Films that best capture the fall of the West?

Films that best capture the fall of the West?

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>and for no reason at all people voted for Hitler.

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> Daily Mail
> UK

Is there ANYTHING sadder than being a fucking Britcuck? Holy shit.

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>trips copnfirm

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Being a smelly mutt

>people should be prosecuted for looking at things
this is what obsessed pedo-haters actually believe

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>sexuality in videogames needs to be censored
>pedophiles should be allowed to watch child porn
Make up your minds leftists!


this only cnn, vox and huffpo! are credible

Not all heroes wear cap-

>(((report))) says

kill all pizzagate denialists

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They should just let them watch the porn and buy their sex dolls so they don't go out and rape real kids.

It's a police commissioned report intended to be submitted as a proposal to tackle the strain on police resources. Given the amount of pedos in the British establishment it will likely pass.

>calls himself dr pizza
You really can't make this shit up.

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They should be prosecuted. Since is there is no one to watch, less will be made. Drawings and 3d recreation should be legal

reminder that supply and demand is a thing and there is literally no difference from watching cp and touching the kids yourself

you would enjoy that wouldn't you

how about we castrate you so you don't feel the need to watch it


The REAL capekino.

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being a white Frenchman


'We can't prove sex with children does them harm' says leading experts

Just admit you're wrong, Yea Forums, the world is realising that pedosexuality isn't bad after all

the far right must be protected at all cost from watching degeneracy.
it just so happens they hate sex or should i say incapable of having them.

have sex

>we can't devote our time to taking out pedos, it's a strain on our resources



one of the worst blackpills is knowing that women and mothers can literally be brainwashed into thinking pedophilia is OK. the power of the press overpowers the maternal instinct, which is why we must kill journalists now before it's too late

Get pregnant.

>Since is there is no one to watch, less will be made
yeah those child abusers will definitely stop raping kids if we just put pedos in prison

what a cringe line

I love Yea Forums is split between blamimg pedophilia on leftists and being actual pedophiles.

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You read like you don't get out much. The have sex meme was written for people like you lmao

conservatives have kids
liberals want them raped

actual Yea Forums fags arent pedos its just the /pol/ bitches

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>blaming pedophilia on leftists
Conservatives back in the day were the ones marrying 12 year olds and their own cousins. They still are today in the form of Islam.

>the world is realising that pedosexuality isn't bad after all
Fucking a two year old isn't bad? That's bullshit and you know it. Otherwise I'd say as long as there's a mat in front of the door and the subject is actually willing to have sex, let 'er rip.

*I love /pol/ is split between blamimg pedophilia on leftists and being actual pedophiles.

They are less likely to do it if there is no money in it.

You first, virgin Reddit nigger.

this is wrong though, It was conservative goverment in the uk and usa who stopped it

and smaller communities got pissed because they thought they were being oppressed by the upper classes

She has the cutest laugh!

why are most convicted pedophiles are white men, Yea Forumsbros?

>thread shitting on pedos
>obsessed posters frantically rush into thread to talk about muh rightwingers and do damage control
yup, really makes me think

women do whatever the herd tells them to do. most of them are sheep in the truest sense of the word

lol keep telling yourself that. Hopefully when Ahmed crushes your throat with his sandal and starts swinging the machete, the delusion that Americans are just muh mutts will comfort you.
>3395 people arrested for mean words on the Internet
>Met Police says it's not practical to investigate all crime

Have sex.

Right wingers are the ones raping the most kids today. Look at Europe, unless you think those rape gangs are progressive liberals lmao


I guess we know why he had the alert on.

The material itself is illegal. You have to fuck a child on camera to make the video you literal dumb fuck.

Because nobody cares about pedophiles in shithole countries where browns and blacks are the majority.

What is a diversion courses?

rape gangs?

god this thread is reddit
wheres the cunny

not every person who watches child porn personally ordered its creation and paid for it. why should someone who watches a 20 year old cp video they had nothing to do with go to prison?

most pedo videos shows white men as the sexual abuser
eastern europe is the biggest producer of child porn

>removing Islam suddenly makes the left wingers the child rapists
REALLY, REALLY makes me think.

Are you a retard? What logical leap are you making here? Shit is nonsensical. Of course people will still commit crime, how the fuck is that somehow an argument against people being charged for other crimes? What that user said is no less valid than saying if less people did drugs, drugs would be less lucrative.

based and redpilled, now check these digits.

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>report suggests tactic to curb pedophile tendencies, maybe even solve the issue
>/pol immediately get triggered
lmao you pedos sure are nervous

Think it's a sort of therapy like they do in I think it's Sweden (somewhere in Scandinavia).

they tell you to have sex (with adults)

thanks for stating the obvious

who is this pedo?

Very nice user

the tactic is really dangerous because it like a smokescreen saying its ok to be pedo and theyre gonna treat you good but once youre caught youre pretty much dead.
pedos, like white supremacists are still being discriminated on by society mainly because of their skin color.

Yes I would enjoy pedophiles not going out and raping kids. Why is this such a controversial thing to /pol/tards?

Muslims, there was a big cover up in uk that got blown

are you? how does prosecuting people who look at moving images do anything to stop child abuse and child abusers?

they do? how many have you watched?

curbing such tendencies is their personal responsibility, which they have already failed if apprehended. the solution is to appropriately punish - destroy, not coddle - them

There is literally nothing wrong with cunny

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>white supremacists are treated no better than pedophiles
really makes you think.

because they're the ones who create the market in the first place. if there were no pedos then there'd be no reason to make CP.

Islam isn't conservative.

This is a hilariously naive way to view the world. People can't even control themselves when it comes to eating, they eat themselves into obesity and cancer. But sure we can trust them to just solve being a pedophile on their own.

Pedophiles should be executed
Just like in the olden days

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lol right i forgot, muslims are liberal.

In the olden days people married their daughters you retarded zoomer.

Islam has all the 'based and red-pilled' views /pol/ goes nuts for rofl. The /pol/ dream is to go full jihad but for white supremacy.

Being a GoT fan or Emilia Clarke fan

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the only course they should be put on is one right into the gas chamber. a good pedophile is a dead pedophile

i mean, there are plenty of pedos out there that do control their sick desires so...

stop the sjw brainwashing in hollywood
production of child porn cease to exist forever

which one bros?

Probably because a number just wack off to kiddy porn as part of their porn addiction. I'm sure treatment works for these types.

But it would be mistake to think actual compulsive kiddie diddlers should be let off easy. I know of a guy in my town who raped his own kids. Divorced. Did time. Got treatment. Got released. Remarried (dumb cunt) had more kids. Raped those too.

Quick trial. Hanging. Only way.

no way

How do muslims vote, democrat or republican?

if they're so bad don't you think we should be keeping muslims out of non muslim countries

and if there were no thieves there'd be no reason to make locks. too bad human nature doesn't work that way

and that fucker had the balls to make a smart ass tweet responding to that tweet about his pedo shit?

That's not how porn or videos in general work you retard. Ever heard of going "solo". Yes that's a thing you retard. you do it by yourself.

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We've always known this is where it would lead

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why the fuck would you choose the second one?

so why do leftists want more of them to settle in the west?

i thought trumptards hate child porn?

No. :^)

shit, they're both great options but i think the only responsible decision is the wiping CP off the map one. it would have a much more inmeadiate effect and save a lot more lives in the short term. if we're thinking about the long term though? i dunno, that's tough.

Children make child porn too. People shouldn't film themselves having sex with kids. It's risky. A lot of pedophiles would never get caught if they didn't film it. Then again, I'm thankful.

Did you forget the part where almost every Trump supporter has a loli anime avatar on twitter? Trump is the pro-pedophilia candidate.

Why's everyone so obsessed with accusing each other of being pedos these days?

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letting a child near an image capture device should be against the law.