ITT: Remakes better than the original

ITT: Remakes better than the original

Attached: king_kong_2005_-_photofest_-_h_2017[1].jpg (768x433, 63K)

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You already said it

Attached: It-2-Pennywise-Approach-Bill-Skarsgard.jpg (798x420, 35K)

1933 > 2005 >1976

This is so impressive

2005 is the best Kong, sorry

Worse editing, worse audio. Arguably worse special effects.

The T-Rex looks cute, I wanna hug him

It's way too long, too self indulgent by Jackson

Elaborate, saying something doesn't make it ture, retard.

If I dont even wanna watch your movie because the thought sounds exausting you fucked up somewhere.

>Movies should be shittier to accomodate for my ADHD

How? We get to see the actress more from her perspective with lots of interesting new angles that werent technically possible before. The original movie is self indulgent too yknow

Are you having a stroke, user?

people gotta get that korean dick out of their mouths

Attached: oldboy-unused-poster-4.jpg (500x737, 101K)

the third act of this movie makes me want one

>Directed by a nigger

Attached: THE_THING_(1982).jpg (1072x1500, 262K)



The king kong ps2 game was one of the best

Why does everyone say it's a PS2 game?
It was also on the PC, Xbox, Xbox 360, Wii, etc.

Imagine being so schizophrenic you need to spam this garbage movie every hour of every day just because your thread fellating it was full of people who rightfully recognized it as dreck.

What are you even talking about you schizophrenic retard?

they should just have a real gorilla fight a dog in a dinosaur costume or something

based and bodyhorrorpilled

I see you you piece of shit
Jackson's Kong is garbage and so is your worthless existence

Attached: Untitled.jpg (485x89, 20K)

I loved that game, even until this day spearing giant centipedes is one of my best videogame memories

Yes, nobody can possible like a film, it has to be your boogeymen
Seriously, off yourself you waste of oxygen

Let me guess, some e-celeb just did a video praising this hunk of crap?

Yea Forums has always preferred 2005, newfags

Not a remake though. It’s a re-adaptation of a novella called ‘Who Goes There?’. Carpenter did pay tribute to the 1950s adaptation with the title screen though. Fun fact: The Thing From Another World is playing in the background in the original Halloween.


Haven’t seen anyone post about it here in years. Seems like some nerd got bored on his summer break and is trying to force this. To him I say this: Have sex.

>anecdotal evidence

Who is this Yea Forums you speak of? Because as far as I know Yea Forums always used Kong as proof of how Jackson was starting to become a hack and foreshadow the Hobbit movies.

Give me 13 archived instances of that

Hi, OP.