I liked it a lot

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So why was she depressed at the beginning anyhow?

Her daughter died. She knew she would die, but she had her and she died anyways. I suppose the story is more about knowing that hard path you have to take in life and still taking it anyways.

She wasn’t.

Nah she's retarded. She could have changed any minor thing about her conception and avoided any trauma.

Like any time travel crap, it is retarded.

It's more about nihilism. Example set for "let's just give up and die".

If you reduce everything to her and her daughter it is like:
> continuation of life is not important, feelingz are
fuck this sjw piece of shit

I know I wouldn't like it when they cast that hideous Amy Adams.

I have no expectations in Dune whatsoever now.

>continuation of life is not important
>entire film's plot is about saving the human race from extinction
>character knows that her daughter will die, but also knows it's an inevitability, and that's a sacrifice that she takes in order to prevent the world from destroying itself
Do you enjoy being a brainlet?
>fuck this sjw piece of shit
I hope that you are at least happy with your completely pozzed state of mind.

I did too, I like how they pull a fast one on you with the “flashbacks”

>unironically using the word """"pozzed""""

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Retard, can you read?
> if you reduce everything
Can you read now?

If you reduce everything to the protag and her daughter she makes an obvious fucking choice in that microcosmos: feelings over life

>he is a nigger invader

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Well youre wrong but ok

>she knew she would die
i missed this. i was drinking when i watched this. i thought her redemption was having the baby with renner and beginning a new life after the loss of her old family.

It was interesting at first but felt cheap by the end. This kind of time travel thing is just as bad as "it was all just a dream" endings.

It was awful and pretentious, slow moving and suspiciously sterile, as if it was made to push all the right buttons for Hollywood to nominate it. You're a fucking loser lol

It would've worked better as a mini-series, like a 6 chapter or something like that.

The ending was going to be BS no matter what, but the drawing power of this was the lore about the language and stuff, sot more time for this would've been better

It fucking sucked. Amy Adams is shit, the same stupid expression on her face in every movie. Entirely forgettable plot. I'd rather watch the 90s arrival with AIDS Charlie and the inverted knee super Mario aliens.

holy cringe. imagine being such a faggot as to hate on amy adams. she's a pure goddess

Imagine defending a hole who acts shitily in shit movies on an anonymous rube goldberg machine construction forum

Reminds me of Amy Schumer, they're both ugly and daft.

bruh you should watch it again sober. You missed the entire point.

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Stop recommending this movie.

Is shit and a waste of time.

If I reduce everything down to your retarded face then everything is worthless and pointless and we should all die. So there.

If she changed things, she wouldn't know the future.

The future is set.

>time travel
based retard

You can not like Adams but
>the same stupid expression on her face in every movie
If you think this you are a genuine idiot. She is very versatile.

based face-blind autist

Did you actually like the ending?

Im with you OP, this is one of my favourite movies.

The retards on this board are either in the cap of "REEE I DIND'T UNDERSTAND IT, IT MUST BE BAD" or "NORMIES LIKED IT SO I CAN'T LIKE IT"

>and that's a sacrifice that she takes in order to prevent the world from destroying itself
Her daughter's death had nothing to do with the world destroying itself, she just chose to enjoy what time she had with her even though she knew what would happen.

>feelings over life
So she shouldn't have had the kid at all? No life at all, fucking baby killer.

I hated it

>not even getting the fucking point

I think this is it, the ultimate brainlet filter. This thread is pathetic.


Arseblated cunt shut the fuck up

What a good point well made.

When are you going back to school?

I liked the whole language angle, but for some reason the whole felt like a big allegory for the need for woman to be able have abortions.

She decided to have the kid anyway. In case, in CASE it would be an anti-abortion movie.
What the fuck.

I’ll be back next year to teach the simple themes of a kids movie called ‘arrival’ to elementary school english class

it's about why chinese and americans dont get along despite being two sides of the same coin

>felt like a big allegory for the need for woman to be able have abortions.

How fucking retarded are these summer conservatards. Is this really the level of fucking retards today?

It's the literal opposite, twitter libs even criticized the film being pro life

This is why we can't have nice things.

Based Villeneuve

>the entire philosophy of free will reduced to the tiniest scope of abortion rights because the protag happened to have a sick kid
I'm done with idiots. Done. We need IQ tests at every theater entrance.

Arrival is part of a recent series of movies I'd describe as Dunning-Kruger Sci-Fi. Along with Interstellar and to a somewhat lesser extent The Martian, they perfectly play to the crowd that fancies themselves as (and, to be fair, may truly be) smarter than average audiences but are not as smart as genuinely "smart people." They are movies designed to make the audience feel smart by introducing complicated and heady concepts, and then holding the viewer's hand the entire way through until there is next to nothing to be left up to interpretation.

If you didn't already know the twist in Arrival by the time she was in the milky section of the ship with the aliens AT LEAST, you perfectly fit the audience I am talking about.

There is no reward for being smart while viewing these movies because everything is eventually spelled out in big fridge magnet letters. Any clever idea is made so transparent that even the most simple in the audience will get it. It also removes any reward for rewatching or trying to figure out what you just saw.

Granted, there is a difference between Arrival and Interstellar. I think where Interstellar was pretending to have a brain it actually didn't have, Arrival has a brain that it is refusing to let the audience use.

Completely disappointing movie.

>so that just happened

This pasta is part of a recent series of pastas I'd describe as Dunning-Kruger pastas. Along with the BR2049 pasta and to a somewhat lesser extent the Villeneuve pasta, they perfectly play to the crowd that fancies themselves as (and, to be fair, may truly be) smarter than average audiences but are not as smart as genuinely "smart people." They are pastas designed to make the brainlets feel smart by introducing complicated and heady concepts, and then holding the brainlet's hand the entire way through until there is next to no buzzwords left to use.

If you didn't already know the empty point of this pasta by the time it starts the second section AT LEAST, you perfectly fit the brainlets I am talking about.

There is no reward for being smart while reading these pastas because everything is eventually spelled out in big fridge meaningless buzzwords. Any clever bait is made so transparent that even the most reddit in the thread will get it. It also removes any reward for reposting or trying to figure out what you just read.

Granted, there is a difference between this pasta and the Villeneuve pasta. I think where Villeneuve pasta was pretending to have a brain it actually didn't have, this pasta has a brain that it is refusing to let the autist use.

Completely disappointing pasta.

>so that just happened

Pretentious and boring.

Reasons to like this movie:
>actually alien aliens
>emotional abuse of audience
>tries to realistically depict human reactions to a confusing first contact
>has some hfy in a realistic sense; aliens are here to teach/help us advance because they will need us to aid them in the future
>great visuals

I liked it a lot also.

Arrival is practically capeshit. The film was made so middlebrow viewers can tip their film buff hats and be tricked into feeling like they're somehow more discerning viewer, appreciating the medium on a level beyond the plebes, but it's normiecore schlock all the same. This film was Nolan level spoonfeeding trash, Villeneuve just hasn't gotten to the point where his name has become unfashionable yet.

How didn't you even mention the soundtrack?
Johannsson was great

NPC stale pasta to replace having an actual opinion #4537



The sure sign that it's safe pleb dogshit

So Lawrence of Arabia is pleb dogshit? Godfather is pleb dogshit?

>Lawrence of Arabia
Entry level dogshit
Same as above, but also one of his worst right after Twixt

Ok. Sorry. That was a significant error. The sound track was amazing. I just got hung up on plot and how much I liked the aliens.

As an older user with kids, movie hits you in the feels.

Please tell me your favourite movies so i can shit all over it.

Your insecure facination with shitting on movies that others like is not fooling anyone.

It's not even time travel, I think you're confusing this movie with interstellar user.

>hits you in the feels
Hopefully someone else is raising them and not some reddit sensibilities adult child

Ok, you are beyond salvation.

>i thought her redemption was having the baby with renner and beginning a new life after the loss of her old family.
Are you people genuinely retarded?