What the fuck is wrong with Critics...

What the fuck is wrong with Critics? This movie was in no way any different from your capeshit sóy films yet it's getting trashed in Reviews

Tis movie had a lot of flaws but it didn't deserve a 40%.

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Making a Godzilla movie with American actors is racist, or some shit.

shameless bump because i'm fucking pissed

>No different
Look I liked both zilla movies but they don't have the charm of the MCU.

Inb4 Reddit
Inb4 cant inb4


critics are dumb as shit


I assure you, my Hollyjew strawman loathes anime even more than they do live action Japan flicks

>This movie was in no way any different from your capeshit sóy films yet it's getting trashed in Reviews
MCU capeshit typically doesn't have garbage dialogue and an incredibly boring human plot like this film does.

>MCU capeshit typically doesn't have garbage dialogue and an incredibly boring human plot like this film does.
What are Thor (until Ragnarok), Hulk, Cap Marvel, etc.?

This film was utter trash, saw it yesterday. The humans were so fucking annoying especially the father and the colours and visuals looked fucking shit, they used the same cliches a handful of times each. It was a trainwreck

not a single line in the entire mcu is as bad as "oh my god...zilla" or "did she say gonorrhea?"

>This movie was in no way any different from your capeshit sóy films yet it's getting trashed in Reviews
lmao imagine being this dumb

>"did she say gonorrhea?"
AT&T dude should have never been in the film.

Too many monsters not enough humans standing around being sad

You sound like a 12 year old defending Transformers a decade ago. We all wanted it to be good but it sucked, it's okay to admit that.

another eastern franchise mutted for no reason

Can one of you upset retards please explain to me what exactly was wrong with the oh my Godzilla line? It really isn't as bad as you fags are making it seem. Gonorrhea was way worse.

Forget when in the movie it happened

>World is on fire (or soon to be)
>Friends and allies have died
>Some prick outta nowhere: "did she say gonorrhea?"

It was a cheap attempt at a comedy line that totally fell flat. I could almost hear the record scratch in the theater.

What do the Japanese think of it?

I saw this at my local theater in NE Missouri. After the show ended, they found a guy in the 4th row, totally unresponsive. Went across the street with friends to eat, and we were halfway through our McCallister's when a medical helicopter lands in the lot, and they load the guy up and fly him south to St. Louis.
Was watching the local news at the plant before the pass-down meeting, seems the guy had shut down his brain in an attempt to enjoy Godzilla: KotM, and he just never came back.
I guess at least he died happy?

>Black Widow died five minutes ago
>Thor suggests he uses the gauntlet to bring everyone back
>”Nigga, you full of Cheeze Wiz dood XD!”
When will the quipping end?

an impromptu poll among twitter Japs asking for their rating, it goes great, good, mediocre, bad

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every time I saw it people laughed more at Chinese wife's reaction more than the joke itself

The difference is the tone of the movies. MCU from the get go was a quip fest. These superheroes spent a lot of time dispatching minions, they had time to quip and with their egos it made sense they'd keep trying to one up each other whether physically or verbally.

In Godzilla KotM the humans are helpless and at the mercy of those monsters. All they can do is scramble to save lives and assist Godzilla anyway they can. The movies had two entirely different tones. We'd say something similar if some Wayans Bros. tier comedy tried to have some hefty emotional drama at the end.

evah xes

Actually it typically does. The characters are barely even characters,they're more plot devices than even the most boring of human characters in a Godzilla film.

KOTM is pretty accurately placed at the 40% rotten point (it's a passable, mediocre 5/10 at best), but that's also exactly where the vast majority of capeshit should be. It's less about critics being "wrong" about KOTM (although some of them did make some fucking stupid comments) and more the fact that they grossly overrate the vast majority of capeshit.

I hate quips as much as the next guy but I didn't really mind these in the movie because they were out of the mouths of characters that the other characters in the movie find to be fucking annoying

Film criticism has never been at a lower standard. 99% have no knowledge or appreciation for craft, form, theme, subtext or really anything concerning the medium.
They're glorified bloggers with terrible taste, no knowledge or insight that only look to assess films based on their adherence to certain politics and beyond that they're able to summarise the plot and perhaps comment on the acting.
They are useless. Ignore them and watch what you find interesting.

Based Japs

Japs love it and many are seeing 3+ times, BUT some are really pissed about the whole using a nuke to revive Godzilla thing, they see it not only offensive to history to portray the nuke as a good thing but as fundamentally diametric to the themes of Godzilla for all these decades, and I can't really fault them. I think for the most part Dougherty was so respectful you can allow him this bit of wiggle room.

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Mother being a terrorist was a dumb twist. Should have kept everything as simple as possible as to not get In the way of monster fights
I'd give it a C+
(For a scale id give most MCU flicks a C- )

>orange slices

I love Mothra so much bros

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I don't see why they would be, they used TWO nukes to revive Godzilla in Godzilla vs King Ghidorah (1991) and even alleged in the film that the Japanese government holds a secret stockpile of nuclear weapons and submarines for delivering them

Too bad they don't ever let the theme play out in full. Not to mention it's the only theme you ever actually hear clearly, for the most part they completely drown out the music with overly loud sound effects and dialogue.
It's a fantastic score, which just makes the above so much more infuriating.

from what I've been able to gather they seem to think that was OK because it wasn't portrayed as necessarily positive, and president Shindo (a Japanese soldier who lost the war) stockpiling illegal nuclear weapons was supposed to represent the dilemma modern Japs feel being under USA's nuclear umbrella. I really don't know. At the end of the day the Jap government wanted to irradiate Godzilla to fight Ghidorah just like this movie.

>In the Japanese subtitles "Rodan" is called "ラドン"(Radon).

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Based asian face super weapon coming through

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It didnt have the leftard niggerism agenda diversity tolerance package.

Ultraman movie when?

Most Marvel films have worse

>Any interaction between thor and valkeryie
>thor playing fortnite
>ultron as a whole
>tony going yipee after opening a hidden passage
>come on break dance time from guardians
Ive missed so much more the MCU makes KOTM seem like a shakespearean play

Theres also the fact that chad dad in KOTM keeps telling the quippers to shut the fuck up. In the MCU Captain Americs is mocked as being humourless because he isnt quipmaster9000 like everyone else.

>MCU from the get go was a quip fest
No it wasnt it was really only Iron Man before the rest were infected after the Avengers. Youre underage and have no clue what youre going on about.

>Iron Man first MCU movie
>When Iron Man meets all the other Avengers in Avengers 1 it rubs off on them

Oh wow, crazy how that shit works.

>chad dad
The mother and father were the worst parts of the movie

The Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Loki and the rest werent retard quip machines until phase 2 amd Joss Whedon had full control so no the MCU was never a quipfest at first and its just as weird and jarring as godzills except the average marvel movie has way more quips than the handful of KOTM and theres no character in Marvel movies who tells the quipsters to stfu

Yeah I need more pop culture references and "woke" humor in my Godzilla movies.

The daughter was the worst part. The mom was insane hence why everyone shits on her after she reveals her evil plan and the dad was less generic and bland than the military guy from 2014. The whole family drama was bad but the dad was the least of it and most of his screentime was doing main character hero shit.

That's not very based and dadpilled of you. It's nice to see a dad be a protagonist again, he' not some guy with a Thor body, or a quipper, he's not young or trying to impress/save some girl he loves, he's just looking out for his kid even after she decided to stick with the mom. Very wholesome.

Him and the milfags weren't really as bad as I expected them to be, but they weren't really that important to the movie. There were too many named characters.

Critics get money from Marvel and DC to hype movies for normies.

It's a well know fact.

not an argument

Godzilla didn't dab

So are the credits implying that they are gonna build Mecha King Gidorah? Not that I'm mad but I actually expected Destoroyah.

Mecha King Ghidorah seems more convoluted than them simply bringing back a cloned King Ghidorah. Destoroyah is also a possibility, but Michael Dougherty has said that he'd like to bring in Gigan and Biollante as villains in future movies.

Gigan alone would be kinda lame after King Gidorah. Biollante has potential especially if you make her a threat by making her cover the entire world in her tendrills and stuff.

I doubt theyll do the whole future bs that the original mech king ghidora featured. Just have a bit of exposition about how Alan Jonah had been working on it in the years since KOTM and it'd make sense

Moguera makes the most sense though, if they want to go for kino they would do one with the Atragon and Manda

Yeah, Gigan has never appeared as a solo villain before, so it would be interesting to see how they could make him threatening enough. Biollante has potential, since the KOTM end credits montage referenced Monarch developing bio-engineered (as well as mechanical) titans.

Gigan seems kinda goofy tho. But biollante would be based.

Tbh destroyah sounds better than ghidorah again, right after he just had a movie.

Poorly reviewed and not very successful.

>saraba.....tomo yo
Peak death

the only faggots who like this movie are nostalgic boomers

I miss him bros...

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Gigan was more serious in his debut movie, but they made him more silly in Godzilla vs Megalon and Final Wars. I wouldn't mind Ghidorah showing up again later, but not in the next movie. If they did a Destroy All Monsters remake with a new King Ghidorah teamed up with a few baddies to raise the stakes against Godzilla, Kong, Mothra, and Rodan, I think it would be a good movie.

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No, it was that bad. I hate Marvel but at least their movies are only bad because they're predictable. At least shitzilla was gone from my brain 5 minutes after I walked out of the theater.

They could make Battra the servant or ally of King Ghidorah after he comes back somehow down the line, to mirror Godzilla's gang


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Go back to playing Fortnite zoomie

>critics trash movie
>Film criticism has never been at a lower standard. 99% have no knowledge or appreciation for craft, form, theme, subtext or really anything concerning the medium.
>They're glorified bloggers with terrible taste, no knowledge or insight that only look to assess films based on their adherence to certain politics and beyond that they're able to summarise the plot and perhaps comment on the acting.
>They are useless. Ignore them and watch what you find interesting.

>critics praise movie


If they cut the parents out entirely and made the Human Conflict in he movie just between Serizawa and Charles Dance it would be 10/10. The parents were out of place and dragged the movie down whenever they were on screen.

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Nah critics here are routinely savaged here no one ever really uses good critic scores as a metric but bad critics will always be shat on. Theres really only one critic Yea Forums in genral respects but you wouldnt really know considering how much you reek of newfag.

tell that to James

So what’s really happening is
>critics confirm my bias

>critic goes against my bias

>40 years old
When did you take the yellow pill and accept that Chinese women are superior, Yea Forums?

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>man who fell for the armond white meme tries to call others newfag


The best line in cinema history by the based celeryman

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I have never read any reviews for something involving entertainment. I don't pay attention to the bleating of paid sheep.

I liked the family plot since it both shat on liberals and their white savior complex, as well as showed a white father in a positive light by motivating him to reunite his family. He also had an arc of going from blaming Godzilla for his son's death to forgiving Godzilla and understanding his importance in the world.

The movie was shit, it didn't even have one decent fight scene. All it has going for it are some decent shots like the one of the "underground Kingdom"

lurk moar newfags

If you watched this movie more than once you're a fucking idiot. I forgot you probably can't understand basic greentext posting.

I thought the fight scenes were ok, but they should have focused more on the destruction. King Ghidorah actually used his storm to flood Washington DC, but the movie moves so quickly that you might not even catch it. The characters don't even really acknowledge that the capital of the USA has been destroyed either, even though you'd think this would be pretty significant. Most of Toho's movies with King Ghidorah have extended scenes of him raining gravity beams down from the sky to destroy human civilization for the lulz.

>This movie was in no way any different from your capeshit sóy films
The dialogue, OP. Every Marvel movie spouts a few memes for normies to toss back and forth until the next one. Most villains get a cool line or two. The dialogue in KotM is absolutely dreadful. Every single line of dialogue this piece of shit (pic related) had was a quip, and every single one of them was a dreadful misfire worse than the worst Marvel one-liners. The director literally said this character was based off Rick from Reddit and Memey.

Serizawa is the ONLY human character in the movie of any value. Naturally, he's a side character while the focus is on the stranger things kid and her parents. Maybe, MAYBE this could be forgivable if the movie had enough monster content to compensate, but it doesn't because almost every monster scene dances between a few seconds of the monsters and then cutting to the human cast below reacting. That shot of Ghidorah firing lightning from its wings everyone loves so much literally, literally, did not last a full 2 seconds. The movie's human cast was crap, the dialogue was atrocious, and the monsters aren't allowed to be shown in their full glory. You're absolutely right when you say the movie had a lot of flaws, but it didn't have enough to excuse those flaws.

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t.has seen Endgame and Captain Marvel 100 times

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The problem is the audience thought those characters were fucking annoying too.

>all these blatant lies and marvel shilling
>the sheer audacity in proclaiming that KOTM has more quips than the movie series that started the quip trend
the mouse fears the kaiju

>You're absolutely right when you say the movie had a lot of flaws, but it didn't have enough to excuse those flaws.
Not him, but KOTM had more kino shots than any Marvel movie I can think of off the top of my head. Every monster emergence or resurrection scene was amazing. Marvel has just become a glorified soap opera at this point that was incredibly stale until Infinity War put some life back into the series by changing it up and letting the villain win temporarily.

Good point. Bayformers is shit, but it isn't any worse than the MCU. It's okay to admit that too (but somehow critics just won't)

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Because who gives a shit about giant monsters? It's even more chilidish than capeshit, just accept it and don't let fucking online critics ruin your dumb fun.

KotM is a tremendous disappointment. Don't blind yourself to its flaws, call them out and demand better next time.
KotM absolutely had better shots than any marvel movie, but capeshit just goes for explosions and likable protagonists, it doesn't try for strong cinematography. Unfortunately aside from a handful of nice shots the directing in KotM was much worse on average than Edwards did in 2014.

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>Marvel is SUPPOSED to look like shit! Just because it's a movie doesn't mean it should look interesting!

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Because its not diverse enough, too much kaijus, not enough humans

>Charm of MCU films
there's more charm in my smegma covered dick than all the MCU combined

user you're missing the point. You're missing the point on purpose because you don't want to admit that KotM was a disappointment. Capeshit has its niche and audiences think the MCU is best at doing capeshit things. KotM bungles the job of being a kaiju movie because the majority of the screen time is wasted on one of the most unlikable casts in the series' history to the point of them overshadowing the monsters while the fights are going on.

Those two quotes are comedy kino

Off yourself.

lol no. nice cope though.

>KotM was a disappointment

To who exactly? Japanese sure seem pleased and logically they'd be the most harsh on how Americans are handling their biggest export.

>the directing in KotM was much worse on average than Edwards did in 2014.
I hear a lot of people on Yea Forums talking about how great Godzilla 2014's cinematography was, but KOTM was so much more enjoyable than that movie. G2014 is honestly unwatchably boring, in my opinion. It's only worth it as a setup to Kong: Skull Island and KOTM.

>majority of the screen time is wasted on one of the most unlikable casts in the series' history to the point of them overshadowing the monsters while the fights are going on.

Ghidorah the Three Headed was far worse about it yet is praised as some kind of amazing masterpiece despite how the moronic human plot literally took up so much prominence that the monster plot felt tacked on and pointless because we had to keep cutting back to the absolute fucking garbage space princess espionage bullshit.

There's more charm in the Godzilla soundtrack than there is in the MCU

Actually the human cast was pretty diverse, but the movie didn't beat the audience over the head with the diversity or hating white people, so it's still not good enough.

That would be absolutely kino

I actually like the human plot of GTTHM. It does a good job of setting up King Ghidorah to be this ultimate evil planet destroyer while also creating tension with protecting the princess from the assassins.

shoo shoo little shill

>Ghidorah the Three Headed was far worse about it
You're a fucking idiot.

No it doesn't. The two plots are so completely separate the monsters feel completely tacked on, it could have been a generic 60's disaster movie and almost nothing would have been changed.

>ma-ma-ma-ma-mouse shill!!

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>Ghidorah the Three Headed was far worse about it yet is praised as some kind of amazing masterpiece
Not a masterpiece, but it's a satisfying movie having seen the six movies leading up to it.

The princess/Venusian introduces the doomsday plot by predicting the emergence of Rodan, Godzilla, and King Ghidorah.

Prove me wrong you /m/ kike. That movie is the gold fucking standard of nostalgia-blind Showa fags who will literally justify and fellate any Godzilla made before 1971 despite their horrendous flaws and shortcomings, that horrible movie chief amonst them. A movie where the monsters only show up for about eight minutes and most of it is spent on gonzo arguing between them and then a few minutes throwing rocks at Ghidorah until he bitches out and runs with dozens of cutaways to the princess espionage garbage. Also haha Godzilla got shot in the dick. What an achievement of special effects film making.

You're an imbecile. GttHM is structurally a perfect movie. The plot with the princess has a cast who are passably likable enough, the villain Malness is infinitely more menacing than the impotent Charles Dance, the humor is infinitely less grating at worst, the monsters' screentime is much better integrated through the film and is allowed to play uninterrupted. The princess' plot sets up the monsters' plot and both feed the themes of the movie. You're a retarded fanboy desperately fellating KotM, a piece of shit a fanboy produced, overlooking an actual good movie produced by actual film creatives, not fanboys flaunting their budget.

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>hurr buzzword
Just telling you to not bother with what (possibly paid) critics say about a godzilla movie. You know why you watched it, can't expect the rest of the world to consider some story for kids a jewel of cinematography.

the sheer amount of mental illness and plain old COPE in this thread is astounding

Shut up retard. You don't know the value of film, just go watch fight scenes on youtube.

KOTM is better than any capeshit and the human plot which is still honestly better than most marvels movies aside from the daughter does not take away from the fact that this is the biggest piece of kaijukino in a long time.
>marvel movies
>likable protagonists
if you like quips out of literally every characrers mouth. KOTM had two quipsters and chad dad told them to shut the fuck up constantly so to claim KOTM gad any level approaching marvel quip levels is just blatant lies

>if you like quips out of literally every characrers mouth
But that's KotM.

There's some faggot that not only defends this garbage film in every. single. KOTM thread. He raves about it. He calls everyone a mouse shill that talks about it's obvious flaws, and I'm almost certain he's some faggot intern working at WB for pennies, or the director himself. Kill yourself, whoever you are.

thanks for proving his point

aside from the two numale quipsters who are told to stfu not really and nowhere near marvel levels

I don't give a damn about Tomatometers or whatever but "G14 was better than KOTM" is the just the worst fucking meme to come out of all this. People who actually believe this are tasteless pseudo-intellectuals.

I'm sorry, but this movie sucked.
Of course all the white men were either villains, idiots, weak, or annoying. Senator leading the questioning of scientists--black woman. Ospry pilot--Hispanic woman. Marine colonel in charge of troops assigned to scientists--black woman. Her troops we're almost all minorities. Submarine captain--Hispanic male. Trigger happy Navy admiral--white man. Ultimate hero who saves the day--14 year old white girl.
Every cliche imaginable.
The funniest part of the movie was when the submarine finds Godzilla's underwater lair, they see these ancient ruins with statues. One of the scientists notes similarities to Roman and Egyptian architecture. Another says, "No, much older." At the exact moment we see scrawled on a wall of the ruins modern katakana spelling out gojira. Maybe the movie makers were making fun of themselves? So bad. So, so bad.

G14 is absolutely a better film than KotM. That said it's entirely understandable why someone would enjoy KotM more, I do too.

The movie is pretty good actually, i loved the kino shots and the music

>they don't make retarded out of context jokes

Oh okay

>The plot with the princess has a cast who are passably likable enough

Every character is unlikable and spent more time trying to be cunts to one another than working cohesively towards any kind of goal.

>the humor is infinitely less grating at worst,


>the monsters' screentime is much better integrated through the film and is allowed to play uninterrupted

Demonstrably false. The final battle with Ghidorah cuts constantly back to the assassins who are proceeding as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening, the monsters could have been any random disaster with minimal changes to the story

>The princess' plot sets up the monsters' plot and both feed the themes of the movie

Once again with minimal rewriting she could have been predicting any random series disasters or alien invasions, the monsters were tacked on and mostly did nothing, Ghidorah simply goes away after three minutes of rocks being tossed at him. Utterly anticlimactic. This movie did nothing that Astro Monster didn't do 100 times better. By the way, Rodan roars like Godzilla when he emerges from Mt.Aso. What great care and attention they put into this movie.
/m/ fags need to realize that not everything Honda and Tsuburaya worked on is gold, but it wouldn't surprise me since you faggots go out of your way to defend Godzilla's Revenge as some kind of underappreciated masterpiece that everyone is wrong about.

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>[Mark Russell] I hope you're as good at finding her as you are at losing her.
>[Dr. Emma Russell] I didn't lose her. She ran away.
>[Mark Russell] Well gee, I wonder why.
>[No name army grunt] I can't blame that kid. If I found out the parents I made along the way were the true Kings of the monsters. I'd run away from home too.
*slams brakes*
>[Dr. Emma Russell] What did you just say?
>[No name army grunt] If I found out the parents I made along the way were the true Kings of the monsters. I'd run away from home too.
>[Dr. Emma Russell] & [Mark Russell] Home!
What the FUCK did they mean by this?

Not him, but I would rather have the fanboy-directed movie than the ones made by people who seemingly hate Godzilla like 1998 and 2014.

>annoying quips from characters meant to be annoying
Color me surprised

Having critics shill shitty capeshit and giving disneyshit good reviews while everything else is made to bomb is very much a problem. The noticable difference between audience and critic scores is getting more disparate.

Where in this thread do you see anyone saying they prefer 1998?

>they're SUPPOSED to be annoying!
Great idea including them, absolutely brilliant.

And he isnt wrong

>waaah why is there cheesiness in this Godzilla movie?!
GTTHM actually gave the kaiju humanlike behavior for the first time. Maybe not everyone likes that, but I think it was a smart move in order to extend the life of the series.

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G14 gets way too bogged down in the human stuff and it's funny that this is the main criticism people are leveling against KOTM. It's beside the point whether or not the human stuff was "done better" in either film, G14 feels like it's afraid to be a Godzilla movie and seems much more focused on making the U.S. military look cool.

back in 2014 there was a guy streaming old Godzilla flicks on Yea Forums, Yea Forums and /m/. I watched this one three times on those boards and by far it was one of the most disliked, the biggest complaints being the monsters simply barely exist in it

seeThat's you, bud. Kill yourself. You're not fooling anyone.

it was a turn for the worse and one of the biggest reasons many people simply don't like Showa, making the monsters act like giant humans grates on the nerves very quickly

You're full of shit. It's when they're trying to analyze Ghidorah. It's a harmless line for a harmless scene.

>G14 gets way too bogged down in the human stuff and it's funny that this is the main criticism people are leveling against KOTM
user, that's the problem. G14 had too much human stuff that only had any value when Cranston and Watanabe were on screen. KotM didn't learn from this at all and had a human plot that was grating instead of just boring.

nice pasta

Yeah you are. Fuck off, faggot.

Perhaps, but it's also very blatant. Ultimately those ratings are only good for the people that make them and the casual who won't really use them to gauge a movie's quality; the casual viewer just goes watch whatever they want because they dont care, same as the niche viewer who goes watch whatever they like without caring about outside opinions. There's always going to be giant monster movies, like there's always going to be shitty romantic comedies and quippy action flicks. There's a market, the ratings are nothing and all those genres shouldn't try to measure the one thing they don't aim for.

You are a shill or lying or retarded, it is in no way a dissapointment, it was great, it has flaws where it can improve like almost all movies.
Wanna talk dissapointment? Godzilla on netflix

You realize Sony was caught a few years ago giving themselves fake reviews. You don't think the same shit goes on with these websites? Disney is boring and no one should spend their money on the cookie cutter garbage they release, but you're a fucking faggot that shills this movie, which is equally bad, but in a completely different way. Kill yourself.

You've got the mind of a literal child.

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>KotM didn't learn from this at all and had a human plot that was grating instead of just boring.
I disagree, I think they rightfully made the monsters the focus of KOTM and the humans feel secondary. I can see why people think the plot is dumb and sparse, but that's kind of the way it has to be in order for us to get the optimal amount of monster action. G14 just spent way too much time brooding and being "gritty" for my tastes.

>acts like a shill spouting blatant lies
>gets buttblasted hes called out for his shill behaviour
>vehemently championing capeshit to the hilt
fuck off shill

I wouldn't say they're barely in it, but I can see people disliking the movie since the monsters don't really drive the plot until King Ghidorah appears at the very end of the movie. Godzilla and Rodan are just kind of fighting in the background for the lulz. I actually like the monster conversation scene since it establishes them as intelligent beings rather than just dumb animals stumbling around like Godzilla was in Mothra vs Godzilla.

You're wrong though, because KotM did not give us the optimal amount of monster action, KotM drowned out its monster action by cutting to Chandler and Watanabe and Stranger Things looking up whenever a monster moves a toenail.

dont ever claim KOTM or any other movie has more quips than a marvel film and maybe youll be taken seriously

It literally does.

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the cinematography in most (not all) Showa Godzilla is extremely boring, compared to what Tsuburaya himself was doing on Ultraman, and other shows of the day like Kamen Rider, it falls dead last, even moreso compared to masterpieces like Daimajin from Daiei. I think people would sooner overlook Showa Godzilla's flaws if more of them were simply more interesting to look at.

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None of this distracted me at all, I didn't even notice it. Maybe I will on rewatch, but either way, it still has tons more monster stuff in it than G14. It also doesn't help that most of the monster stuff in G14 is so dark that it's hard to tell what you're even looking at.

>1 or 2 secondary characters not even involved in the climax quipping vs ensemble of 10+ main characters over multiple movies quipping about break dancing and orange slices during pivotol climaxes
youre just spouting blatant lies at this point

>no argument
You are the child, a braindead malformed child

>Its name its Gihdorah
>Its name is Gonorreha?¡

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Paid Reviews unironically.

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>only person i heard laugh was black
was it worth it legendary

Do elaborate on your delusion. You think that some other corporation saw a new Godzilla movie was coming, after the previous two movies in the series made about $500 million each, and decided this new one would be such a threat to their own movies that they had to pay all or a vast majority of critics to say the movie was shit, thereby kneecapping it? Is that what you really think happened?

There's no way that's real, right?

The soldier just said "if I had parents like you", he didn't do a title drop, but otherwise it's real.

Jesus. I thought it was a parody. It's nothing but cliches and generic lines.

not gonna deny that there were some bad ones but to say its marvel level is completely disingenious

The movie is trash.
You're right, Marvel quips aren't nearly so terrible.

I only watched it for Mr. Watanabe
and he did not disappoint

>unironically championing capeshit
>being this disingenious
yep we got a shill alright

it is even below mcu levels user, the fastest you accept that the better, in the end it is just a summer cashgrab, you are better off waiting for the next shin movie

Chinese companies that sell hair curlers on Amazon will pay people to do five-star reviews. You really think the world's largest entertainment conglomerate who successfully tanked Star Wars and just wrapped up their biggest moneymaker, the Avengers series, wouldn't try to sabotage an up-and-coming competitor which threatens to take away a large portion of their toy market?

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the movie would have benefitted a lot if he would have been the only human characterwe should care about, but no, here you have the stranger things girl screaming for everything

>used much fewer and farther between
>come from secondary characters who are told to stfu
>none during the climax
please tell me how its worse than marvel

>who successfully tanked Star Wars
After buying it, you realize they didn't mean to kill Star Wars, right? Much like how Dougherty didn't mean to kill the monsterverse but he did by making such a piece of shit.
>up-and-coming competitor which threatens to take away a large portion of their toy market
Absolutely laughable. 14 and Skull Island both made around $500 million, KotM's figures are exclusively cheapo trash at walmart or high-grade collector's merchandise, they're not a threat to disney toy lines at all.

Because the quality is worse you mong.
>used much fewer and farther between
That's wrong because the quipsters in KotM won't shut the fuck up whereas Marvel uses quips to deflate tension.
>none during the climax

this gave me godzilla 98 flashbacks to the taxi chase, seriously don't humiliate your bad guy failing to chase a car like a fucking dog

>Gareth Edwards didn't mean to kill the monsterverse but he did by making such a piece of shit.

>elaborate on your delusion
i have proof, and besides anyone caring about scores or giving even a slight fuck about them is stupid in the first place. i don't need other people to form an opinion

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No quip in KOTM is worse than what
said not a fucking chance

>That's wrong because the quipsters in KotM won't shut the fuck up
this is complete hyperbole its 2 secondary characters vs a dozen main characters theres significantly less quipping and its better placed

user spiced the dialouge up and added quips some random soldier telling them theyre shit parents wasnt a quip and wasnt meant to be played for humour

G14 isn't the one that flopped, fanboy.

When will capeshitters and disney moms learn

>implying Ghidorah wants to fuck Rodan
>implying Godzilla and Mothra fuck
Subhuman humor, worse than the LANGUAGE joke in Ultron.
>its 2 secondary characters
It's 2 secondary characters who ONLY speak in quips, one of them being the director's confessed Rick and Morty insert. It's not better paced, it's obnoxious as hell

why the fuck are you even here if you call the guy who's genuinely a kaiju fan a fanboy? this thread is riddled with disingenious butthurt critics dear god

A fan can accept the good and the bad. Blind fanboys have been spouting in these threads that KotM is one of it not the best Godzilla movie and refusing to face its flaws. You are just another soi shill fanboy like anyone slurping up Star Wars or Marvel.

true the sex jokes were bizarre

no but analysts are blaming KOM's domestic performance on 2014 not leaving a strong enough impression to build a potential franchise on, Cranston being essentially a bait and switch is also being attributed to why 2014 even pulled in as big an audience as it did

Nah im a kaiju fan who loves my big monster movies and this delivered in every way theres a reason why its called kaijukino is because its what fans want you just come across as very condescending and mocking much its clear youre here just to shit on people who genuinely enjoy the film

except all the times the characters making the shit quips are told to stfu while in your precious capeshit you champion so much every character is making stupid quips as the world is about to and and no one remarks how out of place of inappropriate it is so in that way KOTM does it better

>delivered in every way
we just got yet another time bullshit human drama, now with more quips, poor dialogue and cliches, with some battles in between, that were to fucking dark and with queastionable camera movements that you could barely appreciate anything, kong vs zilla is the last saving grace for this fucking verse

truly kino line with so much layers of deepnes, a truly pleb filter

Fuck off pajeet shill, the adults are trying to talk.

im starting to think that you in fact are the shill

It was projected to underperform in the days leading up to release, so critics saw it as an easy target. They get off on getting to be deciding factor in pushing a wavering movie that could go either way off the ledge. Makes them feel powerful and important.

That said, the movie's attempt to mimic the Marvel style failed so all critics had to do was slightly amplify and exaggerate legit criticism of its failures.

>coming to a godzilla film for muh human drama
>too old or adhd to follow kaiju fights
>a few quips ruin the whole film
i dont think this movie was made for you user you sound exactly like the critics this thread was made to shit on

>unironically championing capeshit
>unironically defending capeshit quips
>calling anyone a shill
oh i am laffin

i wanted destroyah to appear instead of ghidorah again honestly, but its alright

So this thread just exists to circlejerk and pretend the movie is perfect? Have fun retard.

This is a legitimate well-written critique of the film/series not your vitriolic spew

Nobody is calling the movie perfect. I have to seriously question the taste of anyone who can say with a straight face that G2014 was better than KOTM though.

Who the fuck cares what some obviously controlled fake bullshit says?

Meant for

>>coming to a godzilla film for muh human drama
no, thats exactly the fuking problem, once again the human plotline was so unnecesary and boring, and they double it down for this movie, looks like you are the perfect audience the kikes at warner wants to pander and cashgrab

yes the best of both worlds is desirable but at the end of the day its a godzilla and a kaiju film and they knocked that out of the park so in that regard so it succeeded in its main objective and failed in the secondary
>doubled down
what are you talking about the kaiju/human ratio is a lot more equal than 2014 where humans are the main focus until the climax at the end.

this is basically the problem with north american productions, the human drama was supposed to add a layer for understanding the impact that kaiju have on earth but it failed on so many levels. The human characters are there to help uderstand what is going on as kaiju dont speak etc. but again they failed basic screenwriting by telling us a whole bunch and not showing us

because the humans characters this time were so boring, uninteresting (aside from serisawa), they had terrible dialogue, and very cliche, and in the end that dragged the movie

as bad as zilla 2014 and zilla 2019 are, they are not transformers bad. cmon now.
there is no scene of shia labeof mother asking if hes masturbating in the godzilla films.

seething 12 yo logic.
user, its ok if people dont like the film or have negative opinions of the dialog of the film. you don't have to defend every single attack.

nah i understand it could have been better i hate le ebin quips dont get me wrong its the idiot who said it was worse than marvel and actually started defending capeshit that was being disingenious

The human element in this movie was infinitely worse than the last. They are so involved in the plot it's awful.

In the previous one, too much human screen time as well, but the plot at least boiled down to "scary monsters and everything we do doesn't accomplish shit, let them fight."


user you might want to get that checked out

Why even listen to critics anymore. Its clear they are bullshit.

this, nobody cares that your kid died, 10s of thousands have already died. they needed to take that out and concentrate on kaiju as a force of nature and if your kid died in an earthquake what are you gonna do? punch it? talk to it? writers lost the point with these characters and should of stuck with science team with some grunts thrown in there

This movie legit wasn't that good tho, other than the kino shots, kino monster designs and the fight in the beginning end end, the movie wasted too much time with its plot and human characters. People tend to praise this film for actually showing more Godzilla but there's still way too goddamn much padding, also underutilizing Mothra and Rodan was a mistake

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>there is no scene of shia labeof mother asking if hes masturbating in the godzilla films.
But there are no less than 3 sex jokes in KotM.

Like a journalist, a critic's function is to drive sales

some of those are an attempt at some meta humor cause have you scene most Godzilla fanart literally godzilla is fucking mothra

2014 had an egg laying and 2019 still managed to be weirder by implying a lot of kaiju sex

Shut the fuck up you esl shill, fan degeneracy doesn't make a terrible joke worthwhile.
Giant insects laying eggs is not the same thing as implying Ghidorah wants to fuck Rodan or Godzilla and Mothra are banging. The former is a threat, the latter is exactly the sort of shit that dragged down Transformers.

didnt say it did but it seemed to trigger you, so at least we know where you stand

That's what you get for not bribing the reviewers sufficiently

This movie had me almost falling asleep in the theater. I don't give a shit what the reviews said, but I couldn't give a shit about the humans and it was mostly their asinine nonsense. And seriously, she wants to release the monsters for her dead son that monsters killed to stop the human scourge from destroying the environment? The fuck was I even watching?

yeah motiviation was the biggest problem writers coudlnt figure it out

the only MCU movies with charm are GotG and thor 3

The humans fucking sucked in this movie. Dragged it down 2 points of of 10 for me.
>Watching godzilla punch ghidorah
>Tilts down to little girl running around looking for her dad
Fucking gay.

They should win a cinematography Oscar for this shot alone.

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Am I the only one who kinda didn't like Godzilla Vs Biollante? I guess the monster's design was kinda cool, but the fight scenes just didn't do it for me, and that whole thing about his daughter's soul bring stuck inside the monster was cheesy as fuck.