Should incels like MovieBob be allowed to review movies...

Should incels like MovieBob be allowed to review movies? They lack the life experience to apppreciate the stories and art

Attached: B15AC26A-51CE-4B04-9DAE-514BFD8839A6.jpg (640x640, 81K)


You should tell that to The Escapist so they'll fire him.

God a hate that guy

we are most qualified. we've lived vicariously through movies our entire life thus know which ones are genuinely worthwhile

My area is thinking of requiring gf history credentials upon entry to the theatre.

It's just an idea at the moment but I don't like it. I think they're jittery about the Joker film.

There are services online that offer to fake your gf history for a small fee, if they ever actually ask for references.

didn't they fire him once already?

The worst thing about Bob is that despite his personal faggotry he's still unfortunately in the upper eschalon of film criticism online, actually evaluating theme, tone, cinematography, cast chemistry etc. Instead of just rattling off the sequential events of the movie and complaining about "plotholes".

But why does he hate white people so much?

How did this fat crazy faggot get brought back to the escapist?

Don't know, Don't care just go back to /pol/

Self flagellation and a lack of exposure to other races. This is extremely easy to detect whenever you hear progressively minded people talk about- not blacks or latinos- but asians. Whenever you see white people referring to east Asians as a cohesive group akin to blacks or whites with their own community you know they're full of shit, because all of those countries fucking hate each other. Japanese and China might as well be Israel and Palestine given the levels of animosity for eachother.

>allowed to review movies
>should people watch them
>should they get paid for it
>will people still do it

They used to bully him for being a veteran of the console war.

one which side did he fight?

He's a Nintendrone. He refused to go to his grandma's funeral because he wanted to play Super Mario Bros. 3.

He isn't even jewish, why is he like this?

He literally tweets about wishing the flyover states die

Please tell me Bob has used the 'incel' insult himself on twitter. This would absolutely make my day; hell my entire year.

That isn't the story, the story is he was busy buying an A/C for the wake


hes okay in small doses

MovieBob is a zoomer that took a left U-turn

Attached: D36QhopW4AAhEuj.jpg (816x944, 136K)


>speed up voice 10%
>edit out any and all gaps in speech
How the fuck do people tolerate his videos?

in a perfect world no, but in reality they're not worth the cost of upholding a ban