Black Mirror Thread

Why do blacks get a pass on their homophobia?

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Black Mirror is the worst show I've ever seen and the fact that anyone thinks it's 'deep' shows how low standards have become

>why does a protected class of people get a pass

>and that's a good thing!

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She has a point. Black Mirror has always been absolutely shit but it's only now that retards are complaining because two niggers fuck each other in VR. If you watch normie trash expect normie trash.

This shit is why not even nogs want to fuck black women.

>Why does a Protected Class not get shit from Liberals depute not toeing the line?

Gee I fucking wonder.

Next thing you'll tell me is that when it comes to "toxic masculinity", they ignore rap music that tells them to beat/rape women and shoot cops and instead harp on white men playing video games.

This copy is absolutely GENIUS. I love how it frames the issue as "we'll patiently wait here at the line of progressiveness while blacks sort out their homophobic issues and meet us at the line" with no attention paid to the question of "what if blacks don't want to be programmed to accept homosexuality?"

>Why do blacks get a pass on their homophobia?
He's literally getting called out by 2 other black people.

Because deal with it incel

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based St. Kitts and Nevis guy

I don't care, give up the black mirror spook and switch to the superior FUTURE DARKLY

beats me

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First they came for the white man and no one said nothing, now they've come for the black man...

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Would this explain why black men are far more aggressive due to their frustrations of keeping it all in the closet?

To be fair it's mostly the women since they don't want to date black guys either.

It's almost like people are individuals and strange groupings of "They have trait A so they MUST also be B, C and D!" don't work. At least people are seeing this for the ridiculousness it is now. Far more so than 3 years ago.

No. Poor people are also more aggressive and gay though.

lesbians are a rounding error in lgbt statistics

you can type this right now on twitter
no one would read it nor post it anywhere so you'd get away with it too

Tyrone, i think its time we had a chat about your extracurricular activities

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Is this blue check mark someone that can be kicked off Twitter for hating fags?

Black people are disgusting.

it's been bad since the beginning

maybe modern entertainment is just too deep for you, huh?

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HOLY SHIT I think youre on to something...

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hi sarg'n. your whole ideology is premised on a lie because group characteristics do exist.

>a man fucked a pig
that's where I drew the line and dropped the show, even though I was told not to watch the first episode. Sorry not sorry but if I can't watch the first episode of a show then it's not a show I can watch.

they want ALL goyim to be gay

I have no desire to watch any of the new episodes, despite rather enjoying most others. are any worth it?

Partly, partly it's because they feel perma-cucked because any strong black guy who would naturally be an alpha in his race can be put to sleep at any time by a fat white cop, without repercussions. However much you meme BLACKED etc., black men feel more cucked than anyone in America. So they overcompensate.

it's been shit since episode 1

Yes, watch Striking Vipers.

White liberal guilt lets them get away with this. Just like every rap song has the word nigger in it, but if a white person says nigger, they will get banned from twitter, facebook, etc.

I'm still confused where these homo/no-homo feelings came from.
They seemed like normal bros when they were younger and nothing to suggest the gay.
Next second they're fucking each other in game as Asians.
Is there just some weird gender/ethnic dysmorphia going on?

You can't expect much from Yea Forums.

it's not gay if it's pom

That was based on a true story.

my brother was watching this shit, it was an episode where some guy takes a social media intern hostage and demands to speak to the manager like a middle aged coalburning single mom at walmart, I watched for an hour+ to see if it fucking went anywhere, and it ends with him giving his sobstory about how texting while driving is bad and social media is evil, then commits suicide by cop.
it was the dumbest fucking shit I ever saw and a complete waste of my time, how anyone can think this garbage is insightful is beyond me.

how does capeshit prove that?

>Sorry not sorry but if I can't watch the first episode of a show then it's not a show I can watch.
Every episode is the same pessimistic outlook on humanity. The fans try to say this is like the new Twilight Zone, but TZ was pro-humanity. It presented humans as mostly good, but sometimes misguided by their misunderstandings and how we take for granted the small things in life. Black Mirror presents humans as disgusting, greedy, and oblivious to suffering. The stories are filled with hateful, irredeemable characters who do terrible things for vapid reasons. Not to mention Black Mirror clearly pushes a political agenda, which Twilight Zone didn't need to rely on.

It's probably technically true if you compare them to other blockbusters, especially ones that don't do well.

I was talking about the complex arguments part

who watches this black mirror shit anyway

people who are programmed by netshit's absolute garbage selection, which trains them to consume shit and smile by providing content that is either irredeemable trash or barely watchable trash

there was no argument for it being evil - just that it was addictive
the guy even even explains that the phonecall was purely to let the owner know, he wasnt expecting any changes

I dont know why Yea Forums has such a grudge against this show as if it’s attempting to be deep when it clearly made to be entertainment first and foremost

>guy commits multiple serious crimes and engages in a 1 hour standoff with the cops to tell the boss that social media is addictive
simply epic


He was on his phone the whole hostage situation, too. He loved the zucc.

>journalist shill capeshit as complex.
Life is a parody of itself.

>black woman is right
Holy fuck, I'm gonna go buy a lottery ticket.

no he does it because of a stupid promise he made to his fiance

Straight men have an instinctual hatred of male homosexuality, their response to seeing it is disgust. They view it on the same level as seeing a cockroach, a creature we also instinctually recognize as indicative of uncleanliness and disease.

We are literally programmed to see it as disgusting and as much as the powers that be would like us to forget 150,000 years of programming in the span of one generation it isn’t going to happen. Gay men will always be seen as diseased and gross by straight men.