We want the Breaking Bad audience

>we want the Breaking Bad audience
>we want The Matrix audience
>we want the John Wick audience
Help me Yea Forums.

I'm having doubts about my faith. I think I'm about to convert to Yea Forums.

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A video game plot can truly go anywhere and explore any theme.
Just saying.

The trailer looked like one of the most boring and cliched pieces of schi-fi shit, but it's getting praised because MUH KEANU
Gamers should be gassed

the Cyberpunk 2077 hype is too big
I remember the original trailer drop and having to explain to friends what the Cyberpunk universe is
I hate to be some sort of hipster but I don’t think it can live up to the hype

i dont get it - there's not the slightest resemblance between the guy and aaron paul except that when he is looking stressed out and emotional, you think jeez wouldn't it have been good if bb was this good

>Breaking Bad
The bottom guy looks more like Anthony Starr from Banshee.

The guy reminded me of Aaron Paul. Male V doesn't look or truly sound like him, but the acting is similar.

it can't be that similar cos i felt more for this guy than most fuckin characters in movies and tv ive seen for years, but all i felt when jessie was in his various agonies was satisfaction, and a bit of frustration that it wasn't enough

This. The fucking YouTube comment section is filled with faggots talking about "OH MY GAWD!! KEANU!! INSTANT PREORDER!!!"

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Great more scruffy white men. YAWN wheres my cybertrannies?

detroit become human its pure kino

It's this guy though.

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CDPR makes good games, I don't know why they felt like they needed star power for this one. It will be a solid game, probably even a great game, this just seems unnecessary is all.

video games are superior to movies in every faculty and will inevitably replace them

Is there more boring and disgusting board than Yea Forums
I don’t if they have so many children or just man children

Is there a difference in the end?

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>>we want the Breaking Bad audience
do they have someone from breaking bad?

I don’t understand the meaning of your image

>He writes this on the capeshit board.

Cyberpunk 2077 is going to be fucking amazing. A world that feels alive. None of you zoomers can appreciate these games cos you werent around when the only thing we had was grandpa shit. You are all a bunch of entitled bitches that need constant beatings.

Even if I were a pure-blooded Jew-hating blue eyed Aryan from Austria, I would still pre-order the game. Keanu is too awesome to hate.

Why didn't his dying friend get the option to reboot :)?

Video games are the purest form of art. If Dostoyevski or Bach were born today, you can bet your ass they'd be developing fortnite.

CD Projekt is like Piranha Bytes for homeless people. The worst possible choice to do an immersive sim.

>Find Android Hiding in the Sewers
>Follow the Diamond HUD element attached to the screen
>Turn on Digital Sleuth Mode
>Find Android
>Android did kill its owner but it was also abused (gasp!)
>Kill Android y/n

Now repeat this quest in several variants for 100 times.

Johnny Silverhead is a goddamn legend, so in order to convey that to player CDPR decided to cast a legendary real life person. Pretty neat move if you ask me.

It's going to be a surprise sequel to Johnny Mnemonic.

Male V is so fucking handsome. I can't wait for porn of him desu.

it sure as hell WONT, a fucking singleplayer FIRST person shooter? Name one good singleplayer FPS that is purely driven by the ""great story""
sure u might get to drive a cool cyberpunk cycle and do some cool time stop shit but thats not new at all.

co-op, looting, great story

open world, lots of other shit to do besides main quest, not even that good

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Ur fucking stupid mate

>great story
Yeah it sure is hella BADASS when the BADASS main villain rants to you for 3 BADASS minutes about his BADASS pony named Butt Stallion.

>I think I'm about to convert to Yea Forums
Forget Yea Forums and Yea Forums, convert to Yea Forums

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>Name one good singleplayer FPS that is purely driven by the ""great story""
The first 3 Halo games
Half-Life 2
VtM Bloodlines
System Shock 2
BioShock, only the first one (2 was pure gameplay and Infinite sucked)
New Vegas
Any of the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight games

Also Borderlands is utter fucking garbage written by the fag who is quite literally the reason why the word "cuck" became a meme in the first place.

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Oh and Deus fucking Ex

Spec Ops: The Line, Half Life 2, System Shock 2, Bioshock, Deus Ex.

I know you'll move the goalposts by stating the non-story elements in those games, but ever game has non-story elements because they are fucking games, not stories. Both Borderlands and Far Cry have shit stories, by the way.

Spec Ops is a TPS, isn't it?

Why is a video game triggering some many people on Yea Forums?

Oh right, contrarianism.

>waah waaah waaah waaaaaaaaaah
Put a cork up your ass and butter up you whiny shit. This game is going to be a success with or without you.

I hope not, because it's got the best story in that list.

you are a fucking child

That's a boomer list, you moron.

Eh, dunno about that, it's babby's first meta commentary and it's competing against Deus Ex which has some of the most god tier writing in vidya.

And you're under 5'6 but what does that have to do with anything?

>it's competing against Deus Ex

Deus Ex has excellent writing, but Spec Ops plays with its own medium in some really interesting ways and because it's linear as fuck, it's able to do pacing and stuff like that better.

it can, but the medium is infested with SJW pandering devs who at this point are attacking gamers for the hell of it, shame because they used to defend gamers. Games were beautiful when they were primitive but most importantly had little to no corporate interference because the suits didn't realize it had the potential to be bigger than the movie industry. Those days are gone and now games get interfered with even worse than most movies. A games vision now seems impossible to be fully realized.

Also industry journalists still praise shallow shit like zombie games such as the last of us instead of shit that explores really interesting themes like rule of rose

A lot of the message with and overarching point of Spec Ops was lost because it tries to guilt trip you with shit you have no choice but to do. The game won't progress at all until you fire the white phosphorus on the civvies and it spends the rest of the game telling you how bad you were for choosing to actually play the game. The only alternative is
>just turn it off bro
Which is retarded for all sorts of reasons. I think that, entirely unironically, Undertale did the same thing better because it guilts you just as hard over wanton murder but committing said wanton murder is entirely your choice which makes it much more meaningful.

To be fair Rule of Rose is also 13 years old and much like Pathologic not that enjoyable as a "game".

Mass Effect.

o shit forgot i was in /contrarian/

i knew some pesudointellectual fags would reply with shitgames from 2002, im not gonna dispute your claim though, im sure the story was fucking great but were they really that hyped?

And im gonna be a fag and change the goalposts and say MODERN games

Should all gamer manchildren be killed or first tortured and then killed?

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>And im gonna be a fag and change the goalposts and say MODERN games

Modern mainstream games suck dick Just like modern mainstream movies.[/spoiler[

ok then fuck off there video game bitch

Yea Forums loves cinematic games now?

>video games

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Fuck off Anthony, go back to begging for another job at Tencent.

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>hating Keanu

Kill yourself faggot.

He is one of the only decent people left in Hollywood

I was referring to the Prey from 2017. Never played the original.

Mass Effect is not an FPS. The first one is also over a decade old and the writing in the others is absolute trash.

I pre ordered this shit the hype is too big

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>there's people who think they brought in Keanu for the John Wick audience and not the Neuromancer audience

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Dead Space.

Johnny Mnemonic audience, I mean. Fuck.

Goddammit there must have been a mass banning on Yea Forumseddit. They've been shitting up the board progressively harder over the last 6~ 8 hrs now.

>They will never make the Sprawl trilogy

Why it didn't happen in reddi/tv/?

Nah, it's just E3.

thank god i outgrew vidya. might play this one and bloodlines 2 assuming they’re heavily moddable, but from the looks of cyberpunk there’s a chance it won’t be and bloodlines 2 looks like a pile of aids ridden shit. if a vibrant modding community on par with shitthesda games, literally the only redeeming quality of their games, blossoms, I might reconsider

third person, try another

except for the fact that almost none have ever had a story/plot/writing/worldbuilding that was even up the ankles of a great film or series. fromsoft games, interplay fallouts and bloodlines 1 are few of the handful of examples

William Gibson's twitter is 10% eclectic buy-for-life fashion and musing on how much better union jeans were, 40% retweeting different people for various takes, and a solid 50% answering people who tweet various "holy shit this is straight out of a Gibson novel!", either telling them that it's more like another author's predictions or agreeing. By the time they finally decide to invest in the Sprawl trilogy it'll already be too late, with the world being too close to the story or having outpaced the technology, making it less interesting overall.

it’s never going to be on par with a tabletop rpg. tone down your expectations numale

>he's never played a Taro game

original deus ex of course

>it can, but the medium is infested with SJW

And Hollywood isn't?


Hey user! You're breathtaking.

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More like /tg/... The vidja is based off the old Cyberpunk 2020 pencil and paper rpg from the 90s, updated for a modern audience (thus the timeskip, as tech marched on in 30 years).
Also for those mentioning VtM Bloodlines, that's from a pencil and paper rpg too. Though I'm sure you only know D&D and Critical Role plebbit tier shit.

Stop larping as a boomer, faggot. It looks alright but it's not going to change the world.


>original deus ex
Just say Deus Ex, shitlord.

The Nier and Drakengard games are full of lore, user.

Wake the fuck up, shitposter.
we've got boards to burn.

>calling anything else plebbit when jerking off World of Darkness

Alien: Isolation is another one previous anons skipped over.

have a famil.. oh wait you're a poltard xD

I'm not diddling VtM 5th edition cos fuck that piece of shit, though touche, user.
Still, D&D (especially 5th) and Critical Role is normie shit.

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You are breathtaking!

Johnny is one of the three childhood Heroes you can choose for V, the other two are Morgan Blackhand (honestly Keanu would have been better as him) and Saburo Arasawa.
Some anons have posited depending on who you pick is who will turn up in your game.
I'm hoping we get Ken Watanabe as Arasawa myself.

Keanu is gonna save the game
Looked boring asf but he saves every bit of shit he's in

Be sure to include me in the grab, redditors and kikebook using instafags!

no, just jews

Maybe the reason why video games had so much creativity since their birth until late 00's was because they weren't taken seriously as an industry yet, and therefore people not knowing much about them didn't try to control them.

jews are synonymous with hollywood

listen tranny. your comparison is off. i know you think that you got really immersed into your feminine penis ranger character when the rest of your goblin incel crew wasted their friday and saturday nights fantasizing how you didnt suck at sports and anyone gave a shit about your imagination. magic the gathering sucks and realize VR is the future and games like this provide a 100 fold greater immersion than your nerdrage simulators.

In all fairness I'm pretty sure everyone who worked on the notorious VtM edition was blackballed after the incident with Chechnya.

You're Breath Ta King

Who the fuck is talking about VR though

borderlands is fun as hell and one of my favorite games but to say it has great story is just stupid

>comparison is off
You are a brainlet that doesn't realise Cyberpunk started as a tabletop rpg, thus why the original user mentioned that.

thats irrelevant. you started as a little sperm, and look at you now. a full blown retard.

Gameplay is the most important thing and it's gonna be shit like the Witcher 3. You can tell with the playthroughs.

the gaming industry has surpassed the movie industry

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He has a high pitched raspy voice and says "bitch" really cringily.

They already confirmed there won't be mods for CP2077

>hollywood isn't
>blames shitty movies failing on sexism, racism and "trolls"

>VtM Bloodlines
was an RPG where first-person view was mandatory for guns but sub-optimal for anything else
and they are still going to force the fpv in the new one


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COD:Black Ops, unironically. Kino game overall.

>thank god i outgrew vidya
I remember my first beer too.

You probably would literally drink his semen if he said something racist.

Stalker: SOC - where you learn that reaching your goal is meaningless and it's all about the friends who you got killed by the military, mutants and anomalies along the way.

>an unironic videogame thread
slit your wrists manchildren

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*flosses on you*
die manlet
sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed

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> gets called out on their retardation
> I'm not retarded, you are!
Got me on the ropes here, user.

>the fag who is quite literally the reason why the word "cuck" became a mem


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