Kino's for this feel?

kino's for this feel?

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Something about teenage love. You realize how much you wasted your youth while attractive guys were having sex at 14

Me 3 days before

There was nothing I could do

Blade Runner 2049

Attached: w90e.png (914x908, 1.74M)

>same birthday as me

who took the picture

True. You were destined for failure since your birth. It's all about genetics. Guys your age were already enjoying the best thing in the world - prime teen pussy. You couldn't simply because of something you cannot change.

Attached: This will never be you (2).jpg (600x600, 49K)

>move to a new area at 16
>schools finished old friends are far away
>try and make new friends
>people drop of the course
>suddenly 18, get work in warehouse
>mom starts giving me a hard time on why I don't have any friends
>starts saying I've wasted my youth up until 20
>get first gf and break up because she wants to meet my friends and gets weird when I say I don't know anyone
>become socially recluse

Attached: 1530388241768.jpg (380x349, 35K)

Oh fuck off. Anyone can become athletic dress well keep hygiene and have some cool hobbies.
stop being a faggot you whiny pussy

my biopic

>prime teen pussy
>best thing in the world

Nah, man, it isn't.

it never gets any better


I had sex with a 15 year old. most boring sex ever

Cope with what?
Are you unable to think before you meme you epic redditor retard?

Can you Cumtown fags stay on your subreddit
What kind of fucking faggot listens to a podcast named Cumtown
Fucking homos

Even modern """males""" are attention whores


true, young chicks are hopeless

25-35 are best

You don't know how this whole communication thing works huh buddy?

Simpsons season 11 episode 5

>being an attention seeking faggot is """communication"""

The only attention seeking is your desperate posing as so above it here.

I was attractive but I was to interested in downloading 25 second porn clips at 56k to use it. Stupid stupid stupid

Not him but you sound like a faggot
The OP twitter post is pathetic
When men feel depressed they talk about it privately with a good friend not post "haha guys im so depressed look at me haha" on the internet

>the point of the picture is he doesnt have any friends to celebrate his birthday with
>"lol y duzent he just talk abowt it with a good friend????????????????? checkmate atheists!

Nah 18 - 21 is prime pussy
Just enough experience and not to too close to the wall

Ok? So fucking what? Maybe make some friends if you're lonely and nobody celebrates with you? Maybe ask your fucking cousin or brother to come visit? Plenty of people don't even fucking celebrate their birthdays past childhood you big baby

wow so tough on the internet i'm sure you're a real chad

>When men feel depressed they talk about it privately with a good friend
No they don't, they wallow in it alone with a whiskey-bottle at their side.

Lol I never claimed to be a chad, but its definitely beta as fuck to whine on the internet that nobody will celebrate your TWENTY THIRD birthday with you
If he was a kid it would be sad but this is a supposed grown-ass man

That's what failures at life do. Not everyone is as pathetic as you.

>Missed opportunities or no opportunities when younger
>Proceeds to squander additional life on regrets

Y'all some silly masochists and don't even realize it.

Why didn't you do it then?

My 23rd was pretty similiar but my room was a little cleaner, i have a real bed and i didnt have anyone take a picture of me to put it on Twitter

t. basedboy who thinks he's depressed because his gf broke up with him so he whines to his college friend/colleague about it

Destroy me moe user DESTROY ME

>It's all about genetics
>what is the digital revolution?
>suddenly literal autists have high paying jobs and society and media literally cater to them
Yeah, you can go fuck off, monkey boy

>not everyone has internal problems
>you should be more like me with all my external problems
must be easy, being so normie you can't even fathom what can ail someone.

Objectively? No.
If I count my human instincts in which I can only partially veto sometimes? Yes, very much.

i only started at 15 :(

is that it?

>finish school
>all that "glory" goes away
>worse, it becomes a joke

>started at 14
>didn't end up as a chad

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>tfw more socially isolated than you realized to the point it's like there's been a generational shift with people your own age as you don't fit in anymore when trying to get into the real world
>tfw essentially 45 year old neet at 22

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I can't take it anymore. Is there any hope whatsoever? It seems life is set on rails from now on and no matter how many hobbies and futile past-times you pile up on your schedule it's all hollow and ultimately devoid of any meaning. People are nice but that's it, they're just nice. All interactions are so surface-level, it just seems like everyone is unable for various reasons to just sit down and have a discussion about something. It's all so fleeting and ephemeral, no matter how hard you try to build something it all just crumbles into dust in the end. I just can't take it anymore.

I wouldn't mind not having a gf if I had at least one good friend and it seems impossible to make friends after a certain age. Everyone is just a colleague or a "friend from x" and you'll never matter to them as much as their school friends.
I don't care what you faggots say it really fucking sucks being alone.

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This sex between two under 18's isn't that great, it only really gets good around 17 years+

Source: dated high school sweetheart from age 14 to 19

best pussy i have has was from 17 - 23 year olds and then 30 to 38 year olds

lmao why do you fags even care? i just work my shit job 14 hours a week, play video games and sleep. i dont think about any of this sad lonely feels cringetism.

Just give it some time.

Bro. Just be yourself. It's that simple

Its a weird feeling knowing you wasted your entire childhood, but if you were suddenly 16 again you still wouldn't do anything differently.

What I’d do differently is fuck a couple of the girls that liked me in high school. There were at least four, three of them actually asked me out which seems insane considering how rarely a girl makes the first move. But I was set on one girl that I didn’t ask out until senior year like a fucking idiot who of course rejected me.

I very much would have preferred losing my virginity at 16 rather than 24.

Nice memeing bro

imagine how rotten your soul has to be to care about what age you lose your virginity. It seriously doesn't fucking matter at all.

did this homo base his entire comedy style on the "what if Mr. T was a faggot" bit?

This looks Photoshopped. The door and the other objects on the far wall are too big in comparison to the person in the image.

>Everyone is just a colleague or a "friend from x"

That's the fucking worst. There's something seriously fucked with the way we live when we can't even make legit friends anymore.

>seething roastie cope
No one wants that blown out pussy.