Will it be kino?

Will it be kino?

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I like cute animated women who sing, so yes it will

Yes, if Disney doesn't fall for the lesbian meme, which they won't because they're too afraid to lose large chunks of the international market.

If there is dykes. I riot.

Looks unironically kino, at least in terms of animation. May not be hand drawn but it conveyed a classic Disney vibe that I haven’t seen in a while

I hope she dykes out with her sister

that was so DARK... omg really disturbing honestly...



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Well the first one was about a bunch of teens stuck in a ski lift and most died horribly, is it not given that the sequel is a horror flick too?

>youtube compression

is it usually this bad? yikes

Where are our designated reactors to tell us how to feel!?

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good movie

Attached: frozen-simulated-60fps.webm (1280x570, 2.95M)

Why do zoomers like to interpolate their movies?

Elsa still straight or they make her a lesbian to please the degenerates?

This is literally the MCU in a child story.
>must overcome some bullshit
>quips left right centre
>no actual character development
>no actual deeper themes about power, identity and responsibility

Literally the MCU.
>Frozen: Age of the patriarchy

all the main characters are white. This movie is racist

Why did boomers limit their cinema to shitty, powerpoint 24fps thus making smooth framerates exclusively used on and associated with cheap daytime-TV?

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It looks good.

Only because you're arbitrarily used to it

yeah. looks good.

Disney sequels were a mistake.


that looks really good which means Disney is going to ruin it with that fucking snowman again

You bet

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I’m excited to hear the music

I thought else was supposed to be young and cute

Disney is playing it smart with the Sequel. Compare Frozen 2 to the first Frozen youtube.com/watch?v=TbQm5doF_Uc.

They are selling it in a completely different way. They knew people had Frozen fatigue. These trailers are essentially wiping that away.

If it has forceful incestuous lesbian facesitting, sure.

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Animation of Elsa laughing at my small dick when?

Elsa a cute!

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Everyone mentally blocked out that there were tiny trolls in the first movie, and Disney just had to bring them back.

someone told Elsa to smile.

seriously, i saw that like why? they needed to get them out and kill olaf off


>Fantastic! Just what the children need

I look forward to some comfy animation, comfy songs, and all the excellent lesbian porn.

It’ll be shit
they tried high frame rate with the hobbits and Billy Lynn’s Halftime walk and no one liked it. Jumbo will give it another shot with the Avatars.

I know 2 little boys who turned into trannies because of this movie. I am sure that it was this movie.

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Yea dude it totally wasn't their legal guardians.

How can people become hyped about vagueties?

>*random disconnected scenes*
>"Go North"

Ok. So what's the movie about? Cause the trailer doesn't tell that in any way.

she will fall in love with the horse

Her sister gets fire powers at the end. Pls screenshot this

is this motherfucker seriously tryin skate uphill?

Post kino ao3 links

sometimes I don't hate China

prove me wrong.

the framerate makes this look like a cutscene from a remastered video game

boomers mean that instead of working to get to 4k/60FPS or 1080p90FPS we get stuck with shitty 24fps garbage forever.

>not both

Imagine if instead of pushing 3D gimmick bullshit they'd pushed 60fps at 1080p.

It would actually be easier to skate uphill than do it barefoot.

It's great to see Elsa again!

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>looks strange for all of two seconds and then becomes twice as enjoyable as stutterfps
That’s not even a fast moving scene
Fuck I hate retards

What about showing elsa feet

yes i'm thingen it's kino

You're a contrarian. That's all there is to it, doesn't make you spesshul or anything. This website is filled to the brim with them

Go on......

3D ain’t a gimmick when it’s shot in 3d. But most productions are too lazy to. Also a lot of neets n normies spend their lives using mostly one eye and can’t handle having to use both like a civilized human being.

Why? Frozen is full incelkino, the main male protag doesn't even do anything, he's practically a neet.

Because physical film cost money and 24 frames was the lowest number that people can look at and see fluid motion.
Less frames = lower cost.

So, we have jews to blame?

>this is a 10/10 Aryan specimen according to nords

>Disney movie

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>Though the media often notes her striking physical resemblance and nominal correlation to Queen Elsa from Disney's 2013 film Frozen, she denies that the character was made in her image.[17][18][19]
It's just the girl they modelled Elsa's facial features after

Obviously not.

The demon from Fantasia was scary

>>quips left right centre

What quips?

The first Frozen was a guilty pleasure for me. This looks really good too.

but why, elsa hot af no need to feel guilty my manafam

True that, I may have beat it to the Let it Go scene desu

Any man should feel guilty about liking Frozen.

You can come out of the closet, user.

That's a really good trailer. That doesn't mean anything because people get paid good money to make better trailers than movies.

nah man elsa fucking hot i wish i was were pusy slave

This. 60 fps was a mistake.

>Disney studios actually making their own sequel for the first time
>Because Frozen is still making an ass load of money
Shame to see them go so creatively bankrupt in pursuit of money



Tangled is still better. It has an actual plot with an actual sense of progression

I really wish they'd make an Egyptian Disney princess so that black people can get representation in those films.

nah, just a regular fucking disney princess gets prince shit. Fuck off fag

anyone who doesn’t think this is not looking at the actual movies (ie waifufags and trannies). Tangled an excellent movie

>Tangled was better

It was awesome, but Frozen was perfect to me.

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>not wanting to watch the purest form of love unfold on screen
Lesbians are kinography of the highest form

>Purest form of love

How does she balance herself on an icecube at sea?

Dark and scary? What? For a three year old maybe.

I’m against it because there’s no way they’ll have incest, so it just becomes some retarded OC.
Same thing with Overwatch, literally endless widowtracer from release, but nope: OC because homosexuals are just for pandering, there’s no possible way to have an interesting story, particularly since we gotta do our shitty good vs evil retardation.
I hate people.

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As I said...

There's already the Frog Princess but it wasn't quite a big hit.


24 FPS is all you need
I’ll accept 30 for videogames
anything higher is unnecessary

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Shantal Monique. Doesn't really have that look going on in any of her other pics. Still hot though. Sorry bro.

The human eye can't even see more than 30 FPS, it's all placebo beyond that.

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Looks good. Wonder if they're gonna try to force a POC in there somewhere though

my elf eyes can see 500fps

based ayyy

>Just spoil the whole plot for us!

Go back /u/ mentally ill faggot

anything 4 a buck


is this image retarded?

are Africans common characters in Scandinavian folklore?

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They really aren't.

if they were the POC would have been shown already

only if its anna and elsa, not elsa and some other dyke

>Go so far north they end up in Africa.
You should do stand up, user.

Why was Spider-Man in it?

I'm mostly looking forward to the Elsa/Anna r34