Was he a Mary Sue?

Was he a Mary Sue?

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No he was a Harry Sue

he was a useless idiot carried completely by the people around him
only thing he wasn't trash at was that gay wizard sport in OP

Yes. He could only be killed by one person. He was never in any real danger and was able to get around it with some dream sequence. The only thing he could lose were the people around him, which he did to some extent.

>oppressed orphan
>wins everything important
>can't die
>gets every grill he wants
>jock chad
>can cast professional spells at an early age
uh huh

No he could only not be killed by one person. If anyone but Voldemort killed him he’d be dead. But when Voldemort did it he just killed the piece of his soul that had latched on to him.

No he straight killed him, he just had the resurrection stone is all.


He was boring, which is even worse.

No, he was a Hairy Jew.

>gets every grill he wants
Didn't he fukc up hard with the first two girls he dated?

Not exactly, he relies heavily on Hermione for anything that requires booksmarts or knowledge of the wizarding world.
He's not a great character, far too lucky and without a very defined personality, but he's not perfect enough to be classified as a Mary Sue.

>Powerful enough to kill the big bad because his parents loved him more than all the other ones that got killed by the big bad

>Struggles to live up to the expectations literally everyone, both friends and foes, have for him
>Has to unravel the baggage that is his family and the deeds of his parents
>Has to train hard to learn advanced spells at a young age

The only thing Harry really "Mary sue'd" was Quidditch. Everything else was hard work and a great support system surrounding him.

*chuckles appreciatively*

He could be petty, and while innately gifted, he was not close to being the most competent around.
He was prone to emotional outbursts that weakened him.

He was not the most virtuous, he simply had the heaviest magical punch around because of the main baddie fucking up when he was a baby.

>Was he a Mary Sue?

You mean Garry Stu and he wishes.

inb4 dullposter

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Yes, so is Hermione, they even nerfed Ron for her to look better.

No he fucked up A LOT.

Hermione was

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His fame got in the way, he didnt desire it even.
He does not win everything important.
He literally dies.
He strikes out with girls more than he scores. He even mistreated his date by ignoring her. And that was his second choice after his first already had a date.
He was literally the kicker in a football team, the one guy who isnt supposed to be physical.
He received CONSTANT special tutoring outside of class and struggled to learn each spell, they didnt work right away.

Did you even watch the movies, forget the books.

Yeah, kinda.
He never really works for anything or displays any sense of growth but he still manages to succeed despite this.
desu Snape was right when he called him "mediocre". He never displayed any real talent for wizardry aside from his ability to talk to snakes and the petronus charm. Everything else he achieves is done by someone else helping him or something he needs falling into his lap or being given to him by someone else.

Doctors and engineers

>no character flaws
>dramatic backstory
>innately talented
>liked by almost everyone, the ones that don't are villains or comic relief
>related/befriended the setting most important characters
>friends are reduced to his cheerleaders

His only non-mary sue trait is being a guy.and not a female author self-insert

The real question is who was the greatest Mary Sue, him or Hermione.

>series written by a woman
>still not feminist enough for hollywood

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>prone to anger and slightly vain
>yeah so you're interested
>talented yes, but its raw, he doesnt learn any faster, and requires constant tutoring, most of the advanced spells they teach him are out of necessity since he is in danger
>liked when he wins, shunned many times by the entire school.
>hes the protagonist, his supporting characters will inevitably be the most important
>his friends cheer him on in his final battles in the final movies, along they way they save him multiple times even sacrificing themselves. If a cheerleader gets off the bench to tackle a guy so her running back can keep going, then yes, they function as cheerleaders.

Well, she is an idiot. Its not enough of a lot. Like if she intended feminist themes, they wouldn't show.

why so many faggots ITT try to rationalize him as no mary sue nitpicking aspects of the story that add some conflict because otherwise nothing would fucking happen? he's 100% a mary sue and that's the whole point of the character, it's a self-insert for the (then? now? manchildern?) young audience, a blank slate in which any reader could be the protagonist. A kid who's the chosen one, no family so free from parental control, fuck society I'm going to magic school, AND first ace then leader of a sports team. it's literally the wetdream of any kids, and I'm saying this as one who read the books when I was the right age for those.
fuck the whole HP universe is built around self-insert, just see how many quiz you find online to tell you what your house is, or your patronus

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No he’s kind of a shitter desu. He sucked at most of his classes and is a 6/10 in bongland which would make him a 3/10 anywhere else.

Multiple posts in this thread detail how he is an emotional mess from his upbringing leading him to having outbursts, how he has these lofty expectations from everyone but is merely an ok magic user and needs hours and hours of tutoring to be able to use the magic he'll need to survive, how Harry needs his team of friends to figure shit out and help him along the way.

Harry has setbacks, gets injured, struggles, sometimes fails. Do people want to be Harry? Yes but they also want to be Hermione, Ron, Luna and so on.


What simple bitches say when someone details how wrong they are.

The only noticeable emotional issue he shows is in book five and because of plot reasons that make him behave weird (and is also the most annoying he is in the franchise). The only thing in which he remotely shows some character is when he's got the thing for the chink, and then it's thrown out of the window for a completely insipid romance for that slag.
Other than that he's a blank slate.
Also any mild difficulty he can have is completely eclipsed by how lucky he is. His school exams are a no sequitur just thrown there to give substance to the plot, but it's not like he's ever going to repeat a year or some shit.
When he actually needs shit to be done he either has someone doing it for him or he just does it. I don't see how people helping him makes him less of a Mary Sue, the way I see it Ron and Hermione as tools he uses as much as the wand.

no he was worse. he was the mc guffin that the whole shitfest was centred around. you could literally replace him with and object and as shit as the series was as a whole. nothing of value would be lost.

you have it flipped but correct,

Malfoy was the good guy, although very misunderstood.

This. And he wasn't going to die for real, let's be real. It is Rowling. No way Voldermort was going to end up winning or Harry sacrificing himself and staying dead.
If it was 2019, he would die, but in 2007 he wasn't going to.
It's kinda funny that Rowling was so keen on killing characters in a cruel way, which did not add anything. I guess it was to overcompensate for Harry not having a chance of dying.

He dropped the resurrection stone in the forest before he confronted Voldemort.

The resurrection stone doesn't actually resurrect people, and he didn't have it when Voldemort zapped him, he dropped it in the forest after getting a peptalk from his dead family.

>It's kinda funny that Rowling was so keen on killing characters in a cruel way
Which characters?

>be woman author
>write story about teenage jock wizard chad who is rich, famous, and talented but also humble and nerdy
>have him fall in love and marry the poor, nerdy girl who crushed on him in school
>but not before having him date an Asian girl first
What did she mean by this?

No thats Hermione.
I dont think she ever failed at anything

Hedwig, Offscreening Tonks and Lupin, and Fred.
I meant cruel in that they didn't "deserve" their death. Nor did it make sense for the overaching story. Just shock value to create the feeling of unsafety for Harry, when he was completely safe, I never felt anxious nor thought he'd die.

the dullest machete in existence

>almost dies from huge snake bite, saved by others
>almost dies falling off his broom, saved by others
>almost killed outright by a death eater that he pissed off, saved by Doby.

He would have died a few times before even truly meeting Voldemort.
Im not saying the story would have been ended there, but he was in danger from many things and he was not invincible but for the one guy.

This is not a gary stu, the guy is flawed, not really self reliant, he depends on others just for survival.

Yes, and identifying as Harry Potter as a little kid basically ruined my personality. Same shit happened with my little sister and twilight. These self insert fantasies are fucked up and dangerous.

Snape was pretty brutal.

Like, Voldy could have just Avada him, but he let his pet python kill Snape by method of repeatedly chomping on his face.


So she doesnt count either.

Sirius Black
Mad Eye Moody
Fred or George, can't remember which
Tonks and Lupin

>Like, Voldy could have just Avada him
How would Harry get his tears and learn of his true intentions if that happened?

You and your siblings never had a chance.

I mean you blame tween movies for your fucked up lives. Do get fucked.

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Can someone explain HOW baby harry lived?
Voldemort's spell bounced off Harry and hit him instead? And then part of his soul got stuck in harry??

Most of those werent brutal deaths, just heavily impacted the protagonist or supporting characters due to who it was that died.

Snape had a brutal Death though.

It was Harry's mom.

She ruined the spell, made it misfire, Harry got scarred but Voldy lost part of his essence (snake speak, power).

Yeah basically. Snape had asked Voldemort to spare Lily when he went to murder Harry, so he offered her the chance to live if she'd step aside, but she refused so when Voldy killed her it triggered some ancient sacrificial magiks that protected Harry.

No you stupid faggot, our lives are great. It's just that the impact these stories has was a total negative. As a young child, Harry Potter let me feel like I would succeed because I was smart, not that success comes from work or good decision making. For my sister, Twilight made her feel like a healthy relationship involves the man incessantly worshipping the woman unconditionally. These are the lessons that self -insert oriented stories have on young children. I don't know what reason you have to disagree with that.

The sort of idiotic magic only a woman could think of.

You're delusional little shits that blame movies for their personality flaws. You'd blame any other movie you would have watched. Take responsibility. I mean, you took from Harry that you could succeed if you were smart, and Harry was dumb as fuck.

Do get fucked, maybe seek professional help, your rationalizations are shit.

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He wasn't chopping. He was hitting them with the flat of the blade.

How much sex did they have at Hogwarts? Boys and girls living away from their parents for so long


Rowling's subsequent fan fiction of her own work said that Hufflepuff students had orgies at Hogwarts.

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Someone post the part about wizards shitting themselves

He hit them with both sides.

I don't get it. Harry wasn't smart. He succeeded because his mother loved him and Dumbledore helped him.

he's more of a passive protagonist who is dragged along by the plot
the mary sue stuff mostly occurs in book 1 I'd say with the Quidditch sidestory that's real bullshit in hindsight but overall I wouldn't say he's *that* much of a mary sue
for instance he's never actually that powerful he just happens to be above average at a few defensive spells

He wasn't that great at Quidditch in the books. Like he was good, but he always had top tier brooms that helped carry him. He would never be a top sportsman, he was only good for a schoolkid.


Harry succeeded because there was this whole network of people with plans that predate his fucking birth helping him overtly and behind the scenes.

in the movies Hermione is definitely a Mary Sue or at least close enough
in the books she isn't really

Was he a Gary Stu?

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Its more of every adult who faced him turned into a giant retard out of nowhere.

Hm, you might be right.

Unironically they all are but comedy doesn’t have to play by any rules so long as its entertaining. Everything stupid they do is forgiven by other stupid people and they don’t really ever pay for any damage they do. Comedy doesn’t have to play by storytelling rules.

it's boring how that more of the student body wasn't really fleshed out until book 6
really liked the cormac mclaggen character Rowling should've shown more of the Gryffindors the year directly ahead of them also more of the social hierarchy in the school that we just see hints of

I really don't understand what you're saying. Ok, I was being fucking dramatic when I said it "ruined" my personality. That obviously not true. I'll boil it down to a simple, easy to understand and impossible to disagree with statement.

>When children get emotionally involved in a self insert fantasy character, the result is negative

I just don't understand what's so hard to wrap your head around that.

Nah, he gets fucked all the time, makes mistakes at every turn and doesn't excel at anything.

>tfw no Hogwarts Dazed and Confused where we see young wizards get drunk and fuck around at the end of the school year

God dammit where's that pasta?

Why should someone even bother regurgitating a pasta for one of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises? Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

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this is the only reason I come to these HP threads

He has a knife, so either Paris or Brussels.

Because millions of children do that and they are not blaming their own vanity on the movies.
You were on a "chosen one" trip, not all kods are such narcissists.
Hyperbole to make a point will cause miscommunication btw.

women see themselves as this unironically

I think millions of children aren't aware of the negative affects of self-insertion fantasy. I really think that Harry Potter and twilight did harm to a generation. Especially the latter.

You just dont like twilight as much, as rightly so, but that's about as right as you get.

A lack of awareness of detriment does not negate it or avoid it, they didnt have that reaction and awareness isnt a factor. A child not AFFECTED if they are aware, you are affected mostly by what you're not aware of, and given they are not, your "negative EFFECTS" are solely reliant on your own personality traits.

Self insertion in fiction has always existed, it is detrimental only to those susceptible, child or adult. Like idiots watching action movies walking away thinking they could also take on 15 guys and just hang on to a moving helicopter by jumping on it from a building.