Has Japan surpassed the West in animation? Even cgi, perhaps

Has Japan surpassed the West in animation? Even cgi, perhaps.

Attached: Dance.webm (656x540, 2.9M)

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we've been rotoscoping for ages

Most American animation is either done in Flash or outsourced to Korea. A lot of anime isn't impressive either. No one really gives a damn to do a good job.

Attached: teen titans.gif (480x260, 234K)

jesus christ why do japs always make pieces of shit

Anime has been shit since circa 2007.

rotoscoping is based

Attached: tumblr_p9as9txHeB1qz5q5oo1_500[1].gif (500x294, 1.51M)

Kemono friend and Berserk for example

Japanese animation has no soul


why do people keep posting this shit like its not the cringiest garbage? Fuck off back to Yea Forums you otaku forever alone piece of shit. And no, this shit isn't a representation of good animation, that would probably go to something like akira or patlabor 2

That looks like shit

I wouldn't say "surpassed", but they did produce the greatest animated film of all time.

Attached: End of Evangelion film.jpg (1072x1600, 334K)

Looks creepy. Like an adult woman's body with a giant cartoon head.

I remember that time Germany when a guy tried to perform Lose Yourself in a city show
It was very cringe

100% yes.

But their porn is shit thou. Censor is gay.

Attached: ezgif-2-d5983c7d7be9 (1).webm (640x360, 2.9M)

In animation, yes. Not in CGI though. They still haven't surpassed based Jim's Avatar

Most Jap films have shit CGI.

It's not simply rotoscoping here, the animator is tracing frames and also altering them to not look alien. Also rotoscoping is still very challenging work regardless.

You use your imagination.

Attached: Telling Kinect To Shut Down.webm (854x480, 1.92M)

Why do you make this thread every single day?
What is wrong with you?
What reason do I even pick if reporting this thread? They don't have "User has a mental illness" option.

>That's not my blood
Guess the movie

Daily dose

most of the best amateur-y stuff isn't censored
except sometimes their face with a mask

Attached: sneed.jpg (1920x1037, 133K)

why does this word sound so powerful, this "Sneed"? what is so ominous about it? where does its power come from?

>she reposts threads for free

is that bakemonogatari?

sneed represents the present and the future
a kind of optimism
feeding and seeding our potential and what is to come

while chuck is the miserable past, a brutal fucking and sucking, hedonism, exploitation, and our worst instincts.

Sneed is so powerful because we see chuck on the porch and know that maybe Sneed isn't the present, we're still Chuck, but Sneed is a possible future. Sneed is a dream


Attached: Shower.webm (960x540, 2.71M)

this one is good and not censored

most of those aren't censored.

Attached: chuck.jpg (1920x1042, 163K)

so that's why people like it so much despite the story not making any fucking sense

What a plot

It's a good one.

Attached: cat.webm (1920x1080, 2.13M)

>while chuck is the miserable past, a brutal fucking and sucking
my fucking sides

This isn't even the 80s or 90s anymore. If Japan did have the budget of the west they would piss it all away on slice of life loli moe shit.

and it would be great

Attached: 1551639997819.png (504x418, 193K)

*blows anything the west will ever anime the fuck out*

>the story not making any fucking sense
The story is very straightforward.

Attached: Really Makes You Think.webm (1280x544, 1.56M)

how stupid do you need to be to not understand monogatari's plot?

Attached: 1542310243901.webm (852x480, 2.86M)