Dude nazis bad lmao

>dude nazis bad lmao

Attached: whenyounutbeshestillsucking.jpg (1200x675, 48K)

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actually ukrainians you brainlet burger

>dude nazis good lmao
>nah dude, wtf, why are you sending me, a basement-dwelling autistic incel, to the camps, I love the führer, zig heil, move zig for great justice!

> Ukrainians can't be Nazis

Attached: riley3.jpg (395x385, 27K)

This, but unironically.

I think the fact that he (or more likely his mom) buys store brand is the most telling part of this.

Be honest, OP, and don't spare my feelings on the subject. How does it make you feel?

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If the Nazis are so great, /pol, then how come they got their shit pushed in by a bunch of slav peasents, effete britbongs, and dumb burgers?

That dude Dirlewanger was a real jerk I must say

Attached: 220px-Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-S73495,_Oskar_Dirlewanger.jpg (220x366, 17K)

nazis were bad and i say this as a fascist who wants jews exterminated

Dunno, they allowed one of the Nazis to keep his composure.

DUDE.... NAZIS....


Never watched this crap. What is he looking at? Why does he look so old?

>Never watched this crap.
It's one of the best WW2 films ever made
>What is he looking at?
The viewer
>Why does he look so old?
He experienced more trauma in two days than some people experience their whole lives.

Imagine being a Slav and sympathizing with nazis despite the inherent contradictions in doing so.

Ukrainians are slavs and some of them were literal Nazis.

Bolsheviks exterminated millions more Slavs than the Germans were claimed to have.

>Nazis aren’t bad

>when u nutted but she still suckin'

Imagine being a slav and empathizing with Jews even though they slaughtered wayyyyy more of you than Nazi's ever did

>imagine being retarded and not knowing shit about history

>nah dude, wtf, why are you sending me, a basement-dwelling autistic incel, to the camps, I love the motherland, fuck capitalism, move zig for great justice!

>your grandparents fought Nazis then fought communism so you could defend Nazis and communism 70 years later

As long as they allow us to kill other Slavs, we are fine with it.

Jokes aside, fuck collaborants, worst scum on earth.

based centrist, fence sitting is the most enlightened perspective.

They aren't unless you're a jew rat or a communist subhuman

nazis and commies are both retarded in their own ways but also both 1000x better than neolib/neocon kikes

>to have the same world view as your grandpa is to be a "Nazi"
>communist infiltration made this happen
Really makes you think

>he isn’t a monarchist

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Or a Slav or a Greek or if you have a spine.

Collaborators you tiny brained serf

Imagine not fighting against communist subversion because being a "Nazi" is "icky;("

Public School indoctrinated retards are so transparent

Кoллaбopaнт you stupid tranny.

>i refuse to take a stand either way but i'm not a centrist retard lmao

Stalin was worse

The Germans murdered 26.6 million soviet citizens. For comparable, deliberate murder by the soviets you're more in the region of 1.5-3 million from the most intense period of repression under stalin and some more from elsewhere to the point that 5 million would be incredibly strained. Even counting accidental deaths from famine youd be lucky to hit 10, including the previous figure(it comes down to which of the claims, which vary from 3-10 million deaths, the holodomor involved. most are closer to 3). And thats including accidents and natural disasters, whereas the nazis get their 26.6 million fron knowing, deliberate homicide. And Hitler achieved this collossally higher amount of damage and evil in less than half the time Stalin was in charge for.. Stop talking shit. The nazi's most incredible accomplishment was that they made the soviets look like saints by comparison. All this only counts nazi murders in one state.

>muh 26.6 gorillion

>you have to be a Nazi in order to not like communism
Are you 12?

Stalin didn't wander around Germany ordering soldiers to murder hundreds of infants.

Monarchy is even more cucked than a simple dictatorship. A dictator gets into power using his own wit and will. He is the factual Chad, the ultimate alpha-male, whether you like it or not. He defeated his numerous competitors, and even if he is not the most fit for rule, he deserves the power by the right of strength.
A monarch is a (usually far) descendant of a dude who got into power using his wit and will. He did not fight for his power. He does not need to prove himself worthy. If you serve him, then you're a cuck who would serve anybody.

or so the germans would have you believe

My last ancestors to fight in a war were shooting at British alligned people

they had most of the world against them, they did pretty good fighting against the u.s. and russia. the nazis weren't the "bad" guys...even general george patton had a lot of regret after the war regarding the nazis and the u.s. mindlessly bombing all of old europe destroying castles.

What's with Euro movies and looking at the camera?

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yeah thats definitely the opposite side to nazism and very much a movement that exists

>the nazis weren't the "bad" guys.
>It was "most of the world" that was the bad guys

based ameretard

its truly hilarious especially when you consider what himmler said about russian collaborators

>refuse to take a stand
i think the stand here is pretty obviously that nazis are bad and retards like you supporting them are especially retarded as well

Lower estimates of non-Jews killed by the Nazis (excluding people who died as a result of war - non-deliberate starvation, diseases, military actions and so on).

Soviet Union 5,030,000 to 5,800,000
Poland 1,000,000
Czechoslovakia 33,000
Yugoslavia 260,000
Romania 51,000
Hungary 28,000
Greece 150,000
Italy 76,000
France 147,000
Belgium 17,000
Netherlands 75,000
Norway 2,000
Denmark 1,000
Austria 16,000
Germany 245,000
Total 7,131,000 to 7,901,000

Why was this so kino, bros?

Based Denmark

I hate the current society and would love to hang the people running it too but I don’t think Nazism and Communism are viable alternatives. For the record I blame libertarianism and egalitarianism 100% for the current state of affairs.

>all these people really, definitely, for sure died but not one single Jew was deliberately killed because muh Nazis dindu nuffin

i agree. fighting for your country is retarded.

2.53 million to 3.3 million prisoners of war
1 million civilian victims of the siege of Leningrad
1.5 million civilian victims of anti-partisan operations and other Nazi brutality in occupied territory, including forced-labor exploitation and starvation induced by Nazi exploitation policies.

The very high numbers of Soviet civilians murdered by the Nazis are exaggerated. Most of them died not as a result of deliberate extermination, but rather as a result of war privation.

it's funny how Eastern "Europeans" base their identity on ridiculous horror fan fiction (which is basically a projection)

>The Germans murdered 26.6 million soviet citizens.

Soviet projection of their own crimes. Explain why the Germans were welcomed as liberators all throughout the USSR, why the Waffen SS had hundreds of thousands of Slavic volunteers , why a million Russians served in the Wehrmacht, why Russians served as "hiwi" helpers for the Germans, and why National Socialism is popular even in Russia today?

>For comparable, deliberate murder by the soviets you're more in the region of 1.5-3 million

Stopped reading here, as you're not engaging in good faith. At least 7 million were exterminated during the Holdomor alone. You won't find a single honest historian who puts the genocide in the USSR below 20 million.

Well Stalin killed much more

Reminder the Germans lost and are now being bred to extinction. Just remember that whenever you feel sad, at least those subhumans will be gone.

>Stalin didn't wander around Germany ordering soldiers to murder hundreds of infants.

His favorite (((propagandist))) literally did. The Red Army was notorious for child rape and murder.

Attached: ilya-ehrenburg-kill-the-germans-wherever-you-find-them-quote-on-storemypic-512f9.png (600x600, 34K)

i'm not american retard

I hope you realize that much more people joined the partisans and the Red Army.

You will find many modern historians that put the Stalin's death toll at around 9-10 million, including Holodomor.

Not really, they killed roughly the same amount, but most of the Soviet deaths were caused due to bad economic policy, they weren't deliberately murdered.

are there any movies depicting soviet soldiers raping women, killing children and stealing watches as they went through europe?

Sounds fake.

>Most were killed by bad economic policy not deliberate murder.
That just makes it even worse, how can you even support people this grossly incompetent

seething /pol/turd

And if we blame the Nazis for all the European deaths during WW2 (and I think we should) then the Nazis are responsible for much more deaths of course.

Nice attempt brainlet. Ehrenburg-like propaganda was only active when Red Army was defending their soil; Stalin dropped it after Bagration.

>was notorious
Being "notorious" doesn't mean Germans weren't thousand times worse. It just means western propaganda was whitewahing Nazis during the cold war.

You act like american retard.

read books

(((western))) in what kinda dimension are you?

looks kino. what film?

There is nothing more pathetic than a Slavic /pol/tard.

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>I hope you realize that much more people joined the partisans and the Red Army.

The Red Army was a slave army comparable to Xerxes's horde. The NKVD engaged in wanton of slaughter of Russians who refused to fight or retreated in battle, resulting in the astronomical casualty rates that were then blamed on Germans.

>You will find many modern historians that put the Stalin's death toll at around 9-10 million, including Holodomor.

That's not including the millions who were exterminated during the Civil War and Lenin's subsequent reign of terror.

>Not really, they killed roughly the same amount, but most of the Soviet deaths were caused due to bad economic policy, they weren't deliberately murdered.

So entire villages being machine gunned and thrown into pits is "bad economic policy?"

The purpose of 1st pyatiletka was to ramp up heavy industry at all costs. In 1931 Stalin famously said "We are 100 years behind the West, we must make this distance in 10 years or we will be annihilated" and boy, oh boy, was he right. The famine might have cost millions, but it saved dozens if not hundreds of millions.

There is nothing more pathetic than a Slav.

тpyднo быть бoгoм

>read books
But this is from the Internet, not from a book. And I know there are many fake versions of this infamous Ehrenburg's poem.

There's a difference between /pol/tard and nazis. You can be a slav and fucking hate jews.

In the one when Western media ignore bulk Nazi atrocities in Eastern Europe, tried to push memes like "clean wermacht", "If only Hitler listened to his generals" or "muh Soviet human waves"

there's even book about it

>So entire villages being machine gunned and thrown into pits is "bad economic policy?"
By far the majority of people starved to death. It's not up to discussion. Some million people were later killed by the NKVD during the purges, anti-Polish and other operations. Gulag death toll is around 2-2.5 million (and almost half of them died during the war).

They were. Put my grandad in a working camp were people were executed and died from starvation daily.

where are all the non-Jewish holocaust survivors?

KZ or ostarbeiter?

> Ehrenburg-like propaganda was only active when Red Army was defending their soil; Stalin dropped it after Bagration.

Then explain the massacres of civilians at Nemmesdorf and many other towns and the mass shootings of German children dishonestly labelled as "werwolves" in Soviet-occupied Germany after the war.

>Being "notorious" doesn't mean Germans weren't thousand times worse.

The Germans were not a thousand times worse, they were a thousand times more civilized and merciful than the bolsheviks ever were.

>It just means western propaganda was whitewahing Nazis during the cold war.

Yeah if there's one thing Jewish-ruled America does it's whitewash the Germans, retard.

Holocaust is a Jewish thing. There were never plans to exterminate the Slavs. Or at least not in the near future.

Imagine being a nigsoc and never having read Mein Kampf.

He was in Mauthausen, don't know the rest. His mom died there.


what about faggots and Gypsies?

What happened to his face?


>Jewish historican
>the faggots that lied about irak
I guess the proof is next to Sadams WMD

Nazis bad
Partisan traitors good

>You will find many modern historians that put the Stalin's death toll at around 9-10 million, including Holodomor.
Stalin had that death toll already before the war even started.

>Not really, they killed roughly the same amount, but most of the Soviet deaths were caused due to bad economic policy, they weren't deliberately murdered.
Yes, they were just selling food on the international market by accident and didn't let international help set up their own direction.


What did he do?

t. retard


>civilized and merciful
They really weren't.

> where are all the non-Jewish holocaust survivors?

There aren't any, just as there aren't Jewish holocaust survivors because there was no holocaust to begin with.

Several hundred thousand Jews died in the final weeks of the war from typhus, overcrowding, and starvation.

Soviet and Allied propaganda spun those deaths into an attempt at genocide and projected their own genocidal tendencies onto the defeated Germans.

>this military plan for after invasion barbarossa is totally about genocide you guys
>Source: dude trust me (goy)

Very small numbers compared to the Jews. I think a lot of Gypsies were killed in Romania, but that's it.

Faggots were killed if they tried to fuck children.(they should have killed them) Jews said that only jews did in the holycaust and fabricated that bullshit to get sympathy.

Nothing, he was a 10 year old kid living with his parents. Huge chunk of people from Novorossiysk were forced out of the city by the Germans, most of them ending up in similar camps.

People who stayed in the city hid up in the mountains.

This is how planned economy works. They needed foreign technologies.

Americans were a mistake.
Nowhere in Europe or the affected countries do you find people who think communism or fascism are decent forms of government (if you exclude the occasional nutcase and edgelord)

Yes, but they barely started during the war. With Jews they planned to exterminate them right away.

>generalplan ost

There's no surviving copy of such a plan, everything people believe about it comes form second-hand sources. Try again.

>kills 6 million people
>dude they did nothing wrong xD
Killing is bad, doesn't matter if they're jews or not

There are numerous mentions of such plan in various orders, diaries and so on. It's irrelevant if the actual document was destroyed.

>massacres of civilians at Nemmesdorf
>70 people
lmao, are you fucking kidding me? That's nothing, just some soldiers taking revenge. Natural reaction to what the Germans did, you don't need poems for that

>mass shootings of German children dishonestly labelled as "werwolves"

>they were a thousand times more civilized
Ever heard of the maternity wards for ostarbeiters?

>Jewish-ruled America does it's whitewash the Germans
I've already posted a book, which explain how they did so. Apparently these jews of yours were more scared of reds nationalizing their banks and giving weapons to arabs then they were of neonazis.

are you retarded? the reason generalplan ost isnt taught in schools, there are no western movies about it, no one knows about it etc. is because kikes and their good amerimutt goys want them to be remembered as the sole victims of ww2

that's literally you