>died 20 years ago today
It hurts bros I miss de forest
Died 20 years ago today
Other urls found in this thread:
He was my favorite character from TOS
He seemed gay, was he? He had that look, like Fred Astaire and Peter Cushing. That look of a genteel gay man of the old school, but if you got near him, you'd smell urinal cake.
why was bones such a brainlet
he's a doctor not a genius
To help dramatize the ethical debates which were the meat of the show.
What the fuck
And still no sticky.
What would Yea Forums be like in 1999?
some closet case projecting
Virtually no trannies, niggers, kikes or fags. So pretty sweet.
You know what I mean? I mean later, when he had those cravats and got real lean. He looks like he's pretty clean, and you wouldn't normally smell anything off him, but if you got close? And say you're at a convention, you get invited to an intimate gathering in Mr. Kelley's suite, you go up there, and he's dancing nude in a circle of guys all pumping their dicks and making this noise:
i miss web 1.0
fucking kek
He was a World War II vet and a married man. Please don’t degrade his memory with your disgusting fantasies.
>Virtually no trannies, niggers, kikes or fags
But all of those expect maybe jews have always been here.
You think there were no gays in the military? You're wrong.
>t. born in 2000
I was born in 1990. I remember flash and mspaint websites.
i feel sick
>listening to a vocaroo link on Yea Forums
you asked for it
De Kelley was in a ton of Westerns before landing ST and is if I'm not mistaken in the Western HOF. Funny enough he played villains mostly.
>the Western HOF
My dad used to joke that hey made him look old in ST so he didn’t compete with shatner. He looked good in the westerns
Your dad was a blind cunt who needed his balls griddled, he just aged because that's what people do. Maybe your dad fancied him a bit too, huh? Thinks he's handsome. Maybe your dad would be among the number at this soiree:
This post is extremely low quality
this guy