Now the dust has settled, was it kino?
Now the dust has settled, was it kino?
I enjoyed it, though I found the lesbian really irritating. There were some really cool moments, not many jump scares (apart from the obvious car one)
Saw a video on youtube that shows all the hidden ghosts in the background, it's mental there's about 100 I missed
The mesa is not yet dusty, friend.
sort like Lost, but on a smaller scale
- great actors
- great writing, dialogues and sequences of events work really well
- scary without jumpscares
- shitty ending that explains nothing
It was shit that only women could like
Undoubtedly KINO
Watched it with my mom because it was something non confrontational and new. I fell asleep during last episode but really have no intention of ever finishing it. 6/10
I loved it and I usually hate jump scares, can't wait until the next season
did it get uncomfortable during the 5 minutes explicit sex scene?
Absolutely kino up until the shitty happy ending.
Didn't care much for the miserable lesbian glove woman but the tall ghost utter kinography
I honestly don't remember that scene. Must have been rough if I blocked it from my memory.
It was alright. Elliot was the standout.
Didn't appreciate the forced black guy.
I felt absolutely nothing for any of the characters apart from the groundskeeper and his wife in the final episode when it turned out their daughter had been murdered by the mother or whatever it was that happened. All of the main characters were utterly boring and predictable, the greedy writer capitalising, the terrified little girl who got blacked, the queen bitch ice cold older sister who had the subservient hispanic husband, and the hardcore strong woman lesbian who got with the hot asian chick, and the oh no poor me drug addict guy who they all hated, mostly unrelatable (except for perhaps the guy with the addiction who needed help, but that wasn't enough).
There was more family melodrama and bad monologues than there were spooky scenes
It was litty, Netflix's best show
This, Netflix's best show so far.
But part of what made the show for me was because we recently lost someone in our family like Nell, the youngest of us, so the show had added emotional impact. I won't say it helped me cope because it probably didn't, but I did feel like it got the tone of sudden loss correct.
Pretty good, especially for a horror show. I liked that the ghosts where more symbolic of the character's internal issues and randomly creepy stuff in the background than the focus of the show. A worse horror show would have made spoopy scary ghosts the main focus of the show and then forced in cheap character drama in between.
Everything was kino up until the the funeral episode.
Then every ep became worse till the ending which was absolute shit
>shitty ending that explains nothing
What was there to explain that wasn't?
thought the monologues were good
The funeral episode was good and deserves credit considering they built a funeral home attached to an old mansion and it looks authentic and some of the acting was pretty great. Pretty much all the men were great.
funeral home episode was the best