About to watch the first one.
Best Mission impossible movie?
Fallout by far
The first one will always be the best. Ghost Protocol>fallout>3>RN>2
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is Mission Impossible the only movie series that gets better with each movie?
first one, second one, and the recent one, everything else is shit
rogue nation was quite the step down from ghost protocol sadly but fallout delivered
first one is the best it's just too well crafted
two and three are meh tier
1 > 3 > Rogue Nation > 2 > Ghost Protocol > Fallout
Rouge nation has a snooze fest of a villain and holding your breath makes for a boring action scene
>first one is the best it's just too well crafted
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The first movie has a kind of 'meh' story, but is definitely an influential classic thanks to some great suspense scenes.
I haven't seen the second one since it came out, but from what I remember and what everyone says about it you may as well give it a skip unless you want to watch the entire series.
The third movie is a pretty solid action movie. I didn't have very good memories of it, but last time I watched it I was surprised by how fast paced it was and how well they managed to fit the character/story development moments into the middle of the action instead of having to drag everything to a halt to have the characters talk for a while.
Ghost Protocol was where they really figured out how to make a fucking fun action movie that didn't try to be too serious. If you don't want to watch all of them, at least give this one a watch.
Rogue Nation was still pretty decent, but it was kind of forgettable. The opera house scene was damn good, but the rest I barely remember despite watching it a few months ago.
Fallout is the very best, at least in my opinion. The story I didn't care for much, but the action is absolutely fucking amazing. A couple of dumb things where it feels like they didn't quite know how to bring a big set piece to an end, but it's all incredibly well directed. Definitely a must-see.
Second one. The trilogy is kino the rest is garbage.
1>Fallout>Ghost protocal>Rogue nation>>>>> 2
2>3>1, the rest is garbage
The first one may possibly have the greatest action sequence ever fucking filmed
>red light, green light
The second one is easily the best by far?
John Woo FFS
Start with the first one because of how influential it was.
But I'd say Fallout is the best.
But Fallout also builds on you having a bit of knowledge regarding the franchise and its characters
Ghost Protocol was pretty good.
I really liked ghost protocol.
3 >= 6 > 4 > 1 > 5 > 2
The first movie is the only good, ney, GREAT M:I flick. All others are trash and anyone who says otherwise is a scientologist closet faggot like Cruise!!!FACT!!!
>The first one may possibly have the greatest action sequence ever fucking filmed
It was MINDBLOWING seeing that back in1996!!!FACT!!!
Unpopular opinon:
I liked 4 and 5 a lot more than fallout.
Fallout was just TOO much action. i know, it’s M:I, But there wasn’t so much of it in 4 or 5 and I enjoyed them more.
Also I used to like 4 a lot more than 5, but after a rewatch, they are quite on the same level.
1 to 3 are quite forgettable nowadays
gp>fallout>1>rouge nation>3>2
strangely 2 has arguably the greatest action director of all time directing it and the action is quite mediocre
>putting 3 above Rogue Nation
>putting 3 above all three that came after
Full retard. Think before you post, don't @ me.
3 is leagues above Rogue Nation, your bad taste does not disprove that
Ghost Protocol will never be topped
>When he jumps on the helicopter and the mission impossible music finally kicks in
Still makes me excited when watching it even to this day
Ghost protocol and fallout. If they aren't trying to stop nuclear terrorism, the movies are lame.
1, followed by 2, as they were both made by auteurs. The rest are just interchangeable action movies made by mercenary directors.
Why does no one like 2?
It was my favourite movie back in the day, hell, it was the first DVD I ever bought.
it sucks nowadays I know, though but the hate is too much
The plot/characters are terrible but the action is alright
fallout was a fucking masterclass