/RBMK/ Chernobyl General

Everyone in this show was also in The Terror edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


Also thanks to the user who made this

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What did they mean by this?

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Daily reminder, what does real friendship look like

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I was wondering that too. I thought they were going to cut to actual footage from modern times of the real place with that statue

It's a hidden message about Disney being just as evil and fucked up as Soviet Union at that era.

I just finished watching this show. Is there a good video series/movie on the Three Mile Island incident? Or the Japanese Fukushima incident?

Chernobyl is good, but I feel that the Russian officials are depicted as evil for the sake of American depiction of their former Cold war enemy.

Read a book.

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i think i read in an earlier thread that the bootleg mickey thing was a way to detect if families were watching forbidden western entertainment or some shit.

>I get a bad taste in my mouth out here... metal... ash... like you can smell a psychosphere.

About what?

Holy fuck my eyes are going bonkers looking at this room

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Yes, this. Or someone watched some cartoons and carved one from woods for the children. WE WILL NEVER KNOW

What USA would have done if such disaster had occured in America instead USSR?


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let's be honest with ourselves here. the dog exterminating storyline sucked ass and didn't fit in the show at all

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Fukushima was a joke. 9/11 it's the only comparable in terms of a disaster. If you want a series about Fukushima, it would be with the earthquake and tsunami.

based retard

true desu

i gotta agree my man

What kind?


That was really well done

Voices of Chernobyl
Midnight in Chernobyl
Everything was until forever until it was no more

There was a nice opportunity to show people listening to classical music over the radio in their rooms all over the country.

When Chernobyl happened they played Tchaikovsky.

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Look forward to the russian series about Chernobyl so much

The STASI did some fucked up shit (look up Zersetzung). That's what happens when you mix German autism and Russian disregard for human life

>STASI "...moving furniture, altering the timing of an alarm, removing pictures from walls or replacing one variety of tea with another."

those monsters.

Let's be hones with ourselves bere. The dog-extermination storyline should have been the entire series and everything else should have been as a background.

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People ended up killing themselves over it

Doing that to a German is like skinning a human alive

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>Dr Legasov
>I am KGB

It looks like Kodemchuk and the reactor's eternal embrace

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This guy is really attractive
Would unironically kiss him and Legasov

my bad. i forgot this was used on Germans.

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Fucking hell, didn't even notice the first time

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Probably intentional. KGB eyefuck tactics

Should've replaced the German shelf toilets with normal American ones. No greater cruelty than denying a German the chance to admire his scheisse.

Brainlets are scared of the musty yellow backrooms, I'm scared of Soviet kitchens and bathrooms.

Gives the illusion of a cage, along with a visual irritating pattern, and easily washable tile.

Pretty good set up if you ask me.

Needs another panel with her face turned red

It has medical uses and provides a chance to reflect on your eating habits.

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Ever since I binged a bunch of dystopian kino at age 12 I've had a love for torture/interrogation room architecture. I'm not even kidding. Seeing a new torture room fills me with the same thrill that people must feel when discovering a new species of animal.

I'll drink to that.

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found it

Naturally, Hans. I do hope that you help your boyfriend reflect on his eating habits too by eating the scheisse directly out of his asshole.

still better than the british lady with a high, gentle voice playing a belarussian babushka

I wish I had a Valera in my life.

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C i n e m a t o g r a p h y

how do i find the motivation to watch the remaining two episodes of this drivel?

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It's in their architecture too. Commie blocks are most likely designed to have as little characteristics as possible and to resemble a hive as a psychological weapon against the populace.

is there a production company or executive producer that would have brought everyone in on this show? or is it harris?

I thought it relates to what legasov said earlier about having cheap stuff and the state getting away with it until the reactor is fucked. This mickey mouse is exactly that, a cheap copy, it looks like a real one but useless.

Does anyone have that graph of reactor power where it's a slow descent then a sudden line straight up and off the scale?
It had dyatlov spurdo on it if that helped

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I want to save the real Legasov. I want to take him by the hand and lead him out of his hellhole existence like Coop did to Laura in Twin Peaks.

Episode 4 was my favorite one, user. A lot of cool things happen there. Then the last episode just gives you the wrap up with flashbacks to what really happened in that control room. It's all around a good show, user I don't know why you're struggling to finish it.

If you didn't like it so far there's probably not much point and it sounds like you have already decided you won't like the rest of it anyway


more like Habib

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This scene is fucking kino. The way it was filmed with jared sitting and the kgb guy leaning down.

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i see electricity surging through the lines

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Anyone have a link to that vimeo eps 1 and 5 cut that some kind user made?

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I leave that to Americans, they're used to eating Scheiße all day long. Processed Scheiße is still Scheiße.

i just have a low tolerance for melodrama, and there is something about that scientist lady's face that is really annoying

Agree. it got repetitive and strangely paced. If there were 5 more episodes i wouldn’t have minded much.

I spoke to normies and the did not like it either. It's a waste of time. Showing the truck unloading animal carcasses would have been enough.


Tarakanov: There’s this episode [in the HBO series], it’s is an ugly one. They show this boy, a conscript arriving at the military compound. What comes next is just ridiculous. They give him a uniform and moments later they are teaching him how to shoot animals. I mean, that’s just silly. Nothing even close to that ever happened. This is one serious mistake.

KGB man was kino and doesn't get enough credit
The white columns in the room are also pretty nice, I wonder if it is a real place

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Why didn't they show the elephant's foot?

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It did a good job showing how of the 500,000 people enlisted to fix the disaster a lot of them had to do messed up things

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the kgb tryna tell legasov whose gonna give it to him

I can see the lady's face issue you have. I think it's the way they portray that character as perfect. She's supposed to represent a bunch of Soviet scientists in one character so they made her perfect and she was also the main dude's conscience. She always showed up in just the right place in just the right time too. You could pretty much tell it was a fictional character made up to just be there and make everything right.

> Muh orange man bad
I fucking hate how these aspies compare Chernobyl to modern day politics of all things at least link to anything related to the topic like Fukushima or CANDU

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what was with all the prominent shots of people putting out cigarrettes? it seemed perfunctory like the shots of lightsabers falling whenever one gets knocked out of someone's hands in star wars

Don't talk shit about CANDU you fucking nerd
Go jerk off in a puddle of light water while the real men are toasting some electricity

>570 for a white shirt
>confused soviet shirt factory worker.jpg

It got too much time but it was really effective in showing you how all encompassing the effects of the radiation were and what an undertaking it was to combat the effects of it.

Should my 96 year old Russian babushka watch Chernobyl or will it disturb her?

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I didn't really like how they portrayed the relationship between those two guys. The Soviet official dude came in acting like a no nonsense guy with very little patience, then became the professor's best friend in like episode 2. I was hoping it would turn into a mutual respect relationship where he would ask for the professor's opinion on stuff with full respect that he knows more about nuclear reactors and stuff, and then go back to being that tough exterior official.
I dunno how to describe it, basically they would be friends but being a hardened Soviet official would keep him from being all buddy buddy in their friendship.

CANDU is the most based nuclear reactor design is what i meant

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I say don't. I don't think she needs to see it.

they didn't want you to become irradiated, genius

Besides fast neutron breeders of course but we can't ever have nice things

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Radiation warms the coldest of hearts

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>why yes I do watch the dog extermination scene every morning to get myself pumped, how could you tell?

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Just wait for (enriched) uranium to run out.

Yeah I was telling her the same thing even though she kind of wanted to.

>The Soviet official dude came in acting like a no nonsense guy with very little patience, then became the professor's best friend in like episode 2
it just sounds rather idealized compared to people building relationships IRL.

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>prices listed
You don't understand the concept of stealing?

>memes made on /RBMK/ is now Reddit


Guri dam drama when?
It's like Chernobyl with less radiation and in South America

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No fun allowed ok :DD

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lol babby tier.
Go check out "Mayak Plant accident" if you want real shit.

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>getting butthurt because of memes of all things

Which one lol
I know what Mayak is and have been reading about Russian nuclear disasters for years. I just think the Guri Dam is an interesting situation that would make a good drama

There's already so little male friendship kino being made nowadays, let me have something to satisfy my sick tastes with instead of watching Boromir's death scene for the 100 000th time.

"infringe legasov's implied copyright to the look" doesn't really roll of the tongue now does it.

>South America

no one gives a shit unless it involves drug lords

99% of this show is fake.

There was no helicopter crash caused by radiation. It happened weeks later because one of the blades hit a wire hanging from a crane.

Radiation is not contagious. No baby would have died from someone touching a womans stomach.

The "Bridge of Death" is fake. It's a complete myth. Jews added it to the show to scare people so they can make big bucks and prop up their energy industry investments.

The only people who died were 3 or so in the immediate blast, from burning to death or getting crushed by rubble. The rest died weeks later from burns from the fire. NOT radiation.

The plastic around the victims in the hospital wasn't to protect people from radiation "contagiousness", it was to protect the victims who had been BURNED from getting infections which would have killed them.

Seriously, almost the entire show is fake.

It's fucking trash. It's propaganda to scare normies about Nuclear energy, which is completely safe.

"The Nuclear Scare Scam"

"A Free Nuclear Economy"

What about communist dictators and oil?

Based Twitter retard.

hello gorbachev

>reading your post with interest
>"Jews added it to-"

Aaaaand stopped reading there. Back to your containment board.

how did this show get this big? is it the first time americans hear of the chernobyl incident?

The ratings on the show are through the roof.

shut up nerd

Because it's an interesting method of teaching people about something that actually happened.

Watching a drama is more interesting than some documentary where they have jump-cuts from here and there, the occasional diagram with a man in his 50's narrating over the top and throw in a "reenactment" with shakycam and blur.

This stuff is far more appealing. And i'd honestly like more of other horrific events.

it's pretty good combined with the fact that it happened to be on hbo during the shitshow that was season 8 of got

The shows creator is jewish.

hello shills and or r.dditors, brush up on your notion of the term "meme"

yeah i gotta admit i don't enjoy the anti-nuclear sentiment. i've been a massive proponent of nuclear power for years and i hate how chernobyl is the main argument against it. chernobyl is an isolated incident, and other nuclear disasters, if any, don't even come close to a 10th of the scale of chernobyl.

>reddit spacing and terrible posts
this user is delusional, get him out of here

Hey Betty, I didn't think you would be so rash and retarded. I understand your complete retardism for nuclear power but you're also an armchair scientists. I get you sit down in the basement and search guggle all day but please get outside and get some fresh air. Also, please wash your cum sock. Your mom is telling me its starting to smell.

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It's one of the few decent pieces of Chernobyl media out there that isn't "dae stalker elephants foot human error sarcophagus" and actually covers some of the interesting situations outside of the accident itself, even if it's a dramatization.
It's the definitive piece of Chernobyl TV that isn't a documentary like the good discovery one from 2004 or that nat geo one from around the same time

Based KGB making a comeback

Not one of you will argue against the facts, because you don't know the facts. All you can do is insult.

All you know about this is the propaganda that Hollywood and the Fake News media has been selling you for over 30 years.

Your entire perception of this is based on lies. It isn't reality at all.

whats the best book i can read about chernobyl?

>Anti nuclear sentiment
Where the fuck are you faggots getting this from?

They literally say in the show that the power's fine, it's just the shoddy communist construction of it that made it dangerous. Compared to western design.

The show doesn't say anything about nuclear energy being bad, just the fact that radiation is fucking deadly.


Based and CANDUpilled

99% of it is fake though.

It's trash and not good for teaching anyone anything at all.


who's ready for season 2: revenge of the core?

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if you hate jews so much, why do you abide by their divide and conquer tactics so much? racial epithets and pan-nationalist dogmas are bourgeois creations, israelie jews are some of the biggest racists on the planet. are you sure you're not a jewish trying to gaslight as a /pol/tard?

>is it the first time americans hear of the chernobyl incident?
Yes, it wasn't until the credits rolled that we knew it was based on a true story.

>3.6 roentgens have been added to your account

You faggots need to buy a ticket to ukraine, and go walk past the reactor.

Maybe you'll learn that way.

RBMK reactors are still used to this day, even ones built in the eastern bloc in the 50s surpassed the output of most modern cold water reactors.

How would they call that? Comrade Mickey?

I love how Chernobyl is the main argument against it, because it required decades of institutional neglect, bad construction, suicidal design, and misinformation to cause an accident that's almost certainly impossible with any other design and in any other company.
Same thing with Fukushima. It was one of the weakest plant designs outside of the USSR and maybe India, and it took Chernobyl tier incompetence and willful neglect to cause it to blow the roof off of two buildings while the plant right next to it was fine since it was designed to standards similar to those of the US and Europe.

[deep concern] but they're safe right?

have you heard of any other RBMK reactors failing?
note: fukushima is not an rbmk reactor (and was hit by an 11m tsunami after the biggest earthquake the earth has experienced)

*In any other country

Comrade Mikhail Mouse

>all the men who died in the show are not dead, they were taken to core-chan's lair for raping
>core-chan is now pregnant with their children

>anti-nuclear sentiment

>Lead character literally says nuclear fission is beautiful

Fucking retard

>doesn't understand subtext

fukushima was hit by an 11m tsunami after the biggest earthquake the earth has experienced

>actually is looking for stuff that isn't there, and calls it subtext.

Mate, I could say that aeroplanes are bad because of a 9-11 HBO miniseries. and call it subtext.

Fucking retard.

>The show doesn't say anything about nuclear energy being bad
It's a terribly sensationalist and often inaccurate depiction of what happened. There's this concept called subtext you see where people say things without explicitly stating them, fascinating i know.

>There was no helicopter crash caused by radiation. It happened weeks later because one of the blades hit a wire hanging from a crane.

That is literally what also happens in the show you blind retard.

>Radiation is not contagious. No baby would have died from someone touching a womans stomach.

They were completely covered in radioactive isotopes from head to toe, you can't just wash that shit off. They were still giving off a dangerous amount of radiation.

>The "Bridge of Death" is fake. It's a complete myth. Jews added it...

You know what, nevermind

The Terror is pure kino and Jared Harris is on a one man mission to star in every kino possible

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I prefer the real communist rodent.

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wrong. the subtext of a show like that would be that arabs are bad and the western intervention of the middle east was a good thing.
your logic would be saying it wasn't the nuclear plant itself but that concrete is a weak material and we should all be using titanium to build our structures

>Jared Harris won't ever star in any of my scripts even though I have good roles for him

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His range really is very impressive, in the past few years he’s played every kind of character.

Which wouldn't have been a problem if TEPCO bothered to listen to its engineers or learn from the last time their diesels were flooded and stopped working, and if the Japanese government stepped up and forced their plants to follow regulations.

Instead we got a plant built to weaker standards than any in the US or EU that had known design faults and a government more concerned with micromanaging what kind of water got pumped into a ruined and currently melting reactor instead of working to ensure the reactor didn't melt in the first place.

there was indeed government incompetence during the 2011 earthquake and following flood in japan but no nuclear plant was going to survive that shit

does anyone have a high res photo of Khodemchuk from the credits please?

Russian vatniks start to say that Fukushima are same, even worse, because radiation leak in ocean

>That is literally what also happens in the show you blind retard.

It's literally not. Watch it again blind retard.

>They were completely covered in radioactive isotopes from head to toe, you can't just wash that shit off. They were still giving off a dangerous amount of radiation.

Where did you get this meme from? LMAO. This isn't even a thing.

>The "Bridge of Death" is fake. It's a complete myth. Jews added it...
>You know what, nevermind

The Bridge of Death is completely fabricated. Argue against it. You can't because you're full of shit.


Except the other plant that was hit by the wave but survived because it had a higher tsunami safety wall

Except the one that did
Except US power plants which were studied after fukushima and found to be much more resistant to flooding even though the tsunami risk for most of them is non existent
It's amazing what a proper safety culture and not completely neutered regulatory body can do for safety. This was a lesson that Japanese and Korean airlines had to learn decades ago which somehow never made it to their nuclear industry.

Here you go

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Wew lad

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It feels like he spontaneously appeared out of nowhere a few years ago. Was he doing any kino before Mad Men? He isn't a young man so it's weird to me that he just appeared like that.

>muh propaganda
Imagine living your life this way. The only person you're trying to convince is yourself.

>because one of the blades hit a wire hanging from a crane
They literally showed that in the show. Are you retarded? The show kind of implies that a mixture of radiation and smoke messed with the pilot's perception, causing them to hit the wire.

+15rub has been added to your account.

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>because it had a higher tsunami safety wall
and what would've happened if there was no wall present? it's not the nuclear plant itself having a more sophisticated design but a buffer to protect it. that doesn't excuse the lack of a proxy for fukushima, but a wall protecting the plant doesn't equate to the plant being more rigorously designed
again, a wall doesn't mean the plant would've survived had the wall not been there. you're arguing that the plant was more sophisticated when there were just further safety measures to prevent it from failing. again, any plant was going to get fucked up in the tsunami


Shcherbina gives me Tonegawa vibes

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>>That is literally what also happens in the show you blind retard.
>It's literally not. Watch it again blind retard.
Please, describe to me what has just happened in this picture from the show. Because it looks like the helicopter just hit the crane cables with his rotor blades.

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>tfw too retarded to read

Attached: Khodemchuk.png (1920x1080, 569K)

>propaganda doesn't exist
yeah okay buddy...

Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

the helicopter is already falling before making contact

Yeah, that's exactly what I said.

dear god...

A true hero, guarding the reactor for all eternity.
Until the decommission Unit 4 in 2064.

>they couldn't retrieve a body from the rubble of the exploded reactor room
>he is still there and core-chan is sitting on his face

But not every plant would have a triple meltdown and near total station blackout

Much like Chernobyl (or any accident really), the problem wasn't just the sea wall being too short, it was years of neglect and bad design decisions such as the short wall, ignoring the flooding that knocked out a genset in 1991, emergency and main switchgear located right next to each other below the high water level, and a lack of means to rapidly restore power. These all could have been addressed and might not have caused an accident on their own, but instead came together and caused the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl.

thanks user, i appreciate it.

He did mostly theater afaik

Existing ones were refitted to prevent the exact issue from happening right after Chernobyl, and planned reactors were scrapped.

You are genuinely retarded

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>"these kids ain0t tough like in the old days"
>"HA... that's nothing, back in my days we used to swim in that water"
*sips iodine*
"now that was fission boys..."

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no my friend, you are. the show is hella dramatized and is a fine example piece of western propaganda. it's a really good show, i can just see behind the veil is all

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that Forbes article you linked is quite a disgusting pro nuclear piece if capitalistic corporate bootlicking propaganda.
It points out what's wrong in the series but then it attaches the message "bro nuclear power is totally safe lol".

"D-Dyatlov san"
"don't be too hard with these rods"

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But disney movies were commonly known in soviet union also almost everyone knew mickey mouse, my grandparents who lived in soviet union still have shirts with it

>it's a really good show, i can just see behind the veil is all
you all good mate?

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>focusing on shit that actually happened and not the OC woman scientist
I don’t even mind that she was a woman, that’s believable, it’s the fact that she was a combination of 20 different characters and so always has the right answer.

>It's western propaganda
The soviet union wouldn't have even existed if it weren't for western enlightenment fucking up tsarist autocracy. Do you only view Russian culture as commie shit? Pathetic.

Look, you are getting overexcited we may have to call your mom to come and pick you up

Has anyone got the webm of Legasov and the others watching the remote feed from the robot, only it's Mario and Sonic fucking?

c'mon mate, don't change your original contention

Your ban must have just expired. Nice to see you again hon.

thought i was on /lgbt/ for a sec there

>replying to posts from a dead thread with shitposts

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Was Legasov really this sassy?

well you're a fem correct Susan?

>chernobyl is a meme show
>terror is a meme show
I wonder what the similarities are?

Based and redpilled

He was apparently quiet, troubled and pretty autistic

you're a jewish kike. gas yourself.

uh you seem a bit too experienced with lgbt memes, user
i'm not them btw but i am a tranny, though that's irrelevant really but i just wanted to say since that's how i recognized that hon meme

Got a light?

hon and Womens names are standard things to say.
Do you need help with daily life?

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Exactly. They imply radiation messed with the helicopter/pilot, causing him to hit the wire.

The crash happened weeks later. The sole cause was the wire.

Fuck this trash propaganda show and all the normies like you lapping it up. Good little drone! Go eat your lies.

wow youtube videos as evidence? you surely opened my eyes with this valid source

kino characters. I agree.

Of all the things to be angry about in the show why you so obsessed with the helicopter?

looking forward to your suicide

I remember my first DMT



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Wow, an HBO television show? You've surely opened my eyes with this valid source. I should believe this 99% fabricated piece of entertainment over a talk given by an actual nuclear expert who the government and his scientific field tried to silence.

He was in Sherlock Holmes with RDJ before that I think he did theater.

Guys, was he useful?

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I listed plenty of others lol. Nice try retard. The helicopter is one of the only things people are nitpicking, and all you retards are saying is "it actually hit the wire!" no shit, but the show implies it was due to the radiation, which is a total lie, as well as the time it took place.

How would they know there is graphite on the floor if the information about graphite being used was kept from them?

dead son looks like elephant's foot from thumbnails

>Nice try retard
no it doesn't imply it SLUT!

The show implies it was due to the smoke plume and radio interference from the reactor causing the pilot to lose sight of the crane

They knew the reactor contained graphite

graphite is the main moderator in an RBMK reactor, it can't work without it. What they didn't know is that there was also graphite on the tips on the control rods.

It's a fucking tv show not a documentary.

Yeah, he ended up doing his job after the first day. Shame about the puppers

Can someone post gif with boomer Dyatlov with pepe workers running around in panic

Fritz, youe scheduled time on the internet is over. Back to work.

Is it possible to find real deal testimonies from Akimov and Toptunov? Best I could find was Dyatlov's account and Medvedev's books where there's testimony of the dosimeter guy.

here you go gramps

>RTD: Are you saying they never executed animals, like they show in the episode?
>Tarakanov: No, they did, but never in the residential area. In the residential parts, there were no cows, no dogs – not a single one. The shooting did take place, but it was in the forests, where wild animals still roamed, including deer, as well as cattle that wandered off after the evacuation. But to show this young boy, recently drafted, being given all this equipment straight away [is just absurd].

Based and Xipilled

>there were no cows
>I mean I guess there were some cows

The only time I've heard they executed all animals was when evacuating towns from that other big nuclear disaster where they poisoned several lakes

Krtek není komunistický, dokonce ani není hlodavec.

So what did they do with the cattle? and why did they kill wild animals?

Shot everything and buried it under plastic and cement. They were contaminated

Brukhanov communist.

It's all dogshit and not believable, because it's not true. Especially Dyatlov's behavior. He didn't react to the accident like that at all. He knew something horrible happened and that reactor is kaput and was concerned with other ones being affected actually. And he had his suspicions from the start about the faulty emergency shut down being the reason for explosion, and by the time of the trial his suspicions were proven right, he wasn't clueless.

Considering Legasov was vindicated multiple times in a short period in his presence it made sense to me. He also saved Scherbina’s life with the helicopter, which probably helped their prospects.

Don't, they are the worst.

>that scene where the KGB guy has him in the room with the fucked up tiles
>probably nothing like that ever happened
>even if it did, there's no way to know what actually went down
>KGB man says even though he acts like a hero, he's actually bad because he discriminated against jews (I assume there's evidence he really did discriminate against jews)
>says he regrets it and he didn't really want to do it
>in reality he didn't really act like a hero, and both of them probably unironically hated the fuck out of jews

Am I the only one that thought that was really weird?

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>jewish opinion
Every fucking time.

It was strange to me, mostly because everyone knows jews were the ones that ran the soviet union.

Yeah I don't get the whole "you discriminated against Jews while working as a professor" thing. It seemed really hamfisted.

You can not like Jews and not sell them out to the KGB for a promotion. The point was KGB man knew Legasov was a hypocrite, and Legasov didn’t disagree. Legasov was a more apt politician than he ever let on.

>that Dan Bongino comment at the end of the first chain
Damn son.

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Anybody have the"freedom ain't free" dyatlov edit?

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>movie is about socialist retards
>haha yes you see but it’s actually about DONALD FUCKING TRUMP

Every day I believe that article about pathological hatred of the man being a drug for these people more and more.

The point was that KGB wanted to let him know that "he was one of them", so being an hero now was stupid and hypocritical. "You're just as evil and corrupt as we are, so don't think of yourself as some kind of hero"

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Her character wasn't just based on scientists. She's also partially based on the journalist Alla Yaroshinskaya. She helped collect information about the conditions at Chernobyl. She was arrested by the KGB several times and survived two assassination attempts.

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you DIDN'T see ratings on the roof BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT THERE

>there are actual retards in this thread that fling shit about being anti-nuclear or pro_nuclear and not at all looking into the electric universe theory to see what real power looks like
I pity all of you really.

Which normies and retards like you are eating up as 100% truth, further damaging the reputation of nuclear energy as a clean energy source for years to come.

Really gets the noggin joggin, I wonder why they would do this not and just tell the truth? HMMM....

The show creator is a jew. Mystery solved.

thanks mates

None of this man’s comments reflect the work he actually wrote. Legasov was given credence by Gorbachev who let him go to the reactor with Scherbina all because of his reaction to a report of alleged burned concrete. That doesn’t seem like the president ignoring a scientist to me.

>2000 dollars for a coat
do rich normies really do this?

For a Burberry coat. You can get much higher quality at that price but normies need to see the brand

Do a Friends one.

Literally everyone except the three stooges and the fat slob in that one scene had good reason to act the way they did. When everyone you employ as experts says that it‘s not that bad and one very nervous dude disagrees you don‘t immediatly assume the worst. Gorbachev was visibly distrought when learning what‘s actually going on, so were most of the apparatchniks in the big meeting. The bureaucrat that was threatening to throw the main character out of a helicopter realized that shit was actually fucked he did a conplete 180 and helped however he could. The show is about the failure of the system, it‘s literally spelled out for you in the monologue in the last episode.

>targeted individual

actually in the show the radiation fucked with the radio so the pilot didn't know to pull back and went through the smoke, obscuring the cable and causing him to crash.


Yea, altough if they wanted to dig something on him and only found that, why not? USSR generally discriminated against Jews and perhaps Legasov had some sikrit order not to accept Jewish students or perhaps Legasov himself just didn't wanted them to get an education for free and then fuck off to Israel.

Not to mention Gorbachev who is the president gives them everything they need and heeds their advice at every turn with the old guard soviets being in lesser positions of power. That’s hardly “MAGA time to shine”. Also Gorbachev initially believing their false reports is pretty understandable given neither he nor Scherbina work on nuclear reactors and no one present is confirmed to have specifically appointed Dyatlov. I’d have believed their lies too at first since they’re nuclear engineers and I’m not.

Was she happy to see the USSR go?

Also find a way to skip past the fucking melting people scenes.

Congrats, you just explained why it's a fictionalized lie. And they did imply it messed with the pilot. Legasov says they can't fly over it or it'll kill them. They showed the guys in the reactor start bleeding from touching a door lol.

All fabricated lies to scare normies like you.

Post Akimfu already

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Even their behavior is somewhat understandable. Dyatlov in all fairness was told from day 1 you can’t detonate the reactor, so while he is grossly incompetent for violating safety protocol it’s not unfair to say he reasonably couldn’t have seen it coming. No one ever told him anything like that could happen.

i just don't see how that has a bearing on a drama television series being good or not, expecting 100% accuracy in any historical event is impossible, either way here's your (You), keep nitpicking if its what makes you happy mate.

>They showed the guys in the reactor start bleeding from touching a door lol
That happened for real

so why did they leave the dogs and what about the cattle that never got loose?

And Legasov said as much in the trial. If anything the show is about the KGB and the Soviet‘s excessive love for state secrets causing three spineless niggers to turn their dumb decisions into a catastrophe other people above and below them had to clean up. Bureaucrats and KGB/CIA/whateverfags are acceptable targets for hate in my book.

Probably died of poisoning eventually.

I agree, seems like Mazin wants Twitter brownie points so now he’s claiming it’s about trump when I doubt he was really thinking about the man when he wrote it. The show was surprisingly fair to bureaucrats.

He's fucking Richard Harris's son doggy.

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It's actually got me thinking about how much radiation you would need to have an immediate localized effect like that. I wouldn't have thought something like that had ever even happened, or that anyone actually knows what it would be like.

That 100% didn't happen.

The injuries/deaths were caused by fire, burns, and getting crushed by rubble.

They shot what they managed to found

CBRN specialist user from last night back.

Ask me about nuclear shit and I'll try to answer.

RBMK reactors don't explode.

Marketing’s a hell of a drug. The best evidence is Gorbachev‘s reaction to the „we ask yout permission to kill three men“ line. If they intended the white men in charge to be able, the mood around the table wouldn‘t have been so somber at the thought of „only“ sending three fucks down into the irradiated water park.

Akimov had the worst end.

What does radioactive water taste like
I want to be prepared if I ever find myself on an aircraft carrier

Dear user, you have passed the test. Through the past few weeks, we have been testing you and been following your posts on 4channel.org. This is a highly classified place and we are very strict on who we allow here.
We wanted to let you know that you passed our tests, you made it very clear you belong in this secret club by calling out every r*dditor.
Welcome :)

Yuvchenko's own testimony, he survived and described ulcerations and dead skin in the places where he touched the door (which was covered with radionuclides)
>The door into the reactor hall had been covered with radioactive dust; Yuvchenko's clothes were soaking wet from steam and escaping cooling water. Where his left shoulder, hip and calf touched the door, he suffered terrible beta and gamma radiation burns. His skin turned black and sloughed off; his left arm was in bandages for seven years. Today his arms and back are scarred violet-red with the results of skin grafting operations so numerous he stopped counting at 15.

Poshel na khui, debil

I hope I never need to find out.

That dude that tried to carry in his back the firemen who picked up the graphite, got a chemical burn with the shape of a hand in his back


Well yeah no shit, that's how normal radiation burns works. That shit takes days to get to that level though, and it doesn't really bleed at all.

To the one asking for Chernobyl OP in the fashion of Friends:

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Why was the graphite the most dangerous part of the debris after the explosion? Why not the fuel itself?

>skin falls off
>bones drift loosely inside muscles
But you don't bleed though

memefree asnwer: Depends on what kind of radionuclides are in, but it's highly unlikely the radionuclides will be the dominant taste-making contaminant in water, making the test unreliable.

The one retard saying that radiation isn’t dangerous is just doing advanced level Dyatlovposting

It‘s not that immediate, bit depending on the fose it comes really fast regardless. Apart from the vomiting thanks to the new hole in your stomach the first thing that shows up is the „sunburn“ that‘s prominently featured, then the rupturing skin thanks to all the moisture being being gone and the skin cells dying. After that it really depends whoch body part, both internal and external, got the most of the radioactive goodness. If you‘re lucky you actually get secere brain damage and just can‘t process you are basically decaying, but unfortunately the old nogging can take more punishment than most of your organs, same goes for the central nervous system.

Because the fuel was on the graphite.

Given that the door was also pretty hot I don't think it would be that weird

For me, it's getting synapsys dampered by radiation.

The graphite that was scattered by the explosion would burn while also remaining radioactive. It's what created the smoke from the fire that carried fallout. Graphite is a fantastic heat insulator, so it'd hold onto heat for a long time, thus spreading the fire and it would be massively radioactive due to direct exposure to fission.

Think of it this way, in a house fire, the actual fire and heat doesn't do most of the killing, it's the smoke. The same applies here, except the smoke is also full of ionizing radiation.

Damn he looks so /fa/ in that hat.

Nigga she lived thee fucking purges and ww2
Some fucking TV is going to bother hjer

why couldn't they just drop a 50mt nuclear bomb on chernobyl to burn the leftover nuclear fuel ?

Don't worry user, you've just been filtered

Because adding fallout to fallout is never a good idea.

Imagine you have a fire that‘s too hot to stand next to it, so you build a stone furnace that absorbs the heat. Now the fire goes crazy for some reason and gets so hot it starts melting the stone, i.e. making it the next hottest thing next to the fire itself. Additionally the fire burns so fast it causes an explosion, propelling all that really hot, half molten stone through the air. Also the remains of what you used as fuel are now part of the molten stone chunks lying around your room, still giving off even more heat. Now replace heat with alpha, beta and gamma radiation and you know why Legasov shit himself and why Shcherbina ordered the two fags to be arrested.

>German autism and German disregard for human life

They had to remind us somehow that the EBIL RUSSIANS INVADED AFGHANISTAN

episode 5 was shit they should have set it around the elephants foot being the wishgranter from stalker and taken it to magical realism. while the trial was going on as a metaphor if they HAD to keep it mostly IRL

they fucked it up. the biorobots in episode3/4 was keno as fuck thou. best thing filmed on a digital camera to date

Are you trying to imply something? Because that's pretty much right.

At least the dog killing shit actually happened not quite the way in the show but... To give the show credit, 90% of it is undeniably true to life.

What I find really, really annoying though is that pretty much all of the 10% they changed they did to shove their political agenda down our throats.

Yeah yeah >t. Dyatlov, t. KGB, t. Putin I know. But I’m not just saying this to troll or because I’m from /leftypol/.

Think about the scenes that were basically totally made up or dramatically altered in a distorting way. The helicopter scene where the pilot is threatened with being shot. The old Bolshevik speech. Part of the trial. The KGB scene.

Basically they’ve made a show that is basically all based on real events EXCEPT where they felt what actually happened doesn't portray the Soviets as quite shitty enough so they have to ‘sex it up’ to make sure we don’t miss the message.

It would be like for example if somebody made a show about ghetto riots in urban America and threw in made up scenes where the Klan are directing the FBI behind the scenes and ordering a coverup of police brutality (“because everyone knows how America works really behind the scenes”).


it's just soviet toilet

-t. old nameless guy from meeting

I would prefer a show based on the millions of Christians killed by the jewish bolsheviks

but Fukushima endure 2 tsunami strike...

we are so proud that you reject natural select!

The show depicts parts of Soviet society that made life difficult for the people. No sane person likes or misses the KGB, deal with it comrade.

>FBI behind the scenes and ordering a coverup of police brutalit
We russians, called your police brutality - a petting

it fit the show, they just dragged it on and on and on and on
its why ep4 is the worst one

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One was caused by the government letting unqualified idiots run a dangerous reactor without telling them about fatal flaws. The other one happened because people living on an island for centuries didn‘t know that the ocean has waves occasionally. Pretty hard to figure out which one is more retarded desu famalam.

what did they mean by this?

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The Soviet Government and its officials didn’t roughly or even ‘subtly’ threaten people with being shot on the spur of a moment.

That kind of thing happened a lot in the 1930s under Stalin, but was rare if not unknown under Khrushchev, let alone in the 1980s. There were quite a few scenes that were not factual just thrown in to represent ‘haughty Soviet officials’. The Minister of Coal scene was one, as was the scene where our brave intelligent heroine is mocked by the cruel ex-shoe factory fat stupid guy.

ugh those nice eastern euro heavy mommy bags.

>Comrade soldier
>You're done
I don't have philology but I guess was this supposed to have double meaning?

Also, is that by chance the most intense scene? Was roof cleaning the most fucked up thing to work at?

>Was roof cleaning the most fucked up thing to work at?
Marking "hot spots" was also pretty dangerous. Many got a nice dose

here you go /rbmk/ fren vimeo.com/340478805/600bdd1293

the initial fire fighters had it the worst, they had absolutely no protection and no clue what they were dealing with.

You don‘t need to threaten people when they are already frightened. Societies like the USSR never threaten the normal people, unless you get Stalin or some similar fuck, but people „in the know“ are surrounded by this athmosphere that causes yes men to thrive, hence the initial denial of the situation and the shoe factory guy. And don‘t tell me you never had a boss that clearly didn‘t get his position on merit, thag happens everyhwere and te show just showed how people like him are utterly useless when men of action are needed. Take Shcherbina for example, he‘s a self-confessed apparatchnik but rises to the challenge presented, while comrade McDonald‘s is just am annoying footnote because he‘s waste of skin. All societies have those people, including your worker‘s pradise.

Nicely done

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They needed a powerful female character, otherwise people would riot because all the real women in the show were retarded.

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bread baking anyone or we just waiting to end this bitch?

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I am really amazed how a handful of twitter's vocal minority is able to influence direction in entertainment.
Does this phenomena have a name?

"the squeaky wheel gets the grease"

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so wait did Dyatlov get his hair bleached becase of the rads

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It was the latest fashion in the gulags of the 80s. Different times, user.

Lies. Cuz it's not true.