read) for once

you seemed priviledged af by saying that

Where can I sign up to these white supremacist and toxic masculine groups? All I can find are cuckservatives

tf is even that

>toxic masculine groups
Don't worry, you're already one of them

feminists claim it's when a man patronizingly explains something to a woman
in real life it's just screamed any time a man explains something to a woman especially if the woman is losing an argument

It’s a popular excuse women use when men prove them wrong.


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>tf is even that
When you see a woman performing a task in a less efficient manner and show her a more efficient way to do it but she refuses and continues to be less efficient on purpose because otherwise she would be the victim of mansplaining

man tell woman about thing

Looks like altseason boyos!

Hang-on, this isn't /biz/..


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i hope you get anal cancer

wow this is actually the worst period in human existence


It unironically is If you're a white men

it seems odd that we have so many rapists racists sexists xenophobes but people are allowed to ask for their safe spaces and get them

White men can just see the cliff that our whole society is racing towards.
Who's kids are going to be brainwashed into being trannies & sex toys for old rich men?
Who's going to get pumped full of whatever the government decides to put in your water / injections?
On some level I feel extremely bad for all the nonwhites that are immigrating into our society and support progressive parties thinking it will increase the power of their group. They're like slaves coming to Rome in 400AD, thinking a better life is awaiting them.

They ended up creating the opposed effect they intended, hatred for liberal is now world wide.
The second stage is already in motion.

you have never read a research paper in your life


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