What did Jake mean by this?

What did Jake mean by this?

Attached: jake-gyllenhaal-spiderman-far-from-home-1547562915.jpg (480x480, 38K)

How could such a talented actor embarrass and taint his otherwise perfect acting career with such trite? Oh dear how the world is crumbling..... Such is the way of the wonderful dollar! I suppose Mr. Gyllenhaal has his own reasons for even bothering to be in such drivel, but it leads one to ponder on the state of cinema when even the Greatest are reduced to spewing awful lines in front of a green screen..... Truly, we enter dark days....

Unironically have sex

he is right tho. go fuck your self zoomer faggot.

looking really handsome (no homo)

he looks good (no homo) and will now get a piece of the marvel pie.

This is what I was asking when Jude Law signed up for Captain Marvel.

He is now a part of one of the highest grossing movies. It made good business sense.

Jude Law seems like one of those actors completely out of touch when it comes to selecting roles. I bet he knows fuck all about Marvel, and thought being in the movie was a stepping stone into the big money.

does any actually give a shit about the MCU after endgame? personally I couldn't give a shit.

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Maybe he is thinking like John Cusack and tries to get in some financial security for exploring more artistic projects.

and yourself is one word
t. zoomers calling other zoomers zoomers

I unironically loved Prince of Persia

Attached: POP.jpg (1000x1500, 364K)

>Capeshitter telling others to have sex

is this next level bait?

I bet you think actors make these decisions on their own. I suggest you stop fucking posting, idiot.

Jake loved the costume apparently.

I suggest you suck my hairy dick you failed screenwriter


>prime arterton
it's a pretty fun movie honestly, the rare decent video game movie

thanks for posting this pic. I died laughing and i had a shit day

Guess I struck a nerve there.

just like your nerve got struck