What happend to the dark universe`?

what happend to the dark universe`?

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Why does that apostrophe look like a fucking smudge on my screen

good call

It was okay and I liked the casting of based dudes and cute girls.
Too bad Hollyjew hates both of those.

We live in it

They tried to make vampires into heroic figures instead of evil possessed corpses, and they turned the mummy into an insanely powerful bondage slut.

>turned the mummy into an insanely powerful bondage slut.
nothing wrong with that

This, even the babe with Tom Cruise was a hottie


Greenlight went out.

Its truly in the dark now.

They are working on invisible man movie. This time it will be a low budget film. Dark universe is supposed to have a big variety of budgets and tone. The invisible man doesn't have ancient power or curse like the mummy, it is something on much smaller scale.

>they turned the mummy into an insanely powerful bondage slut
is there something wrong with that?

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I just watched The Mummy for the first time yesterday. First minute of the movie they're going on and on about how great and beautiful she is and then they do a closeup and she looks like a man.

They should have gotten someone actually attractive to play her.

A slow start, but it's on the upswing

>You'll never slam your dick into 8,000 year old magic pussy as she's bound in mystical symbols and chains.

Ahmanet lost. I really wanted her to win, to seduce Tom and leave together.

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Justin bieber emasculated its biggest star so it was cancelled

dude she hit the wall like 8000 years ago

This. Nick should stay with Ahmanet. Why would he care about that blonde? Such an useless character. She shouldn't be in the movie at all!

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The Dark Universe was inside us all along

damn I should watch this movie

I DONT CARE. This thousands years old goddess is still hotter than like 90% of random roasties!

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Fucking RETARDED universal gave Tom Cruise too much power on the film and he ended up drastically increasing his own screentime at the expense of the fucking MUMMY

Tom SAVED the movie. Mummy had even less screentime and it was another generic bad guy.

The best part of this movie for me as when Russell Crowe picked Tom Cruise up off the floor by the underside of his ribcage. Not sure why, I guess I've never seen that before.

Tom threads will be permitted on /film/

Oh, Marvel is doing that thing, lets copy it
But lets forget the absolute basic:
If you want a franchise, you need to FRANCHISE IT. Which means to make shit.
Its what.... 1 movie, some terrible "behind the scenes" stuff nobody cares about, one movie in post production for 2020, and nothing actually planned for how they will make another 10-20 movies?

Color me surprised
Meanwhile in MCU they managed to produce 5 FUCKING MOVIES from 2008 to 2011
Meanwhile Dark U is might land at movie 2 in the same timeframe.
How do you fuck franchising this badly?

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Universal has different releasing schedule. They do not spam these movies every few months. Look at gaps between each Fast and Furious or Jurassic World movie.

Yes, and?
Is that really a excuse? Even if you where to follow that logic, that still means they won't actually get franchise synergy before somewhere in 2023 or 2024.
Where if they where a bit smarter, they would maybe release 2 movies in 2017, follow up with 2 movies in 2018, and then spread it out.

All they are currently doing is to losing long term money from license and side products by not showing commitment.

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it caught bieber fever

it cruised off

I liked it. It was like all those old classic shit movies like reanimator: utterly meaningless but still fun to watch.
The mummy actress was insanely hot.

is that the subtitle to the new Shaft movie?

It went dark.

>let’s create a cinematic universe with a bunch of aging actors in their 50s

The idea is not so bad. Current gen in no way resemble Schwarzeneggers or Stallones, they are all skinny fags who pretend they are smart so any character who uses his mind as a weapon instantly becomes popular no matter how badly its written.