Did Scared Straight even fucking work?
Scared Straight
nope. It made them worse.
>kids acting out because they have no father/abusive home life
>let criminals threaten and abuse them on TV for money
its schaudenfrude for people who hate kids. one them ended up murdering 2 people years after the show.
>everyone clapping
Do Americans really do that?
no, but it made grade A trash TV. the lines the prisoners came up with were better than most comedy shows.
Imagine if we could scare the gays into being straight.
Vlad the Impaler certainly knew how to deal with gays.
>tfw Dad used to drink
nope, just like all other attempts to dissuade criminals through brute force and punishment
completely pointless and in the end just fosters more crime
addressing the social issues which create criminals is the only way forward
sadly conservatives will never learn this and prefer to keep us in a state of constant hatred and fear
mostly because they profit off it
I love the episodes where they brought in some nerdy white kids who weren't even criminals but were put in for something stupid like "hacking" (i.e. using command prompt scripts or stealing Club Penguin accounts or something,) so they brought in a bunch of niggers who are rapists and murderers to put them down a different path. Like those kids weren't going to join gangs in the first place, so what are you trying to teach them?
>You boys enjoy your stay at Con College! It's gonna be a long shemeshter.
You're wrong. We just need a greatly expanded death penalty. There are those who won't be deterred, but it doesn't matter because they'll be dead.
Ok how would a good hearted liberal such as yourself go about addressing the social issues that cause people to rape and rob and murder?
>steal something, have hands cut off.
in the end just fosters more crime
well fug
it works better on niglets
Goddamn ninjas cuttin onions in here :')
how can one man be so based
>You're wrong. We just need a greatly expanded death penalty. There are those who won't be deterred, but it doesn't matter because they'll be dead.
States with death penalties tend to rank the worst for violent crimes.
yes, it scared the straight out of me alright
now i dream of becoming the prison queen
Criminology 101 classes have a segment dedicated to these types of programs, including Scared Straight. They always backfire. The first season of scared straight claimed the kids were successfully set back on the right path, but was found to be a lie. One of the kids grew up to be a CP dealer, another raped his ex GF, then killed his boyfriend. The overall stats show people through the program have higher rates of entering the prison system compared to everyone else by 8% of last year. Do not support theses types of shows, as they bring significant harm to individuals for the sake of giving viewers false entertainment.
i will NEVER not laugh at this
Vermont has low crime, so they don't think about the death penalty
Get you chickens and eggs in order, fag
jesus christ these comments are retarded. starting with the guy who got 60 upboats for saying "dat {entire point of the video} tho XD"
>expecting anything good from a fag with gook-pop profile pic
>Vermont has low crime, so they don't think about the death penalty
>Get you chickens and eggs in order, fag
Let me rephrase that:
"States that implement the death penalty see increased crime rates after the death penalty has been implemented."
Is there any kind of control group that the kids on the show are compared against? The fact that some went on to be criminals doesn’t say a whole lot since they were already headed down that path. You have to compare them versus a group of criminal youths that don’t go on this show before you can make a blanket statement that it does nothing.
Don’t get me wrong, I think the show is garbage but a professor will use any opportunity to lie to and manipulate his students to support his own beliefs.
not him but sounds like bullshit, source?
>Tough on crime laws usually pass when crime is on the rise
No shit. Tell me you’re not as stupid as you’re coming off right now, user
You can probably get paid $40 to suck a niggers dick, user. You don’t need to make me pay through my wages for you to vicariously do it through government programs
prison is like one big inside joke. why the fuck would kool aide ever mean your a bitch? like what was the origin of that.
>that kid
We clap when plans land and when movies end. Of course we're going to clap when some kid who was previously thought of and presented as a little shit just wants a father figure in his life.
>ywn plow full steam ahead through some bitch ass, fake-tough faggot's rectal walls while yelling "OH YEAH" in your lowest, most demonic sounding register.
i grew up with both parents so i don't know this feel
that is.... probably pretty accurate
He impaled Turks and random people, not gays in particular
This is true but anytime anyone says anything like this it triggers the fuck out of the wannabe torture chamber operators of the world.
>you can't have crime if you kill everyone
Vermont is civilized, so they don't think about the death penalty.
>a professor will use any opportunity to lie to and manipulate his students to support his own beliefs
Yeah I'm sure it's all a communist elite conspiracy like Yuri Bezmenov said.
>Vermont is nearly 95% white, so they don't think about the death penalty.
Vermont is mostly farmers and hippies, so they don't think about the death penalty.
surely if you lower the population the drop will be more severe
Great logic, honorable Chairman.
Who cares? It's about entertainment first and foremost.
>you don't need to think about the death penalty when people ain't killin 'and rapin' each other like it's a 3rd world country
You realize libs are just as bad, only on the opposite end of the spectrum, right? There was a mayor or lowered criminal charges on theft. As if that would fucking help. Libs are telling black people that they can't be anything other than criminals, and it's not their fault for not trying. Believe it or not, lowering the bar is detrimental. Asians commit suicide from the stress of their expectations, but they're are number one in education, and have the lowest crime rates.
>literally only acting out because of a single mother
Huh, almost like there's a link...
Better to have no dad than a dad who drinks and beats your mother and worse
If you saying blacks commit more crimes maybe you should look at the history of this country.
Nowhere in the US is comparable to a third world country in terms of crime, despite what alarmist media likes to tell you. Baltimore has one of the highest murder rates in the US, but it's much better than most third world countries.
>that dumb roastie's face when she realizes it's her fault
>Libs are telling black people that they can't be anything other than criminals, and it's not their fault for not trying
Where is the evidence?
Is there a study that controls for things like drug abuse, parental status, family structure, employment status, or the many other factors that likely influence crime?
>Baltimore has one of the highest murder rates in the US
>its also one of the cities with most blacks in the US
And yet, nearby black neighborhoods in Maryland are much, much safer.
t. Marylander
I had to go to scared straight when I was 15, it didnt work on me as I was arrested 5 times after that.
legit teared up
you will never be a woman
have dilation sex
What for?
>hey guys, its not their fault that they're drug addicts that come from fatherless homes and dont have jobs, its the wypipos fault
I never said that, and you know it.
I was arrogant when I went to court for a little bit of weed. The judge didn't like my attitude so he made me do scared straight, 3 month outpatient rehab, ~200 hours community service, and fines out the ass.
We should have a long-term study where we prevent humans being born that would likely end up with all of these kind of problems.
Reactive solutions (incarceration, death penalties) are barbaric. Pro-active solutions, preventing the bedrock of criminal behavior from forming is progressive and wholesome for the greater good.
That's a bit nuts.
You're right. Red Indians used to commit more crimes before we put them in their place
lol, as if that dopey looking bitch in there for fucking shop lifting is "running that motherfucker" in prison. Hes the one who got raped and labeled with Kool Aid by the real hard ass killers in there, thats how hes so knowledgeable about the concept.
Blacks committed crimes in the past too... So what's your point?
Preventing criminals from having kids would be the best way to prevent new criminals. Sterilize everyone once they get imprisoned or sent to juvey for violent crime, problem solved in a few generation.
It is retarded
These kids are not like that because they are not scared enough
Their home is in shambles and made them socially handicapped, that lead to their isolation outside home
They have anti-social behaviour because they dont belong so they cant have shame, nobody is expecting anything of them and they have no one to let down
People are not afraid of jail because of rape memes but because of the social seclusion that comes with it and afterwards, a seclusion those kids have already achieved
You cant "scare them straight" because they have nothing to be scared of
Yeah it's not like mass sterilization for a "greater good" has led to anything worse in the past...
All of the documented atrocities natives carried out until we soundly defeated them.
Only on civilized races, blacks are retarded that means they cant stop commiting violent crime as there is no self control mechanism in their noggins period. You could show a nigger's mom being burned alive as a warning to not commit crime and one hour later he is already breaking into some homie's house for no reason.
What are you referring to?
They do as black males are only 6% of our population yet cause half the violent crime, make up the bulk of academic suspencions and expulsions as well. If you want a nice redpill most white majority cities have nigger infested prisons.
You mean like when US troops killed hundreds of native civilians, mostly women and children, at Sand Creek, then made memorabilia and trophies out of their mutilated body parts?
>I don't understand hyperbole
based liberal adhering perfectly to the low verbal IQ meme
Are you illiterate? The Nazis were inspired by the US "eugenics" program.
You mean when they did that after the Indians had killed and raped how many white people? Fuck off. Whitey may be too slow to anger, but mess with us enough and eventually you and your family get what you deserve.
how is it not extremely common knowledge that loads of kids who show criminal behaviors have either their father missing or both parents missing
Watch the louis theroux dark states series where he interviews all of these young kids on the streets and none of them have any father
But what did the Nazis do wrong exactly? Other than killing retards. The holocaust has been debunked numerous times.
Nazis have little to do with burgers retard, they were a rebel faction agains the communist zionist kikes in Weimar Germany.
>2000+ years of anti-semitism was inspired by the united states' eugenics program
>You mean when they did that after the Indians had killed and raped how many white people?
The attack was in revenge for a normal battle, not a massacre of civilians.
keep snickering, Hans. Next time hopefully more Nazis will be fleeing lynch mobs or swinging from lampposts.
>ctrl+ F BIKES
>0 of 0
Yea Forums i...
That's a myth started by the Nazis and propagated by the useful idiots like you.
Boohoo. Indians engaged in tons of atrocities against whites. We tend to be nicer than the savage races, but we are undeniably better at using violence.
German Jews were very assimilated at the time the Nazis took power. Not many people predicted the the brutality of what was coming, or that it would start in Germany of all places.
You...think Nazis didn't fight Communists?
God i fucking hate you jews.
Cry more, Nazi.
Jews had destroyed the German economy on purpose, this is well documented.
>German Jews were very assimilated at the time the Nazis took power
Yes they also cause mass degeneracy, promoted racemixing aka niggermixing, and intentionally fucked the economy to make germans so poor and desperate they would jump for communism that would end up Holodomoring them anyway.
You jews are evil scum that need to be exterminated.
Lol what do Nazis have to do with Indians, jew?
>retards denying reality didn't understand what was going on
yes. we know.
I never said that. The Nazis persecuted communists ruthlessly. What's propaganda is the idea that Nazism was some sort of defense against a communist tide. There's no historical evidence for it, and the only proponents of it seem to be Nazis themselves or their apologists.
That's also a myth.
There's no denying that German Jews were very assimilated in the 1920s. What would have been more predictable would be antisemitic violence that originated in Russia or other Eastern countries.
Gotta love /pol/
why did they cut the part out when the nightmare man says he'd give them a sandwich and then push up on them? is it because he's white and not really scary?
This. Pro death penalty people simply haven't done any research, they just go with their gut (which is why they're retarded).
>a myth
Yh like the Protocols of Elder Zion, fuck off and die jew.
Good idea. Problem would be people wrongly accused, fake evidence planted, etc. though.
Wow, sure is Yiddish in here.
Yeah, the inmates did as well. I remember one saying "nigga you aint no criminal, you just a pothead da fuck you doing in here" They pretty much left me alone after they found out I was just in there for weed. One of the kids was there because he beat up his sister with a bat so he took the brunt of the abuse from the inmates.
Spongebob in prison
>Muh history.
When the liberal trots this phrase out, you know they've lost the debate and don't want to admit they don't have an answer.
The nigger population decreases as you go back in time yet they still have ludicrous violent crime rates compared to whites.
Those arguing against you know this full well. Which is why they're engaging in sophistry and ignoring any inconvenient facts brought up. They're most likely jews.
Don't the kids realize that the inmates they see are probably the most well-behaved ones? They wouldn't actually put a dangerous prisoner in close proximity to a kid. The scared straight inmates are probably church-going, higher level trustees.
>that fat bitch of a mother
americans are truly disgusting
>I see you in here again imma slap the shit out you niggas, especially you cuz you a blood, and you cuz you stupid