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Imagine paying for the (((BBC))) in the first place. How utterly pathetic.

britcucks need a license for dat BBC. and now old people don't get it for free lmao

How is this even constitutional? Why the fuck should you be forced to pay for a TV channel?

the fuck. do brits even speak english


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BBC is the worst channel on TV too.

The UK does not have a constitution

BBC documentries are comfy though. They cover things that profit driven channels wouldn't

You know in RDR2 that mission where you kill all those inbred hillbillies that have developed their own dialect? It's like that.

nobody's forced. but we get quality programing without ads

You're not understanding at all.
TV licences are stupidity tax.

it is highly morally dubious
a service you didn't ask for and don't use, that the government forces you to pay for nonetheless

>but we get quality programing without ads
But all the state sponsored propaganda and child raping that the sheeple love.

UK doesn't have constitution,they have hate speech laws and gaping anus protruding high above their heads.

Exactly why are the BBC paying Walkers man nearly 2 million? Sack the fucker and let the old fooks have their free TV.

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breaking news, the UK is a shithole

>boomers want me to boycott BBC

after all these years I finally have a reason to pay the license.

> BBC Director-General Tony Hall

That's Baron Hall of Birkenhead, you pleb yobbo.

wait, euros need a license to enjoy BBC?

What's aired in between programs, then?

>Own a TV channel/Radio without any requirement of adverts
>Constantly advertise
Why do they do this?

>paying a license fee for this quality content

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boomers btfo

>years of cuts to actually important services

fucking boomers


>watching tv

god i hate plebs

that's actually based, trumpfag

>Watching the telly
You really have to be 75 to still do that.

i hate tv watching, beer swilling boomer plebs.

The Lineker salary is the most disgraceful. His job of SportsTard wrangling could be performed by some diversity woman for 50k

>nobody's forced
they kind of are since they require you to pay the license if you access ANY 'live' TV content (on any platform) even if never has anything to do with the BBC

Funny, they are having to stop the free license for the old codgers to make up for all the people that don't pay, which is me. LOL granny fuck you

>Ban porn
>Force people to pay to watch state sponsored propaganda about how you should breed with muslims
You guys used to rule the world...

Their original programming is actually 30 or 60 minutes long unlike American shows where they're 19 or 42 minutes with adverts, they just have someone say "coming up next is x" then it starts.

Also is wrong, the BBC hasn't made anything good in years.

why do brits pay so much for BBC? just go to pornhub. or are boomers unaware

also, OP's pick has some high paying cuk actors

I still don't get what a TV license is or why you'd need one or how they can tell if you don't have one.

>For years the BBC has been plagued by mismanagement over the top salaries and hiding of pedophiles

and now that the boomers are getting fucked they us to help them?

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You need a loicence to watch porn now.

It's an optional tax you pay if you want to watch live TV. They're registered against the house and send you letters if there isn't one purchased for the house, unless you go on the internet and tell them you don't watch TV.

No you don't, they scrapped that when they realised it was unfeasible and insanely unpopular.

Not allowed to watch any TV shows without one. You need to buy it for your household, so they know which houses do or don’t have one. The money from the licenses goes toward funding the BBC.

How did they not see that coming?