He liked Dark Phoenix

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>"I liked it!"
>fails to point any positive aspect about the movie for the next 20 minutes
Ahh yes, the good old Mike-Like

Fuck off e-celeb faggot

but what that mouth do

>"heheheh godzilla might be genderfluid. You might have to ask what its pronouns. I wouldn't know anything about that bc im a straight white male :) "

Someone tell this hack fraud to stick with movies.


X-3 > Dark Pheonix

I don't get it. Sometimes they will talk about how audiences are stupid and only want to watch stupid movies and aren't sophisticated like them but then they review capeshit after capeshit and give it favorable reviews.

that's probably due to the fact that he knows nothing about cinema

It's trending

Or the fact he knows Godzilla isn't fucking cinema you dumb Fuck. It's a trash film for giant monsters to fight.

He didnt like Dark Phoenix

Attached: DouWalk.jpg (148x216, 8K)

the mind behind george foreskin grill loved the new x men movie, just crazy.

What if I told you that the point of all entertainment is to entertain, not to stroke your cock over while you pretend the thing's really your brain?

Years of shilling MCU/Disneywars shitshows would do that, you have to say you liked it but since they are garbage you can't say why

he may liked the movie because it fell very star trek like. poorly effects, aliens, all that shit.

He's unironcially and overweight low iq early gen Xr who drinks too much and believes in ghosts.
The fact he's stayed true to himself and not tried to be some lame psued is why I like it

Someone needs to tell Mike that the joke about "le million genderflouids XD" got old five years ago.

So did I. I think people are being overly judgmental hypocrites shitting on this movie so hard and giving mediocre shit like Captain Marvel a pass. It is in every way a superior version of the same story. I’m pretty sure that’s why it was delayed - Disney pressured them into it because they realized that.

Nobody cares about cinema. They review blockbusters because it's what makes the most views and, considering their revenue on patreon, they are definitly right to do so.
But when you spend years watching these stupid big budget flicks you end up noticing when one is slightly less shit than the usual turd soup hollywood serves

literally who?

lurk moor

Mike really looks like shit lately. Does he have cancer but still has to do internet videos because he doesn't have insurance?

nah, he's just a fat alcoholic fuck, he thinks beer is a refreshing beverage, he prolly drinks 4-5 bottles every day

Did he like it though? I think he ment he enjoyed how bad and schlocky it is. Jay is really the only one I listen too now.

Have dilation

How are they shilling new star wars when only one they liked was episode 7.

even though he's right he probably has retarded reasons

Yeah I was expecting him to talk about sequences that were schlocky that he liked but really he didn't seem to say much of anything. The only good thing about this review was that Jay saw and liked Shin Godzilla, and the continued Collider mockery. Did the guy actually do a "I'm sorry but I was in the right" follow up video?

They both liked it. Mike recommended it.

Jay said it was okay and was surprised that mike actually liked it.

Rich hasn’t done an appearance in months. All of his recent stuff was recorded 3+ months ago. I hope his knee surgery went ok.

RLM has more subscribers than Collider, it's bullying at this point

>All of his recent stuff was recorded 3+ months ago.
You think the reaction to the collider star wars shill meltdown was just Mike reusing old footage? I thought that podcast being released when it was kind of odd too. What does Culkin know about all of this?

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It was pretty brainless, so it's understandable.

Who is he and why should I care?


He deserves to be bullied

*laughs in 42%*

I literally had sex 30 minutes ago and that joke was pretty lame. Its so played out at this point.

A retard accidentally coming to the right conclusion for the wrong reasons is just a statistical inevitability.

What if I told you that not everyone gets a feeling of being entertained from dumb spectacle?

There’s essentially two different kinds of people; does who seek cognitive challenges; and those who don’t. The former group likes to think about complex problems and feel satisfied when they are solved. The latter group feels stressed out by complex problems and only few relief that they are over after being solved, not satisfaction.