Lets write a black mirror episode

Lets write a black mirror episode.

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Wot if ur mum waz a video game an u had to level her up? Mental innit.

>Robert E. Kahn creates the internet
>woha dude too much information
>everyone dies

Ran out of ideas Charlie?

Lemme ave a go on er batty boi

how can a cave burn

what if getting cyber-terrorised by online trolls was PART AND PARCEL of living in web2.0

I actually like Black Mirror. I will hide this thread so I don't become jaded. You already done me on Star Wars. No more!

wot if wroitahs of shows on the tele went to Yea Forums to wroite theyah shows for 'em

It's the future and virtual reality internet is called "Holographic Entertainment" or "HE" and the hot new fad is white people being unironically racist, but then a teenage girl meets a guy online whose avatar is white but after they meet in real life turns out he's black and the girl kisses him and her friends record it and she thinks everyone will think she's disgusting but then it turns out all her friends' boyfriends were also black guys with white avatars. The final scene is a bunch of cute teenage white girls making out with black guys while everyone cheers that racism is over.

The episode is titled "HE Will Not Divide Us".

Oi bruv, wot if...your nan was a lizard. But only wennits the winta!? Mental innit

What if you could watch vr porn at work as long as all your coworkers had to watch?

>A bunch of douchy hypocrites create a TV show that demonizes modern technology-based human interaction while at the same time fully expecting the viewers to obsessively and extensively discuss and parrot such deep themes through modern technology-based human interaction methods
>It works

Wot if people were oppressed but in a videogame

mental innit

waf if your dawg was a rowbot dawg?

Wot if people could be gay... but digitally? Mental innit.

wot if, now bear with me, wot if at the end the white guy wasn't the baddie?

mental, innit?

wot if yeah, we took a decent british show, you followin? right? an' then we let yanks fuck it up?


wot if you was fuckin men'al right? like right fucked up in the 'ead and you fort you was a bird right? coz yoov gon an' spent all fucken day inside on your compyootah playin games and wanking yor self silly instead ov going out and playing footy or sumfin wiv the lads. and so coz yoo can't be mates wiv the lads no mor you fink maybe the birds will like you, so you pretend to a bird innit, but yer not a bird yer a bloke but the internet yeah, they keep saying you ARE a bird so you cut off your bollocks and wear dresses, but now yeah, 'ere's where it gets propa scary right, the real birds, they want nuffin to do wiv you coz you ain't got no fackin bollocks no more mate, and when you look in the mirror you don't see no bird, yer just a bloke wiv no bollocks. So you fucken top yerself. thats fucken transhumanism or sumfin innit?

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What if school was Netflix and they canceled Maths for Black History 2?

I used to teach at a young-earth creationist school and every Wednesday they'd hold chapel instead of science class.

Wot if ur toastah wos a reel person

>mind gets put into computer

go from there

>wot if computah bad

Okay so like... it's the refugee crisis... but it's white people flooding into the middle east!

And the white people are causing all sorts of crime in the middle east with their fucking white privilege!

So the middle easterners kill them all! And it's a good thing.

The lesson here is tolerance and white people are always bad.

cant be done, because Black Mirror is actually realistic

wot if roight.... ur mum roight... were n email..... an u put er in a spam folder??? be bang awt of order m8 u'd b well mugged off innit


wot if the bus never comes...


An episode where an anti-social autist who lives on government benefits spends 16 hours per day on a image board he doesn't even enjoy anymore

One day a man is talking on his telephone device to a friend but then he hears from someone that his friend died in the trenches and he was talking to a ghost!

how does it end?

Oi bruv wot if ya telly went on the rag every monf. Fuckin mental innit


Ok user, good premise but now you have to plot a narrative in all this.

that is unironically good enough to get on black mirror. it's got the twist, the appeal to current fears, the appeal to current socially pushed virtues. Real nice

Unironically could see these happening.

It's Striking Vipers X but some guy unknowingly has sex with a kid player. He gets hunted down and killed and it ends with Falcon and Karl agreeing that if that guy's a paedophile then they are both gay, after which they become an hero.

Good job user, you actually scared me

It never ends

Gay niggas.


what if the white race was slowly eradicated while you jerk off to hentai and play blideo blames?

>Teabag random person online.
>It was actually a 10 year old girl.
>End up in prison and on a SO list.

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you ask too many questions

Spike Lee is already filming.

There’s a joke about std’s here

Episodes is about religious extremist and child grooming gangs becoming more and more popular on the internet. Ends with it turning out that all these users who we assumed would be migrants are all white males.

I could imagine Netflix making this.

That would be a major redpill


bruv that wod be mental !

We had something like that already.

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Wot if robots were more human than humans BUT THEN it turns out all the robots are actually human brains/minds in robot bodies and the humans were all controlled by an AI that made them to morally ambiguous things for its amusement?
Episode ends with a "human" and a "robot" figuring this out at the exact same time slowly turning to look at each other
also women are oppressed


Don you evar touch my mum bruv


Wot if the guvment spied on people but the people spied back? Mental innit.

Dude... no internet ... deep

A new ride-sharing service is introduced which basically teleports people to their destination. Everyone is going crazy over how great this new technology is. However, some people start disappearing around the time this ride-sharing service is introduced except only a few people connect the disappearances to the ride-sharing service and so almost everyone keeps using it. It turns out that some minorities who use the ride-sharing service don't actually transport to their destinations like they're supposed to. Instead, they get transported to the basement of the ride-sharing company's headquarters where they're forced to work for the company.

Based Young Earth Creationists dabbing on reddit sciencefags.

Wot if you got raped by a compuhtah?

Feel free to join the sciencefags

Wot if yer computer was actually Jack Black and you went on wacky adventures while being pursued by a CIA rapist?

best one

>thats fucken transhumanism or sumfin innit?

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imagine if da queen shagged a wallabee on national tv live mental innit cor bennit wot soshul commentary bout da souf

Here's my magnum Opus

So,you see , opens up on Wakanda. Whole of Africa is prosperous and rich. They are technologically advenced. They have a forcefield that keeps out everything outside of Africa.
Then there's a war in the wasteland up north (Europe) and a bunch of white want to get into africa to escape it.
The Kings let a few enter to save them. More and more show up and they claim to be familly of those who are already in, so they get in too.

Eventually, Wakanda is rife with white crimes, because they accepted whites from both side of the war up north. Wakanda suddenly is also full of strife and death
Most Yakubs are desperate, until a savior shows up, Don LeTrump, one of the greatest achiever of black society, and a mainstay on BET before he ran for head niggah in government.

LeTrump decide to boot off every white, bring back the forcefield up, then nuke europe to dust

LeTrump receives a peace prize for his good deeds, the End


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What if there was a website whose format and public image was designed to appeal to deviants and dissidents, and then would be seeded with content that would gradually "radicalize" them enough to give a governmental body enough justification to disappear them, while simultaneously isolating them from their peers enough that their disappearance would be either unnoticed or ignored?