If the stones were taken from 3 different timelines which SPLIT after stone removal,
How could Cap return them all with one trip?
And how could he be in the same timeline he left when he was old?
If the stones were taken from 3 different timelines which SPLIT after stone removal
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maybe it's because the true infinity stone was the friends he made along the way
He wasn't on one trip. The whole 'one-trip' idea from the earlier part of the film is because of a shortage of Pym particles. Now that Pym has been undusted they can do whatever the hell they want
Still makes no sense, he can't jump timelines without coming back to 2024
it's magic i don have to explain shit
Just turn your brain off bro
Don't ask questions, just consume product and then get excited for next product
How do Cap and Tony go back to the 70s (which must be a different timeline) if they need to go back to the 'present' to timehop?
>How do Cap and Tony go back to the 70s (which must be a different timeline) if they need to go back to the 'present' to timehop?
It's fucked you're starting to realize
Bacause it was his Endgame(tm)
so wrapped up in your own shitposting that you take an explanation as a plothole
Bald lady says and shows timelines
> Movie gets it wrong twice
>See? It means you can do it!
Learn to think
The true infinity stones were in Thanos's pants.
Maybe the rules aren't what you think they are. brainlet.
>Maybe the rules aren't what you think they are. brainlet.
the rules are dictated by physics, not hollywood
>timetravel rule
It's just shitposting don't worry about him too much
shitty writing can achieve anything
technically the timelines would split the moment you appear in the past, because that's already divergent from what happened in your past
so you can never return to the same moment of the same timeline
so you can never undo the changes you caused by appearing in the first place
someone gets it
unless you accept time can't be changed so it always happened
like Primer or 12 Monkeys
They literally told us how it was supposed to work...and then the movie didn't use its own rules.
correct answer, he threw all that garbage into the nearest black hole and didnt fix any of that timeline shit and just fucked peggy for 50 years
>and just fucked peggy for 50 years
Isn't he supposed to return to the platform regardless? I thought he was in an alternate reality or something?
he did just like 30 years earlier and went off to live with peggy
more like pegging
you can't change the past
>you can't change the past
the whole point of the movie is you can
which is retarded
No it isn't. They don't change the past at any point.
Specially if they are using the "timelines" idea, as already pointed.
>go to the past and create a new "fixed" timeline
>your own timeline still exist and is still fucked
"Just turn off your brain, bro".
>No it isn't. They don't change the past at any point.
Based retard
That isn't what happens
>go to other timelines and fuck them up
>go back to the prime timeline and fix it without changing what happened in the past
>Hulk exists
Literally pick one
>goes back to 1940s
>knows about Korean War
>knows about Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Crisis
>knows about JFK getting blown the fuck out
>knows about Vietnam quagmire
>knows about Iran Hostage Crisis
>knows about Challenger and Colombia disasters
>knows about Hurricane Katrina
>knows about Colombine and Sandy Hook
>knows every last detail of 9/11
>knows about Harambe
>doesn't fucking stop any of it
Captain """America"""
That's an American thing to do, though
The true stones were hit right before Rocket Raccoon covered his eyes with his paw and said OUCH
Because the suits can time travel themselves as was shown when Cap and Tony went from 2012 straight to the 70s.
He spent most of his time killing Palestinian children. I heard he hung Sadaam Himself
So everybody agrees this shit has plotholes of the size of West Virginia right?
>you can't change the past bro
>well you can if you let the infinity stones otherwise you make another dimension
>fuck it captain cuck just goes back, marries his waifu and then magically returns without time machine or shit
The real infinity stones were the pretty hard yikes we yelled during the movies I guess
Most of these are Americans false flagging. Chances Cap performed most of them.
>this shit has plotholes of the size of West Virginia
Just like the source material I guess.
>>knows every last detail of 9/11
? we don't
>thor brings the 2014 hammer to 2024
>nothing happnes in the timeline
>nebula brings a goddamn spaceship from 2014
>nothing happens in the timeline
sure thing bro
Why doesn't Thor brings 2012 Thor to fight while he chills out?
my favorite line, masterful dialogue
I used the stones to destroy the stones
bravo nolan
because in 2024 he has no nagging wife
There is so much timeline bullshit going on i don't even know which timeline you are talking about.
Would it have been better if they had went the Harry Potter route/time turner type of time travel?
ie everything that's happened was for a reason and needed to happen
>thors mom always knew she was about to die and did it anyways after talking to fat thor
>cap is about to pick up the hammer but sees future cap nodding no
>tony goes back and makes sure his chest piece is in the right spot not to be mind controlled by loki
just a rough thought, I think it would have been better to do stuff like that personally but I'm sure that'd have it's own holes in it
>Would it have been better if they had went the Harry Potter route/time turner type of time travel?
>ie everything that's happened was for a reason and needed to happen
like 12 monkeys and primer did
except they make shit up as they go so it's too late
Time travel is always shit and full of plotholes.
It's just Dragon Ball rules you fucking brainlets.
>Time travel is always shit and full of plotholes.
not if it's a closed loop.
Is this shitposting or are you really so fucking stupid you still think Endgame travel operates like Back to the Future timetravel? I'll break it down simply based on what the directors themsevles confirmed:
>Created new timeline when got with Peggy
>Continued to do heroics in this new timeline
>Though unexplained, they simply said he got back to his original timeline and that there's a story in there somewhere
>Meaning all this crap about Cap letting shit happen is moot
Then you get the "how the fuck it started" plothole.
You simply need to use your "time GPS" to go back to the original timeline. Cap would still have his lying around.
>I'll break it down simply based on what the directors themsevles confirmed:
I didn't know hollywood directors had PhD in physics
this physics meme needs to die
>this physics meme needs to die
try in the next universe, buddy
>hurr film makers for capeshit have to abide by physics instead of just the fictional world's own internal logic
>instead of just the fictional world's own internal logic
it can't even do that
that's op point
Nice self-portrait, m8.
They can travel to and from times and different timelines without the use of the quantum tunnel, but the quantum tunnel is what grounds you to the main timeline.
Any travel without the quantum tunnel creates new timelines, so there is a new timeline for the initial heist of the stones in 1970, 2012, 2013 and 2014. When Cap travels back to return the stones, another new timeline is added.
Therefore there are 8 timelines, 2 for each time period, one where the stone is taken and never returned and doomed as the TAO said, and one where the stone is taken, but returned by Steve at the same time.
Finally Steve travels back to 1945 to live his life with Peggy, and then travels forward to some unknown point in the future to give his shield to Sam. This creates 2 more timelines, one of which the MCU now takes place on.
There are now 11 timelines, 1 main and 10 alternates, 1 of which the Far from Home and the rest of the MCU will continue along.
I probably am, but yeah....
Faggot. He had the time space gps, the Inverted Mobius Strip. With which, as long as he had enough pym particles, can travel to the branches. He took extra pym particles in 1970s.
He went to different branches and returned the stones. Then went to 40s and got his dick wet by tiddyfucking hayley atwell. Once his deal was over, he returned to main timelime with the gps and gave Sam the new shield.
How does Cap interact with the people taking the stones the exact same time he's supposed to put them back?
How does he put back the Soul Stone or the Natalie Portman stone?
>Faggot. He had the time space gps, the Inverted Mobius Strip. With which, as long as he had enough pym particles, can travel to the branches. He took extra pym particles in 1970s.
so what's the need of the big machine
It's more of a transmitter / receiver thing I believe. It acts as a satellite in the quantum realm for the time space gps to work
China banned conventional time travel stories, so they had to make it confusing as fuck to bypass it.
>China banned conventional time travel stories
based tinfoil retard
Makes perfect sense to me, but The Ancient One's speech could have been a little clearer.
Alternate timelines don't have plotholes either, do they?
The only plotholes are the Back to the Future types that result in Grandfather Paradoxes.
>Alternate timelines don't have plotholes either, do they?
it depends if you can "jump"
I think it grounds you to the main timeline so you can return there without creating more branches.
What do you mean by jump?
How does Mjolnir weight physics work then? lifted by a human that can't lift more than 10 tons, but unable to be lifted by superhumans capable of lifting more than 100 tons
>What do you mean by jump?
if the "movie rules" allow you to jump between timelines aka change tracks, to stay on the btb metaphor, it leads to plotholes
That's not how that works.
Changing past always creates a branch timeline. Just by being in past created them.
What Ancient one meant was that taking infinity stones will result in a new, doomed branch. So stones had to be returned to prevent those branches.
Steve went back and created a new timeline with Peggy and returned with a new shield for Sam, by the time space gps
What plotholes does it create?
It had a worthiness enchantment. For the worthy, it's light as hell. For the unworthy, they can never lift it
This. Endgame's time travel was well and resulted in no plot hole whatsoever, not that I'm aware of. Most 'plot holes' arise due to lack of correct understanding of time travel or thinking Steve changed the past in the main timeline when he didn't.
>What plotholes does it create?
if you assume that traveling to any point in time generates a new timeline/branch,
then when you "jump" or "go back" you should never reach the original/previous timeline but always a new one ad infinitum, by virtue of your travel itself.
basically you're doomed creating new timelines and never going home.
>or thinking Steve changed the past in the main timeline when he didn't.
except they already did by stealing time travel flasks
not a minor thing even like stealing a candy,
that shit would have huge ripercussion on history
I think that's the quantum tunnel is for, it grounds them to the main timeline.
So when they return through the tunnel a new timeline isn't created. But when Steve shows up at the end without the tunnel, it does create a new timeline which now becomes the main MCU timeline.
I think Steve bringing the stones back creates a new timeline. So there's a timeline where Steve doesn't come back and it doomed, and a timeline where he does come back and while things are different, it's safe.
>except they already did by stealing time travel flasks
Do you mean by stealing the Pym particles? How does that affect the main timeline when it occurred in an alternate?
I think TAO explained it very poorly honestly, not to mention Steve just showing up on the bench. So many people were confused.
I think it would have been worse sentimental wise, but more consistent if Steve just showed up on the tunnel as an old man.
That's not how that works. Changing past creates a new branch. You can't travel to future in any timeline because there are multiple possible futures. The time space gps is what allows you to return in the 'present' of the timeline you need to go. If you travel to the past, then new branch will be created.
They don't care about repercussions. Branch timeline is created anyways. Loki escaped in one. Thanos and his army are no longer there in one. Peggy married Steve in one. The future will be different only. But taking infinity stones destroy the flow of time, so they need to be returned.
I know that but according to "Physics" that's not possible
it's implied that Steve just aged until 2024, no more travels "forward"
That's the deal you see. There is no real future in mcu. IE they returned to the present, and hence changed no future, and therefore created no new branch.
Steve returned the stones at the time taken and restored the flow of time, so no NEW branch is created.
>But taking infinity stones destroy the flow of time, so they need to be returned.
it's bullshit since if they are taken "once", the flow should be broken "forever"
let's say otherwise people take 1 million years to "bring them back" (lol)
would that be acceptable? apparently yes
so what's the hurry? actually why bother? just say "next year baby" forever
Physics in mcu lol. There is no physics, just capeshit concepts. Still they do a fine job explaining them, except for Pym Particles. Like, Iron Man does have an energy source, Odin is a God with enchantment powers, shit like this.
How did he return the soul stone without a spaceship?
>How did he return the soul stone without a spaceship?
how did he get natalie portman in asgard pregnant again with reality semen?
They are returned immediately. IE they never left that timeline. The present point of that timeline is just as they left with the stones and Steve returned with them. So time isn't broken.
>>They are returned immediately. IE they never left that timeline.
meet my friend Zeno
at least 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 sec passed
Maybe he just put the coordinates in his timespace gps.
Well he didn't need to. All he had to do was return the stone. He might as well just returned the stone. Otherwise, i guess injection lol
Dude that will be over thinking. It's capeshit afterall.
He had to travel from his alternate timeline with Peggy to the main timeline he left from. We don't know what time he left his timeline and returned to the main timeline. So he could have gone forward or backwards, etc.
At what point is the "present" present though? At the exact moment they left? But we see time continue to flow while they are gone.
I think the quantum tunnel is what allows them to come back without timelines being created. Hence every time they didn't trvael through a tunnel a new timeline is created, included Steve appearing the bench.
>Steve returned the stones at the time taken and restored the flow of time, so no NEW branch is created.
How does travelling back in time create a new timeline the first time but not the second time?
I think it's fine to have multiple stones in a timeline at any point, so Steve only needed to go back a second before they originally left.
no but seriously
the concept of "returning" the stones is retarded
>I think it's fine to have multiple stones in a timeline at any point, so Steve only needed to go back a second before they originally left.
ah, we're already at headcanon
That's the only tough thing to explain. Imo present was when they left that point of space from the quantum realm. IE rhodey entered first, then clint and nebula, but time worked differently and they LEFT that point in the quantum realm at THE SAME TIME. That was the present. Steve reappeared at that instant and no new branch was created.
That's true. I don't fine anything major contradictory, but they could and should have dealt with this better.
you can't return them to the same moment you took them, always down the line, or to a different timeline
>Imo present was when they left that point of space from the quantum realm.
But we see time continue while they are gone, with the ending we see Hulk counting down from 5 seconds to bring Steve back.
So Steve is returning to the "present + 5 seconds", that just doesn't make sense to me.
Not to mention Thanos arrives when Nebula lets him in, there's is no "present" there because he wasn't returning to where he left, it was a one way trip for him.
I think the answer is the quantum tunnel. It prevents a timeline from being created, in every other time travel instance a timeline is created.
What I mean is, if somehow it can be made out that they all left at the same time, then there will be no future after taking the stones. Hence Steve will be returning to the present and not altering past
no because they travel through the quantum realm and create new timelines like a motherfuck
>Not to mention Thanos arrives when Nebula lets him in, there's is no "present" there because he wasn't returning to where he left, it was a one way trip for him.
>the whole point of the movie is you can
At no point in the movie is this true. Banner specifically says you cannot change the past because it already happened. When they went back they were changing different timelines creating alternative realities not their own because it already happened.
Thano's devastation already happened but the snapped people were simply brought back into existence.
Big if true
I agree, but that doesn't counteract my point.
Thanos had the time GPS and the Pym particles, Nebula wasn't just bringing something random back through time purely from her end
So you telling me that Cap
Went to the 1970s somehow recreated the Tesseract since the stone was inside that.
Went back to the aftermath of the New York battle and somehow recreated the Staff that stored the Stone.
Went into Asgard somehow and put the "stone" back into Thor's Girlfriend
Went to Visit Redskull and Return the Soul stone which you cant even fucking return. Like what he just gives it to Redskull or what?
>>Thanos had the time GPS and the Pym particles
so a bracelet can move a whole ship?
what if Thanos was on jupiter?
would it bring the planet?
lol it keeps digging
I think, just a shit theory prolly, but entering the quantum realm isn't same as leaving a timeline. You go subatomic, but you're still in the same timeline and going that small takes some seconds. Once you go small, the timespace gps instantly transports you to another timeline and THEN you go big.
That time of going subatomic might result in 5 seconds. But RETURNING to timeline happens instantaneously. Am I clear?
So Steve returns in the branch timeline WHILE he is in the quantum realm and at the same point, this is the present. They left with the stones by going subatomic, and then they left the timeline. Steve returned at the same point they left, then went big.
As for Thanos, I reckon he too used the pym particles to go in the quantum realm. Then Nebula used the time machine to transport him in 2023 reality
He puts the natalie portman back with benis, obviously
>Went to Visit Redskull and Return the Soul stone which you cant even fucking return. Like what he just gives it to Redskull or what?
he probably fucked ScarJo corpse so hard she came (lol) back to life
They never explain why the fuck that is a problem. If anything the world is safer without alchemist stones lying around.
Apparently they're not like catalysts of reality, literally unneeded.
>>They never explain why the fuck that is a problem.
wakanda needs to be forever
He just has to return the stones to the timelines. Not put reality stone in Jane. For the Tesseract and Sceptre, he can ask the Ancient One to repair them if he wants to. And yes, he'll give it back to red skull
The 12 Monkeys TV series is an absolute mess of destroyed timelines
Because Tony makes time travel GPS systems: The devices that they wear on their hands. They use the time machine platform to travel through time and the GPS systems to travel to a specific time.
So glad the darkies we're a footnote in this movie.
>The 12 Monkeys TV series
didn't even know it was a thing
the movie is perfect physics wise
Without the stones, flow of time is hampered. Thanos didn't make the stones to cease existing in the main timeline, he just atomized them
not him but this is a negligible detail
technically Thanos had as much time as he needed to reverse engineer both the gps and pym particles and make any adjustments and/or upgrades to his ship
How is it changing the past if
>go back, therefore create a new timeline
>take stone
>at exact same moment, Rogers arrives with the stone
>therefore the stone has been taken out of the timeline, but there is no point where the timeline has been without the stone
He reverse engineered the pym particles but not the gps device. That's why Nebula used the time machine to bring him from 2014 to 2023
How did Steve get a new shield in the alternate timeline he was living in?
Pick one up from yet another timeline on his way there
>How did?
>How can?
With either new vibranium or repainting his new shield or something
>How did Steve get a new shield in the alternate timeline he was living in?
Vibranium in wakanda
because if you go back, you create a new timeline
Just have sex and turn off your brain bro
He isn't going back he's going sideways
He didn't change the past, he just altered the 'present' and hence influenced the future
Ebony Maw is his scientist, I think he tinkered around a little bit and made it all work, replicating the Pym particles and attaching the GPS to the whole ship.
>Am I clear?
Nah, sorry bro, I'm not following anything here. Why do you think it takes 5 seconds to enter the quantum realm, we've seen them doing it instantly all the time in both Ant-Mans and in Endgame.
I just don't see why travelling back the first time creates a new timeline while the second time doesn't.
Steve's mere presence creates a new timeline, just like how every alternate timeline theory works.
You're right. I think the only way 'Steve going back didn't result in a new timeline' is if he returned to the present point of that timeline. So what exactly did she mean by doomed flow of time. Could it as soon as Rhodey took the stone, 2014 timeline's flow got stopped. Idk how that works. But the deal is, no time passed since then, and no past was changed later
He didn't come back to the same timeline.
this is the most brainlet response in a brainlet-infested thread
If no stone = doomed timeline, isn't the post-snap, post 2nd snap MCU timeline doomed?
Yes but mercifully that means no more MCU movies
No. Stones just need to be in that reality. Thanos didn't make the stones cease existing. He atomized them. They are still there, but are unusable by the gauntlet.
Yeah, and the Americans didn't make Hiroshima cease existing. They atomized it. All that stuff is still there, just unusable.
>I think the only way 'Steve going back didn't result in a new timeline' is if he returned to the present point of that timeline.
It shouldn't matter when he returned, whether it be as soon as they appeared or well after they left, his act of travelling through time creates a new timeline.
> So what exactly did she mean by doomed flow of time
I think she's talking about the timeline being doomed without the stones, since the absence of the stones allows Dormammu and other dark forces from other dimensions able to attack.
>Could it as soon as Rhodey took the stone, 2014 timeline's flow got stopped. Idk how that works. But the deal is, no time passed since then, and no past was changed later
I've heard that theory, but it doesn't make a lot of sense since we see Nebula interacting with Thanos and others after Rhodey left with the stone. Time passes after Rhodey left, so Steve going back to to 2014 creates a new timeline, otherwise he could have just stopped Thanos travelling to 2024 altogether.
If taking the stones is only a problem for the timeline they were taken from, who cares? Why doesn't Hulk just tell the ancient one that he'll bring them back and then keep them?
He could, it wouldn't make the difference to them at all aside from the guilt on their conscience, but they're just not that dishonourable.
But it didn't really prevent anything since there's a timeline where Steve didn't return and was doomed anyway.
>his act of travelling through time creates a new timeline.
I don't think so. I believe there is a 'present time point', hence fixed past at a certain point of time and multiple futures possible.
Only changing the past creates a branch. Travelling to the present point by itself won't create a new branch but will just affect the future of that timeline.
>timeline being doomed
That's what I thought too. But she also mentioned 'control flow of time' and imo then they only needed to return the time stone to ancient one. Like, why should they return the power stone?
>time passes after Rhodey left
I meant like, though events are going normally, just the 'present' point hasn't moved. They were in a static timeline.
As soon as Steve returned, flow of time got normal and Thanos had left by then already
>But it didn't really prevent anything since there's a timeline where Steve didn't return and was doomed anyway.
Which? I think the only Problematic timeline is 2014 one, since stuff happened once Rhodey had left
Sorry but that's incredibly stupid of you to say
That is the official explanation. The directors said so themselves.
Thanos destroyed matter, didn't remove them from the reality
Not to mention it leaves the stones in their timeline, which just creates further problems and fights, etc.
Finally gotcha. We saw two of each stone in a timeline already just after the time heist. The main timeline had both the stones destroyed by Thanos and the ones brought through time simultaneously.
Nothing bad happened at all, so we know that two stones can exist at a time, we just can't be missing a stone according to the Ancient One, otherwise, that timeline is doomed.
>Only changing the past creates a branch. Travelling to the present point by itself won't create a new branch but will just affect the future of that timeline.
But the future already exists. You're assuming that the timelines have no future for some reason.
It's been a long time since I heard her speak, it's hard to know exactly what happens. I think she says the stones exist in the flow of time.
>imo then they only needed to return the time stone to the Ancient One. Like, why should they return the power stone?
No, all the stones create and protect the universe together, they control one aspect each needed for the universe to exist, and removing just one of them dooms the timeline. All of the stones had to be returned.
>just the 'present' point hasn't moved.
You keep talking about this present point but it makes no sense sorry. We see time continue while after Rhodey left.
What do you mean by static timeline?
>and Thanos had left by then already
Steve had to return the stone after Rhodey took his, which means before Nebula was caught and Thanos left.
If Steve could affect the future of that timeline, why not stop Nebula from being caught and stop Thanos from travelling to 2024?
Otherwise, Dormammu would have invaded the dimension and would have destroyed anything. Since that didn't happen, the stones weren't removed at all.
Thanos even says he turned them to atoms.
There was no split, it is all one timeline at the end. And yes, that is as stupid as it sounds.
>future already exists
The main timeline future? Yes. The branch timeline? I don't think so.
I don't think there is a definite future in mcu. Imo timeline has a present point. ALWAYS. Hence there are multiple possible futures, like the ones Dr Strange saw. So as long as you don't change the past by being in the past, no new branches are created
>taking any one stone dooms the timeline
Agree. I meant more in terms like, Time Stone enables Ancient One to use it against Dormammu. Hence, all stones do control the flow of time. So all the stones control the FLOW of time.
>time continue after Rhodey left
What I meant was since one stone has gone, flow is interrupted right. So events are still happening, but there might have been some rupture of flow there.
>present point
Basically, the very second now is the present in that reality. Everything before, the past, is what creates a new branch if it gets changed. However, the futures are multiple. Steve returns to the present 2014 timeline after Thanos has already left. So he couldn't stop Nebula
>static timeline
That was just a theory. There are two possibilities imo. Either Steve returned just as Rhodey left, hence creating a new branch. Or after the power stone was taken, the flow of time wasn't proper. Like events happened till Thanos left 2014, but clock won't ticked. So once Steve returned with the stones, he didn't create a new branch but enabled the time to flow, since Rhodey leaving, Thanos as well as Nebula leaving and Steve arriving happened at the 'same time'. So the reality was fixed.
Further, now that I think about it, it might be possible that Changing the 'past' creates a new branch, but in timelines like 2014 one, he might have used the time stone to avert a nee branch or reverse time, like how Thanos did with Vision
No, there were splits.
>Main timeline
>2012,Loki escaped
>2014, no Thanos and his army
>1940s one
>one where clints son lost glove
and so we KNOW that steve didn't return the stones to the moment they were taken from, because in that timeline he didn't
No he didn't, idk but bruce said they will return the stones at the same time
why didnt Cap use the time stone to create an infinite loop of him tit fucking Peggy
Tit fuck is not nice IRL
Keep in mind I'm uncut and GF has big bobs
Steve creates four new timelines when he tavels back, which means there exists 4 timelines where he doesn't and are doomed.
>I don't think there is a definite future in mcu.
That's going into multiverse theory. Therefore there are infinite alternate timelines created at every single decisions anyone has ever made in existance?
The Ancient One even showed the flow of time as a single strand.
>So events are still happening, but there might have been some rupture of flow there.
So time flows but also doesn't flow, idk man, I don't think you're theory makes sense sorry. I don't know why you think it's so convoluted when the alternate timeline theory of time travel is already well known and works without a hiccup.
>Steve returns to the present 2014 timeline after Thanos has already left.
But why? That leaves the timeline open to an attack from Dormammu, why would he do that? That goes against what the Ancient One said that the stones need to be beought back to the time they left. Are you saying that he can only travel to this "present point"?
>Either Steve returned just as Rhodey left, hence creating a new branch.
This is what I think. He created a new timeline every time he travelled in time, since that's how the time travel theory works.
>Thanos as well as Nebula leaving and Steve arriving happened at the 'same time'. So the reality was fixed.
But what sets the "present point" in time? When the last time traveller leaves? Would that be Nebula leaving 2014? But Thanos obviously does things while Nebula goes, like preparing for the time travel.
Also, how does this theory work with two stones gone at two times? In 2014, Rhodey takes the power stone and Clint takes the soul stones away from the reality at two different times. I assume Hulk and Scott do the same with their stones. Where do you set the present point there?
Steve doesn't need to return the stones to that point in space, only in time.
Anyway, I gotta go to bed, cheers for the conversations lads!
I'll join ya honey