if tony stark was "light years" away, and captain marvel brought him to Earth in less than 24h,
does it mean she can travel thousands of time the speed of light?
why not fly away with the gauntlet during the Endgame battle? Thanos was grounded
If tony stark was "light years" away, and captain marvel brought him to Earth in less than 24h
Other urls found in this thread:
Cuz she dumb
nigger lol
Hey Neil degrasse tyson
Why didn't she hyperspace ram Thanos?
> As Binary, the character could tap the energy of a "white hole", allowing full control and manipulation of stellar energies, and therefore control over heat, the electromagnetic spectrum and gravity. Light speed travel and the ability to survive in the vacuum of space were also possible.[88]
top lmao
people pay real money for this shit
She jobbed hard as fuck in Endgame, and it's pretty obvious. I'm actually astounded that Endgame made as much money as it did with how underwhelming all of it was; it was like if Age of Ultron was an hour longer and that full hour was filled with even more poorly-acted drama.
Who the fuck wants to see these dumbass characters talking about shit? How did they seriously made like 2 hours and 30 minutes of this 3 hour movie of superheroes into a soap opera, and how did that go on to make over 2.5 billion dollars? Jesus Christ.
What the fuck were the Kree trying to do with that spaceship the old lady was building?
Faster than light drive? Those blue aliens are roaming the galaxy! Pretty sure that tech already exists.
Capeshit is so bad and stupid it astounds me.
Because the new "central" female character in the marvel universe is actually just a deus ex machina that they can trot out everytime they write themselves into a whole. Imagine being Brie Larson, thinking you're being cast as a powerful and uplifting role model for young women everywhere, and instead you're turned into little else than a fucking superpowered plot device. What a fucking joke
>Capeshit is so bad and stupid it astounds me.
it's modern day epic,
as in greek epic
americans have no history and root, they have no old gods and epic tales
so they need heroes and shit
look how their power closely resemble those of old gods:
war - weapons
You don’t know how fast Thanos travels do you?
>You don’t know how fast Thanos travels do you?
the spaceship was busted by c.m.
>Capeshit is like Greek mythology
You people deserve death
I'm saying it plays the same role for rootless burgers
I despise cape shit
not really. It's just movie producing using established cheap story to roll out big movies.
It doesn't play that role though. That's not even what's going on in the heads of retards who like it.
>I'm actually astounded that Endgame made as much money as it did with how underwhelming all of it was
There was nothing impressive about it but ask a random person on the street what they think about Endgame, and they'll tell you that it's the greatest filmmaking achievement in history. I just don't get what people see in these movies, specifically Endgame. Is it fun to watch them every now and then? Sure but they're forgettable. I'll admit that the way the MCU was set up was genius although it's stale and formulaic.. but that's what kept people coming back. It's a staple in pop culture now. But the quality of the movies themselves is trash. The terrible special effects and green screen, acting, dialogue, plot.. etc. It was all a huge mess and yet people are eating it up.
It's similar in the vague sense that these are stories of people on "journeys", but no, this is in no way analogous to Greek epics. An epic enough tale is the story of America's birth, which is far greater than most anything else since.
Most people don't even give a shit about these movies in the US, and they actually perform better overseas these days anyways (look at boxofficemojo to see how much Endgame made overseas vs domestically (domestically, as in in America). It's not just the Claps perpetuating this; it's the shitskins.
>That's not even what's going on in the heads of retards who like it.
they don't need to be aware
it just lights the same switches
>An epic enough tale is the story of America's birth, which is far greater than most anything else since.
a bunch of criminal fugitives and degenerate want to fuck off from England, and eventually say fuck you to taxmen
wow so epic
>mfw the town I live in is over 2700 years old
>mfw people in burgerstan call 150 years old building "ancient"
Yes, in that both are fictitious stories, sure. But beyond that your point is shit.
I see you enjoy oversimplifications. This has become very clear from how you tried to define capeshit as "Greek epics" earlier. I'm going to peg you as a smooth brain living in probably Central or South America. Am I right? Do you live there?
>americans have no history and root, they have no old gods and epic tales
But third worlders are the ones boosting sales in capeshit and garbage like Transformers
I'm an Engineer in central europe
I liked Ultron.
Close enough.
I'm sorry user, you have my pity
Stealing from the natives and claiming their land as their own.. very heroic.
the word is genocide
not gonna lie, you could make an epic story from either of these ideas through any amount of embellishments and legends... sort of like how people have done for millenia.
>some random comment I made about the creation of America gets the most replies in a thread about fucking capeshit
She is not that fast. She just used wormholes like in Guardians 2.
Despite hating CM, is right
If Captain Marvel's laserhands are part of the powers she and she alone got from the Tesseract then why when she's sitting down in the diner with Fury does she casually laserhands the wall as if he should know what it means? Even among the Kree that kind of ability wouldn't be commonplace.
>wormholes like in Guardians 2.
oh I didn't watch it
can she create them on her own or they are just there?
Breakfast at Ultron's nearly killed the entire MCU. It was so bad it created a 100% departure from its style, and a director was let go. Until the MCU went back and did it again with Endgame, of course, and made a billion and some change more. Inexplicably. I'll never understand this.
Bro I'm in America and having fun watching it tear itself apart. Seeing trump fanatics, trannies, sjws, fags, niggers, white people and spics lose it over politics is amusing as hell. I just sit back and enjoy the show.
>greetings, fellow white people
user, he's just mad he said something so stupid multiple people shit on him
tbf he said "in America"
not american, nor whtie
Captain Marvel was a mistake and it was clear that the directors had no fucking clue how to implement her into the plot of Endgame.
its already explained retard
-thanos got back up forces that are designed to be active even if hes dead
-he will call out these guys to come to earth if shit like this happens
-instead of chasing marvel he will destroy earth with his backup and chase marvel for another day to get the stones
If you can't follow what's being said, stop trying to reply
>casually mention America once
>4 different stinky Europoors come in and "shit" on me by posting over and over about how building a nation is bad and killing people is badwrong and their nations have never killed anyone so they're superior
Haha, no
why didnt thanos call the backup during the fight?
where are the proofs?
because the forces that were with thanos are already enough to overpower the avengers.
>and killing people is badwrong
based retard
also thanos is a proud warrior and he wont resort to faggot tactics unless if the enemy resorted to it first like what the op suggested.
Thousands of years ago, your forefathers in whatever shithole country you live in killed people to take the territory necessary for your country to be built. This doesn't make their nation any less impressive; necessary evils are very real, and thorough, comprehensive change is often violent. This doesn't make the tale of your forefathers' nation any less epic; if anything, it makes it MORE epic, because it shows that they were willing to fight (and kill) for what they believed in, against the odds of social and societal rules.
Americans are disgusting
>Compare capeshit to a Greek epic
>get rightly shit on for being so retarded
>try to spin it as anything other then you're an idiot.
based wrong post quoter
>claim your comment was what derailed the thread
>the post that derailed the thread was the greek epic post
>"hurr that post wasn't me"
oh god, please tell me you aren't really American. It's embarrassing to know someone as retarded as you is interqcting with other people and shares my country.
based schizo "imagining things in his head" poster
the avengers before it left on an emotional cliffhanger so of course there's going to be a lot of interest in the sequel
my god, you really are retarded
based "lost the plot entirely, better call the other guy a retard" poster
It’s pretty obvious from her treatment in the film she was forced in by a group decision the directors had no say in. She fucks off for 90% of the movie for no reason. She should’ve just been introduced after Endgame as the new head honcho for avengers.
Finally, a chaotic neutral among the plebs.
>Thanos was grounded
Did he also have to go to bed without dinner?
Wow I bet you think you are clever
>capeshit plays the same role for Americans as mythology did for the Greeks
Never post anything on here again, you complete dunce
Also, her queefs can resupply a ship's entire oxygen capacity.
>ask a random person on the street what they think about Endgame, and they'll tell you that it's the greatest filmmaking achievement in history
No they won't. This is how I can tell you don't actually leave your fucking basement. Nobody out there gives a shit about capeshit movies if they're not kids. People watch them because they are bored. Just like literally 99.9% of any other movies. Hell, people are even getting bored of capeshit.
Imagine not being able to go to the theater and have mindless, restorative fun for 3 hours.
Every time a spaceship goes anywhere in the MCU they use a set-out network of hyperspace gates or some shit, probably seeded by some ancients or celestials, they have to plan their routes along this network and otherwise they're too slow to cross space. The Kree lady was working on a hyperdrive that would let you go fast with just your ship, no pre-set gates needed. With this drive the Skrulls could fuck off outside the known system to find a planet to hide on.
They are fictitious stories
They have larger-than-life characters
They keep the masses entertained
The masses support a complex ecosystem of beliefs and monetary structures (instead of "pray for Hermes" it's "buy merchandise", in both cases both a church/temple and Disney are kept afloat)
They will be forgotten.
Even Alan Fucking Moore says that comicbook heroes are retarded BECAUSE they are supplanting spiritualism in our society.
>I just sit back and enjoy the show.
And what else could you do, being as impotent as you are. Do you also own a nintendo switch?
alan moore is retarded like you
/tvt/, the place where there is no cinema despite being full of projectors.
The Mad Titan is tired. See him to his chambers.
I'll allow this post.
Mindless and fun are mutually exclusive. Fun movies actually use good filmmaking to tickle your brain using visual and editing techniques to spur emotions. Capeshit is filmed like a television show with a lot of special effects. It doesn't have good action editing or even good character writing/motivations.
I can go to a theater and have 3 hours of fun. I could watch Lord of the Rings and have fun. I could watch a double feature of The Road Warrior and Fury road and have fun. I could watch all three John wick movies back to back and have fun. I could watch both raid movies and have fun. I could watch all three Indiana Jones movies and have fun. These movies are well made cinematically, and are not mindless. They are artful, thoughtfully made movies and that is what makes them fun.
Never brag about being a fucking retard in my presence again.
You act as if these sjws and right wingers actually make a difference in the world by sending angry tweets all day lmao. And no, video games are degenerate.
>mindless, restorative fun for 3 hours.
these words can only come from a burger mouth
She can because she's a boring Deus Ex Machina that had no purpose in the movie.
>people that partake in organizing themselves and others politically don't make a difference in history
Right. Go watch your japanese porn, buddy.
Why should I care what Alan Moore says? Comic book heroes are hardly supplanting spiritualism in this country. The large majority of people still see them as just cheap fun movies. Yes, a small percentage of manchildren base their moral compass on these movies, and in that respect you can argue that the movies fill the role of Greek epic for them. Those people are in the minority though, despite what Yea Forums tells you.
>trying to find logic or sensible physics in capeshit
Why do people do this?
You answered your own rhethorical question, thus validating the point you were trying to contend. I'd say that perhaps you should think your points before beginning to reply.
Should you care what Alan Moore says? That's up to you. But to me it is very telling that a person who has achieved literary relevance in the Comic medium despises the concept that made comics popular.
First it's a nintendo switch then japanese porn. You really lose your credibility by throwing around retarded assumptions you know?
Cheap fun movies don’t make billions of dollars.
It is a laughably pathetic cultural event, but it is one all the same.
Humans are hardwired to believe in greater powers. Combine that with the movie, something the brain processes as reality, and it really doesn’t matter what people say they believe. It’s touching them on a primal level because they have nothing else to fill that void.
The Greek gods, too, were just stories. Or maybe they were space aliens; it really doesn’t matter, what does is the realization that people don’t think. They react.
You don't really know how this "anonymous imageboard" thing works, do you?
Adversity rankings for college goers.
If you come from you a Mexican or black background you get bonus points in your SAT.
N word.
What a preachy, bizarre way of trying to blow up your point and keep the "greek epics = capeshit" point going. Are you just challenging yourself to see how far you drag this sheer bullshit along?
>Humans are hardwired to believe in greater powers
The low IQ ones.
>>Humans are hardwired to believe in greater powers
>The low IQ ones.
if you understand a bell curve, 50% of the population is between 80 and 120 iq aka retarded
t. 139
>being this wrong
>having these shit opinions
>weeb pic
Literally neck yourself
What a painfully stupid post.
>humans dont think, they react.
Sure, the niggers.
oh, you still believe in free will
No, I really didn't. I admitted a small minority may treat super hero films and comics in the same manner as the Greeks did with their epics. However you argue that this is something that Americans as a whole do. This is incorrect, and it is also not limited to Americans.
I think Sam Harris is a brainlet. Pretty much everything he says is dumb.
this post is literally just saying that both stories had beings of grest power and are therefore equivalent. user, just stop being stupid.
You don’t understand basic psychology. Intelligence is a measure of how much you analyze your decisions, and how quick you make your decisions.
You come at someone with a hammer, and no matter how intelligent they are, their first response is flight or fight. This is very easy to extrapolate out, particularly to the so called “intelligent” population who are trained to believe whatever is told to them unquestioningly. If you don’t believe that, explain to me how CNN and FOX exist.
>burger can't process a 5th grade level text
oh no
And? The implication is that both fill similar societal needs.
Most people are stupid and or want to believe things that make them feel more comfortable.
then back your point up with what "societal needs" the greek epics filled for the Ancient Greeks and how capeshit is currently filling those needs for most Americans.
>do for me the work High School should have done!
no, friend.
Endgame was a fizzling dissapointment to me aswell, they didn´t take it where they could have taken it. And especially the last 30 minutes felt like rehashes of things already done in the other movies.
There are so many plotholes in endgame so don´t even bother. And while the character might be very powerful or whatever. I found it ridiculous
how she just flies through his ship and destroys it. Especially considering how large it is and what is on it. When i saw that i was like no.. nononoo.. noo.. no they didn´t.. no that´s so stupid!! I was probably as surprised as thanos was in the movie.
I'm so fucking salty Endgame made more than Infinity War.
Infinity War was much fucking better.
I've seen Infinity War four times (including the cinema)
I've seen Endgame once (On Cam), and will never in my life see it again.
And what an even more embarrassing way to follow up. Jesus, I don't know what I was expecting, but you suck.
Are you dumb?
While I am glad you are enlightened by your own intelligence, that serves absolutely zero purpose in explaining the persistence and universality of spiritual belief throughout history. There is something hardwired. You can argue it is the affliction of merely the dumb and scared, but how do you explain the fact that metaphysics is the favorite topic of the intelligent throughout recorded history, starting with, yes, the Greeks.
>>I've seen Infinity War four times
jesus christ, the state of Yea Forums
The fact people keep saying they're going to see it over and over, doesn't that defeat the point of "defeating" Avatar?
That means the hype of Avatar was real, and people saw it on its own merits, not just to beat a record.
>Make claim
>someone asks you to back your claim up with actual examples and explain your point.
>refuse to do so
So you really are just an idiot spouting off whatever comes to mind.
>I'm so fucking salty Endgame made more than Infinity War.
>Infinity War was much fucking better.
I feel exactly the same way. Not so much because thanos won. But because it was much better put together. And then endgame is just an to me extremely lazy way to undo what happened in infinity war. Where it feels like they don´t even take it seriously. They could have gone so many ways with endgame, so many paths that they didn´t take or story elements they didn´t utilize.
negro I don't need to teach you what societal needs are, if you don't already know
You made a claim and are now refusing to give any examples in order to prove it. It just makes you look retarded
no, I made a claim based on the assumption that the basis of culture was well understood by both of us
since you lack basis, I'm done
>What is a claim? You need to explain to me what a claim is, I can’t understand you.
This is how dumb you are. Go away ESL.
Christ, if I made a post as stupid as this I’d sodomize myself with a chainsaw.
>this fucking "capeshit = greek epics" retard is STILL going, and his only argument now is literally "well, greek epics made people in greek feel the same way that capeshit makes people feel in the current world! probably. maybe. i never actually lived during the hey-day of greek epics, but i'm just going to pretend i did."
>he is NOT giving up this point
>he has been here for over an HOUR
>he won't let people just chill and shit on endgame and instead wants to make his terrible point that would get him laughed out of any room
Threads like these are why I like Yea Forums. There's always some crazy person going batshit about whatever, and they can do that, because they're anonymous. This place highlights the depths of the human psyche, where all levels of reputation and prestige are stripped away and the only thing left to defend the id is the strength of the person's mind. When it goes awry, like we're seeing here, you see levels of autism that you will literally never see anywhere else, barring a mental institution. This is why I will never leave.
t. couldn't get to state college
>negro I don't need to teach you what societal needs are, if you don't already know
The guy is funny, he thinks he´s so clever yet is so stupid at the same time. Classic negro.
Let me explain it to you keyshawn.
If you don´t have heroes like historic persons to aspire to that is like placeholder of some ideal or decent thing that is good to remember about society, society tends to invent them such as the greek pantheon. That represents some kind of moral virtue or particular strength or emotion or action or whatever. It is utilized both to inspire people to be in a benevolent or moral or decent way. By having these characters then be part of a story or a mythology, often about good vs evil. It can be used to inspire what is good to do in society and how to be a good person and various other things in that society. You can use known persons or celebrities or something aswell. But in the older days they invented gods of fertility or of this and of that. To try to tell a story of various parts of who they were and/or wanted to be and also what they didn´t want to be. If you look at for instance greek mythology that´s blatantly obvious.
>this level of damage control
There’s several people against you, and yet you persist in whining nonsensically and incessantly. You’re not big on irony, are you?
actually he's making like a gradeschool point about story telling that's obvious if you ever had any amount of lit, psych or history drilled into you during school. humans make shiny good idol. human feel safe. idol can be dumb cartoon adaptations. that's why the term soiboi and bugmen exist, because they're taking that idol craving we all have and wasting it on the most commercially viable, easily accessed schlock around because we're that bored and decadent atm.
Yhe fact that you are unwilling to simply say what you think is so obvious shows you are either retarded and don't know, or just dishonest. Either way hopefully you will just leave this thread.
and take this retard with you
this is what children on Yea Forums do, user. They make stupid points then act surprised when people challenge them
>Either way hopefully you will just leave this thread.
no chance since I'm OP
Banner, grab the folding paper and pencil
>this fucking "capeshit = greek epics" retard is now samefagging on his phone, his laptop, and his PC, with the sweatiest pits in existence, desperately attempting to save his point in an anonymous imageboard
>it was an absurdly retarded point to begin with, but he just won't give it up, and he's got that ESL stink about him with the way he fucks up and types the wrong apostrophes constantly, capitalizes poorly, or writes otherwise repetitive sentences
>his entire point STILL hinges on the idea that humanity gets its moral compass from the fucking avengers
Absolutely based. It won't stop, either; if I keep replying, he will keep replying, either until the thread 404s or until his internet goes out. Literally nothing else will stop him. This is the type of person Yea Forums creates, enables, and perpetuates; witnessing insanity like this would be rare in any other part of the internet, but here, it's commonplace. Incredible.
and as I posted here,
only a small minority of manchildren actually go so far as looking to capeshit to fill this role. So making a claim that Americans see capeshit films as the Greeks saw their epics is insanely retarded. Just because a minority of retards believe something doesn't mean society believes it.
>seething projecting ESL
Keep trying
What has your town done?
And there it is. The end-all, be-all of Yea Forums arguments circa 2017 onward; seething. When you hit the seething point with a given Yea Forums combatant, know you've won.
>What has your town done?
conquered the whole known world at that time, pretty much
For instance here is apollo and daphne. Now some of the story is just storytelling, but they tend to contain some kind of morality tale. All the characters in the greek pantheon have some kind of role that reflected the greeks, or was meant to, what they wanted to be, what they didn´t want to be, and what they were. And such things.
That´s what the role of fictional hero tales in movies, or le capeshit, is now trying to essentially at the very least try to do in similar way to those who are into it. So they become as invested in the marvel characters as the greeks were in apollo, artemis, poseidon whatever. And ofcourse many of these are directly robbed or inspired by things like the greek pantheon to begin with! And so they use the movies to tell all kinds of morality tales. Similar to greek mythology. That´s what he means when he says societal need. Obviously there are some that are saying what society should we have in the future. And so they feel a need to have such bombastic hero stories conveyed in a way with characters and morality tales that they find appealing.
They had to return stones. Her taking them away would not only drive Thanos crazy, he would legit kill everyone without their biggest gun Carol, who just appeared in the battle
You are grossly mistaken, both ignoring the massive amount of positive response the “soiboi reaction videos” get in their original environment, although obviously they are posted here to be mocked.
More importantly, you are pretending that to worship something you need rituals and altars (although the movie theater and the mancave man argue even that point is well). This is completely untrue. You need merely to interact with it, and your subconscious does the rest of the work for you (assuming you have nothing else to fill that need). It’s just like if you’re hungry, it doesn’t matter if you’re a vegetarian, suddenly a steak starts looking appealing.
It's like watching a series finale for a long running, popular show. People just had to know how it ends, to have closure. And although the movie is too long, it at least does give a sense of finality to Ironman and captain america. Plus there was plenty of fanservice.
I do, millions of people do, you are literally just upset you're a vocal minority.
>this "capeshit = greek epics" ESL dipshit is now doubling down on his claim that Americans worship capeshit, despite the fact that Americans actually pay less to see capeshit than the rest of the world on average
>he doesn't care that his point has no meaningful evidence to back it up, and the entire thing hinges upon the idea that since stories have characters that an audience can aspire to, they are the exact same as ancient Greek epics
It never ends. I'm wondering when I'll get bored with restating what this guy is doing, and every time I start to make a post like this, I almost think against it; however, it's so absurd that this is happening that I feel as if I HAVE to do this. Never quit being you, "capeshit = greek epics" guy.
No, I'm upset for the reasons I listed. I'm not upset because I'm a "vocal minority" (hot tip: I don't actually talk about hating Endgame anywhere but on Yea Forums, where I have absolutely no voice at all because I'm anonymous), I'm upset because the movie sucked and yet it was the most popular damn movie of the entire thing.
I don't think it is an active choice. It is spirituality by association. Humans have a need to believe in something on a subconscious level.
>I do, millions of people do, you are literally just upset you're a vocal minority.
Why can´t he dislike it just because many don´t. You fucking retard.
>I'm upset because the movie sucked and yet it was the most popular damn movie of the entire thing.
Right they are making a thing out of it that it doesn´t objectively deserve. It´s just not very good. And then the idiots do exactly like he just said.
>huff puff there´s a vocal minority that don´t like it. Let´s upvote it masively and support it, don´t let them squash this movie.
And then it goes from mediocre to like some ridiculous best seller or something.. Cause these retards go watch it as many times as possible to 'defeat da vocal minority n shieet'.
The interesting thing is how quickly these stories are being shaped. You had your black white buddy cop of the past as a sort of test, and now it’s constant propaganda, interwoven, suited to the issue of the day.
This is the third time you’ve posted a cancerous monstrosity of a post, and still you have provided zero intelligent contributions. Not even a single sentence.
>Im upset because_
Do you want a trophy, man? You just included a dumbass rhetorical question in your rant that made it come off like a baby whining. So fucking what, I hate game of thrones I dont give a shit that its popular, I just ignore it.
I never said you needed rituals and altars. Yes though our stories, and this goes for the entire world, hit similar points of older stories. Pop culture shit is not immune to this. However it doesn't mean pop culture like capeshit has become the American societies moral compass. Americans do not look to these stories in the same way the Greeks did. You can talk to random Americans and most will just tell you that they are fun flicks to watch, nothing more.
>Carol flies away with gauntlet
>Thanos is grounded
>Thanos destroys Earth in retaliation
well maybe he wouldn’t destroy the whole planet, but at a minimum far more would have died than just Tony
Let's say I believe you.
I loved most of the other movies, but absolutely hated this one, does that say anything about me?
That's the problem with the character in general. She's just however strong she needs to be for the scene. I know powerlevels in general is a stupid concept but there should be roughly established limits and how powers work. For example we know Spider-Man is very strong, but if he jumped from the ground into orbit it'd be a ridiculous asspull.
CM is as stupid and ridiculous as silver age superman without any of the charm.
>like 5 sentences total is a "cancerous monstrosity" to the "capeshit = greek epics" retard
>he literally outed himself as a dumb phoneposter on accident
>he isn't even trying to defend his point anymore, now he's just quoting posts that aren't even quoting him because of how nervous about his claims he is
Bottom text lol this one doesn't even deserve a finisher
>You can talk to random Americans and most will just tell you that they are fun flicks to watch, nothing more.
like I said they don't need to be aware
remember that scene of the construction machines helping spiderman, with usa flags?
people were crying and didn't even realize why
The fuck are you talking about? What did your post even say? Are you trying to be the thought police here? Aww, is bugman hurt that somebody disliked his movie? Fuck off, retard.
>The interesting thing is how quickly these stories are being shaped. You had your black white buddy cop of the past as a sort of test, and now it’s constant propaganda, interwoven, suited to the issue of the day.
Well i mean things like greek mythology or norse mythology or whatever. Let´s just focus on greek mythology. Is in itself a beautiful way to tell a story about life, aswell as your people by using these characters to represents forces of nature or good or bad things, death, fertility, what is a good warrior, relationships, what is a good friend or husband or wife woman or man. All these things right. Cause they create all these characters to represent a lot of things, and then they can use them in storytelling aswell to instill morality and decent things.
It´s beautiful and good when not abused. But let´s say.. When they have some character let´s say apollo. When they start using it for propaganda it goes bad ofcourse, because that´s not the point.
>apollo, he hates people who are against mass immigration. Those are really mean people, you don´t want to be those who are against immigration..
I mean.. you see how that can go..
But instead of appollo, they utilize all these marvel figures, many of them just directly snatched from mythological pantheons like that or forklore. And then use them to tell morality tale. It´s a good idea, but ofcourse it should not be used for some kind of propaganda. And should remember that it is first and foremost for entertainment. But it really is precisely the way greeks also would use these things..
Where do you get off projecting this hard dude? My response I actually typed was nothing like this, you guys both seem like you would make great friends, just sit there and complain to each other all day.
you can do whatever the fuck you want, is the concept of something not being an argument fucking alien?
I think its an interesting discussion, ive been into comics since I could read and Alan Moore's point about superheroes invading the spiritual part of our brain and maybe being built up as "mythic" to the hardcore fans has truth to it. Its just not exclusive to superheroes. At the same time the whole discussion here seems to be based on not wanting to agree capeshit can be mythical because that would mean theyre some kinda literature. You can have simple stories with mythological themes or something, I consider Tron and Tron Legacy to be modern myths for example. But only because of the plot structure im not saying theyre EPPIC. In the same way when I think of Hickman's run on Fantastic Four I childishly conceed I do think of it in that grand mythological sense. Which seems to be what you guys were talking about.
If your argument is that capeshit media has subconsciously taken a position in American culture where Americans are basing their ethical compass on what they see then you are going to need to give more then just that. When you do see a movie, not just capeshit, reflect some sort of ideal that society holds it is the movie just trying to appeal to the viewer. This is the good guy, he believes in truth and justice, honor, etc. You have the cause and effect backwards. These movies are just portraying the beliegs and morality of society, not the other way around.
Yeah a Nazi or Communistic society would have different morals and values in their characters, that's essentially what you're saying right?
No, you came in late and misinterpreted literally everything. The original claim was that Capeshit has replaced God as worship for the American people. That is the claim this guy is trying to defend. Also, if I can do whatever the fuck I want, why are you trying to stop me? Stop being a retard, retard. You're the one who tried making this into an argument, trying to tell me why I'm upset. Dumbass hypocrite. Saying not everything has to be an argument, trying to pull the moral high ground after coming out swinging. Absolute faggot.
>These movies are just portraying the beliegs and morality of society, not the other way around.
they reflect and shape
the key point of heroes tho is that's it's not just "good cops", it's beings above humans
It´s not a projection, it´s just not a very good movie, so the reason it sells make no sense, other than they like black panther are trying to make it a THING.
>you can do whatever the fuck you want, is the concept of something not being an argument fucking alien?
It´s not a fucking argument either to say he should stfu with saying the movie was underwhelming, because there was a lot of people that thought it was great.
>If your argument is that capeshit media has subconsciously taken a position in American culture where Americans are basing their ethical compass on what they see then you are going to need to give more then just that. When you do see a movie, not just capeshit, reflect some sort of ideal that society holds it is the movie just trying to appeal to the viewer. This is the good guy, he believes in truth and justice, honor, etc. You have the cause and effect backwards. These movies are just portraying the beliegs and morality of society, not the other way around.
No they are trying to instill it in you and tell you what is good and bad. There´s nobody having a fucking vote and then the hollywood script writers and directors run with that you retard.
He´s just pointing out is that these hero pantheons are being used exactly like the greek mythology pantheon and other such things. Many of them directly taken from them in a lot of cases or heavily inspired by them. And utilized to tell morality tales.
There´s nothing wrong with that, just be aware that this can be used for propaganda, and realize this when you are getting invested in these characters! It´s amazing how you are so dumb you don´t get that. You seem either very young or very stupid. I hope it´s the first for your sake.
*clears throat*
Guise GUise...maybe...just maybe...these movies, at the core...for *gulp*...children.
I used to watch Smallville and other capeshit as a little tard religiously. Looking back, there are some convenient plot holes.
>be unjaded little turd
>today's media is filled with constant larping about this and that (WAR, REE IMMIGRANT REE, MONEY)
>talk with friends at school about supes and shit because that what kids do
>come home
>"user, wanna go see *insert capeshit* with your friends? Its Friday after all"
>mfw why would I say no
>"after we can go and get a happy meal"
>what your favorite superheros you look up to juke it out
>enjoy it without seething or complaining about the "plot/effects" you are not a cynical defeated adult who can't enjoy the small things
>they have powers that give you confidence because you either get bullied or are powerless as a kid and people don't take you seriously
>get happy meal with friends, argue for hours on the fights
>come home
>get tucked in, dream you can fly instead of making a thread with unrealistic standards
Nothing beats seeing a kid smile or get lost in the lore and passionately try to tell you about shit like that.
Why was Tony stranded anyways? He was in the Guardian's ship, a ship I'm sure Nebula could have piloted.
Thank you
>why not fly away with the gauntlet during the Endgame battle?
Better yet: why not let Peter keep the guauntlet while she fists Thanos into dust?
For some inexplicable reasons I have these fond feelings for Batman & Robin
If I saw a black hole, I’d go away from it! Interstellar 3/10, shit movie
Fuck I hate that guy
This is also why since the characters are being used that way. A lot of these fanboys are getting upset how the characters are used and what they do. Because it´s exactly about this morality tale where they are some kinds of deities or arbiters of something or placeholders for some value or virtue or action or whatever.. And so when it just is used in a ridiculous way the fanboys get annoyed. And i totally get that. It´s like if you took apollo or whatever from greek mythology, and you just flipped him upside down and made him do some lame and stupid shit. Then people would say. What the fuck are you doing with apollo you are trying to change his values like that.
Stuff like this essentially.
I'm glad we've now changed the argument from "capeshit = greek epics to the american people" to "capeshit is kind of like greek epics, so it can kind of be used in the same way to people, sometimes". That second claim is a MUCH more defensible one, and can actually hold up to an amount of scrutiny. Don't ever try to claim the first thing again, though.
>Interstellar 3/10, shit movie
that's correct,
but for the wrong reason
I don't see them shaping
lol this is sounding like two old ladies
I wish it was soap opera, when it reality it ruined almost any attempt at drama with retarded quips or memes.
Yes. Including the white ones.
You disqualified yourself by not knowing basic shit. Just like a toddler disqualifies himself from discussion by not knowing words.
I was annoyed his son turned into an asshole.
I guess it's realistic in the fact if you parent right your kids won't turn out right.
He put all his attention into his girl and basically none on his son in that movie.
"Lol here's some car keys, see ya son."
>This place highlights the depths of the human psyche
Holy shit you're a literal child. Stop posting.
Yeah, obviously, I was just commenting on the increasing repurposing for propaganda.
>Interstellar 3/10
Objectively correct
Both statements say the same thing, you limpdicked retard. One just has a bunch of indecisive faggot language inserted.
fucking based.
Where the hell did that come from? And no, they don't say the same thing at all. You'd have to be an idiot to think they do.
You added “kind of” and “sometimes” to the original statement and thought it meant something. Only a situation deals in absolutes, and only moron requires unnecessary vagueness. If I call niggers dumb, it doesn’t mean that every single fucking nigger is a retard.
nah dog you need to read something aside from comics and lay off the tv. if your scope is so tiny that you don't understand what movies are for on a social level then you haven't given any serious thought to what is probably your only interest aside from shitposting.
You're so ESL that I'm not really interpreting what you're saying, but I'll explain this again, so you can understand. The first statement demonstrates a pure absolute; "capeshit = greek epics for americans". The second statement is different because it is much more fluid and open to interpretation; instead of an absolute, it allows compromises. "Capeshit is sometimes used in the same way Greek epics are used, but not all the time". That's called a middle ground. That's what makes an argument or a claim hold up much easier to scrutiny; it meets the scrutiny halfway, and understands that it can't be undeniably correct no matter what, but rather, reasonably correct.
I'm not even sure why you tried to argue about this. You're probably the dumbest guy I've met in the past month; I mean that.
You're trying really, really hard to escape your original claim that I was arguing against in that moment, so I'll state it back to you. This is what you said:
Quoted, for posterity.
There's a level of truth to that, but there is absolutely no level of truth to saying that Americans have no history or roots, and thus they worship capeshit. You are stupid as hell for claiming that.
Listen up you retard. The first statement is a thesis. The second is the same thesis restated, but in such a way that allows you to weasel out of any argument. It is completely useless. Do you enjoy filler in your movies? Don’t add filler to your sentences.
Why are you still replying? What could you possibly say to counter what I just explained to you? Oh, absolutely nothing. You said absolutely nothing, you just made vague metaphors in an attempt at something. This was dumb as hell. Go back and read what I explained to you, again, if you can't figure out why an absolute is not the same as a compromise.
Why are you pretending not to be an ESL? It’s ok to say you do not understand the words used.
Good talk, buddy.
>An epic enough tale is the story of America's birth
Get a load of this fag
Pretty based
>I want irrefutable logic and realism in my fantasy superhero movies
>shititing your pants from dysentary
>crossing a frozen river in the dark
>on christmas
>to stab thousands of people in the guts
I know you want to downplay such an event but its absolute kino nothin personnel kid
Are you Indian?
ojibwe yeah
You can't move faster than light.
Tell that to the legions of spergs who've read/written superhero comics for their entire history.
Remember that warp hole thing in guardians 2 where their faces got all weird?
That's ftl
She can do that. She has a special move that opens those holes
I got a special move that will open her holes.
>You can't move faster than light.
Meet flash
Sure kid
Zeus, Hades, Poseidon
Guess who they are numbnuts