he was a pedo wasnt he
He was a pedo wasnt he
No. He was just genuinely a good dude. Hard to believe isn't it?
Shut the fuck up retard.
It's creepy as fuck that an unrelated dude wanted to spend so much time and get close with random people's kids
The pedo stuff started in the 1980s for some reason. Menudo was the first boy band. Look that shit up. Ricky Martin got turned gay
Why does Reddit formerly Yea Forums love that guy so much?
Dont tell mama
user's I know it's hard to accept, but there's no evidence be ever did anything wrong to anyone. He was simply a kind and caring man that wanted the best for everyone.
whoah spielberg is neckpilled as fuck in that photo
he mostly spent time with puppets.
Why do you live? Do you not see how futile your existence is? You are so starved for genuine human connection that the only way you can get it is to get people riled up on imageboards with intentionally provocative statements. At least hatred and anger is some sort of reaction instead of the apathetic ignoring everyone subjects you to in your real life.
Could you honestly say that if you committed suicide right now that people would genuinely care? Some people might pretend to care for a bit, but they'll soon move on and forget all about you. You have made no impact on the world and haven't touched anyone's life in any sort of profound way. You should end it, it isn't going to get better.
>It's creepy as fuck that an unrelated dude wanted to spend so much time and get close with random people's kids
Wiki says he started out in local broadcasting at WQED in Pittsburgh and they decided to do a kids show, and was picked up and aired nationally by National Educational Television (NET), which later became the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS).[. He was already a musician, puppeteer, writer, producer, and Presbyterian minister. So he was sort of just the host.
There doesn't seem to be a nefarious plan behind it.
He started his TV show because he felt sickened by the quality of TV programming that was available for children at the time. So for that reason, I say no.
This thread could do without you projecting.
it’s not creepy as fuck. it’s actually vital that adults be invested in educating and raising and instilling the correct morals in the next generation.
why are there so many people whining about pedophiles on Yea Forums nowadays? fuck off.
like OP did?
How many kids have you diddled today?
Mr Rogers? You must be joking.
I wonder if he ever got angry? Or did some degenerate shit in the bedroom
He was based and redpilled getting prime cunny all day.
consensual missionary sex
y u a weeb pedo tho
Imagine what he would think about TV today
Why do zoomers worship this guy and Bob Ross?
>why are there so many people whining about pedophiles on Yea Forums nowadays? fuck off.
When we all found out that's how the jews keep their minions in line through blackmail. And all the rich idiots who are their minions and ruin the world like the Bush/Obama/Clintons/Podesta often horrifically torture, kill and eat them as part of an old (((gnostic))) death cult
because if you didn't have cable growing up they are all you watched
He was a sinner like all of us
Because contemporary media doesn't provide them with role models
>dude muh QAnon muh Pizzagate muh Saturn = Satan muh Moloch
kill yourself retard
>unreleated dude
The word unreleated doesnt make sense here
>wanted to spend
It's a show for children user. There is this thing called a job, look it up
>get close with random people's kids
Now that's some nice projection
I'm saying he's not even the kids' uncle or related to them in anyway. And yes, the kids on the show aren't his own, they are random stranger's kids so its fucking weird how enthusiastic he is about "hearing their voices"
>Saturn = Satan muh Moloch
Saturn = the bible god (at least that's what ancient Rome said when righting about Judea and their kinky child killing cults). Stop listening to christcucks. Pizzagate is real
i wouldn't trust an american
No, but he was a stinking rich Pennsylvania WASP, his grandfather was president of the McFeely Brick Company, one of The areas largest companies. He grew up in rich neighborhood, and he was also on the board of directors of his families company and once voted against a modest workers benefit during a strike or something, I forget the details.
He had a very WASP moral compass thaT included a hierarchy
Not that there's anything wrong with that
Watch some documentary come out in the next few years that have some kids say he diddled them and he gets the postmortem Michael Jackson treatment. He is a positive white man role model after all. The clock is ticking
Mr' Rogers is a pedo = mods approve
Speilberg = mods delete
Really makes you think
>kids say he diddled them and he gets the postmortem Michael Jackson treatment. He is a positive white man role model after all.
Ba dum tss
>and he was also on the board of directors of his families company and once voted against a modest workers benefit during a strike or something
I don't know anything about that, but FWIW I'm from the burgh and personally know several people who started their careers working on Roger's show who speak the absolute world of him. Of course any user on here can make that statement, so whatever, I've heard nothing but praise from first hand sources.
do some research you ignorant mongoloid
>The pedo stuff started in the 1980s for some reason.
Lol no. It's been around since the beginning of Hollywood. The rumors started in the 80's.
>Mr. Rogers reacts to "my sex junk oh oh"