Cheetah in new Wonder Woman movie


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I'm happy fuzzy cat people are making a comeback

Attached: irish_cat_person_with_spy_kids_3_sphere_in_hand.png (1863x753, 1.14M)

Thundercats are GOYIM

F*cking f*rries, man!

has a dick?

my fav scene from new movie

Attached: catgirl footslap and facestand.webm (1280x720, 968K)

meow we're talking

>no paws

Attached: MRess.jpg (550x480, 30K)

How does some discount cat woman even warrant a threat on Wondys radar? Seems like a few hundred steps down from Aires and Stepping Wolf

she's deathly allergic

yeah ahahaha

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that's just a tan chick with magic marker on her hips
you can't fool me

Beacuse Cheetah is an avatar of a god. That gives her power on pair with Wonder Woman

She is supposed to be super fast, and her claws can slice through nearly anything. But some of the comic writers are idiots, so she has also been beaten up by Catwomen with a brick.

Isn't unfunny stick SNL lady playing her?

>so she has also been beaten up by Catwomen with a brick.

Is she fucking a corpse?

>thread number ends in -621
what did they mean by this?

Attached: apu_wonder.png (612x491, 72K)

maybe if we demand it - she will get a stand alone movie?

The Oscar nominated screenwriter? yeah. But you probably could have googled that.


is she naked?

least it's not the dyke

Cute :3

yiff in hell, furfags

I wish that was me


Correction. A rock.

Wiig is funny. But I'm you've sure you have only seen her in Ghostbuster 2016, which was a terrible starting script and way too much reliance on random improv.

Attached: tumblr_l2hih7mYZj1qbgsmko1_640.jpg (620x930, 218K)

>woman in revealing clothes with a whip
>naked Cheetah woman with HUGE hips

my dick

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>Wiig is funny.
Cheetah doesn't need to be funny, she needs to be menacing and hot.
Wiig can be neither.

Turns out it is just fanart, that someone took a terrible image of to make it look like a production leak.

But as a movie design it will likely be fairly close. Hopefully they don't put clothes on Cheetah.

OP here

oops. sorry i meant to post this.

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I think they are going to lean into the two different aspects of her. The nice sort of pathetic human who works alongside Diana at the Museum and they are friends. Then the savage monster, which she will be motion capturing. I think that the film is going to end up redeeming her, while Pedro Pascal is the actual bad guy (Duke of Deception or the Male Cheetah).


>small boobies
At least it looks decent considering they had to work with Wiig

Cheetah with clothes is the best design

>still parroting that ghostbusters '16 is bad meme
Its a parody like Scary Movie was to Scream and it succeeds at being an intentionally cringey but fun b-movie.

based and pawpilled

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>comparing female Ghostbusters to classic Scary Movie


>intentionally cringey but fun b-movie
>Sony intentionally makes b-movies
yea that little indie company Sony sure puts out some hidden gems

just ignore him, he's a DCfag who has to defend any and ALL casting choices (from hiring a flaming gay Ezra, to firing a turbochad Cavil, to casting an SNL nobody)

this art is so fucking bad

are those wiig tits?

you don't have to be a furry to appreciate kitty titties

Attached: irish cat person doing a dreamworks face.jpg (1200x1199, 217K)

Is Wiig capable of doing scenes/shots/stunts as Cheetah?
I've never seen her in an action film besides maybe MacGruber

There's only 1 Cheetah for me and that's Cheetara from Thundercats

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comic books aren't very good

k fag

She's on the wrong side of 45 and a female... you think she can do stunts?


I'm ok with this

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nice jump for a sennior citizen. shame she died

people can surprise you user. a lot of chinese women actors can still do martial arts in their 40's.
That being said, I've never seen Wiig even attempt a stunt. Did she do one in Ghostbusters?

>caring about capeshit


ITT: Leaked scenes from movies

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Hairy pusy

This picture is fan made. It got posted in r/DC_Cinematic and someone linked to the original artist's Instagram account. Don't ask me how I got this info, you might risk compromising my current infiltration.

pussy pusy

but can you fuck it?

Cringe. Go back to playing your shitty PS4 games shill.

As a kid I fapped to lesbian fantasies of Tigra and She Hulk.
Help me!

Hot. I like.

Did she cover her tits but wore assless chaps?

I dig it. And I love Pascal. Dude's a monster actor.

Yea Forums is being strangely funny this day. Good keks.

For me, its this one

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Of course the power of sisterhood overcomes the villainous patriarchy. Wouldn't have it any other way.

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When you have a tail, it's pretty much your only option. That and lowriders.

You could use a loincloth.


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Best theme tho:

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Apologist scum


>There's only 1 Cheetah for me and that's Cheetara from Thundercats

100% CORRECT!!!FACT!!!

The itty bitty kitty titty committee

Unironically get a life

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Cheetah have this body of work in comics?

Attached: kristen-wiig-bikini-body-weight-boyfriend-kissing-02-AKM.jpg (1200x1200, 232K)

tits to small, no muscle definition
flat ass and face looks like shit

I'll save this image because I'm sure it will be better than the version of Petty Jenkins

The rape that night echoed throughout all of Gotham.

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Is this a thundercats crossover?


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Not hot enough

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Yiff in hell, furfags

2 cents has been deposited into your account

like if Wiig would need any CGI to look hot af

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Wouldn't mind Wiig if they made her Cheetah form sexy

is she dare i say nood?

How can she run so fast with literally only 5 millimetres of gluteus maximus?

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Bats gets the best pussy out there. Seems he has a thing for cat creatures