
>Is "vastly different" from the first two shows
>Is about the first generation of humans raised in the zombie apocalypse (implying this is set decades after the original show and Fear)
>Will follow two female protagonists

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They better get nude and sweaty

They should just stop.

Where were you when they single-handedly killed the zombie genre for decades to come?

and that's a good thing

they had a good thing running. how could they fuck it up so badly?

>Shit boys, the show is rapidly declining and we don't have any other audience draws on the network
>Do you think it's because we pushed too hard on the diversity and female empowerment?
>Don't be ridiculous, greenlight another spin-off and this time don't allow a single white male into the cast

I used to think that it was sheer greed that drove these people. But anyone with a shred of business acumen would realize that you shouldn't try to triple dip into a franchise that is well into it's death rattle. What is the goal here?

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It's going to be same as always, starts off strong for half a season, the shitty writers fuck it up and they make it TWD 3.0 and stretch it out for 10 more seasons.

>Show is set decades after the original
Are they really going to try to tell me that zombies are still around after 20+ years? what the fuck is keeping their bodies together. they would be fucking sludge piles

people still die of natural causes, accidents and murder which will make
more zombies

What's with normies and zombies?

Fair point, but if this is supposed to be about the first zombie adapted generation, wouldn't they have created a culture of preventing zombies from being created? Mercy killing mortally wounded, Spikes in the head before burial, etc. Not to say it wouldn't happen, but it should be extremely fucking rare. unless everyone is still being full on mad max villains with zombo armies raiding people for guzzoline.

So... did I miss my chance to sell my early issues of Walking Dead for a good price?

so full crossed cycle minus the gore. I "can't wait" for the broken English they think is a must have in after the end futures

I think the biggest issue is that the people that green-light shows and the people that write the shows and the people that film the shows, and nobody is really incentivized to pursue long-term profitability. Throw in a healthy dose of design-by-committee bullshit, and the end result is AMC.

There won't be many people left to become zombies. And in a post-apocalyptic scenario with shitty medical care, infant mortality would be the biggest killer. Most of the zombies would logically be babies, toddlers, and the elderly.

It died on its on.

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People who know they're dying will try to hide it because they don't want to die. Denial is powerful.

I watched four minutes of a fight of an older season. Camera almost made me puke out my gutts. If you watch that, you are retarded.

There is no personal risk to anyone working on these things. everyone still gets paid and they already have the next job lined up so no one cares. its like asking why there are 6+ Jason movies

Why would there be shitty medical care? The equipment, the knowledge and the doctors would still exist.

and everyone would know that so they would work in 2s,etc. no chance of hordes
guilty free reasons to be assholes to each other. being whores, rapists, murders,etc its all "cool" cause its the apopolisps and we doing what we "have to"

What? They will say they are dying, they will be chained to a bed and cared for, once they are dead they will be spiked. people usually lie about it because A) they are shit B) the care program is an instant bullet to the head

I have to thank them for that. So sick of zombie bullshit.

there was never such a chance.
Where? equipment needs electricity, maintenance ,new parts, refined materials. same with meds. doctors would be rare, you would end up with a dentist treating the whole village

They wouldn't say they were dying because theyre in denial. It happens multiple times on the show already.
People also die unexpectedly.

>equipment needs electricity, maintenance ,new parts, refined materials.
>plane crash in ftwd
>helicopter in twd
What the fuck are they doing for fuel. The are still walking up to random cars and driving away.

Not all equipment needs electricity. Doctors are generally cared for a lot since they're in high demand. There would be a lot more doctors per person than right now.

>Will follow two female protagonists

Why if course it will, no usual propaganda at all

If I knew I was dying and would come back as a zombie, I would put a motorcycle helmet and boxing gloves on, and a sign saying "just let me walk"

That's not how AMC roles. They must run everything into the ground.

well yeah in retarded show logic it will go that way
should have gone with boy/girl?
well if we go by show logic the Doctors will be evil rapists and everyone will go along with it because they are the only doctor around and they would horde they knowledge, only giving out bits here and there to the students forced to suck their cock. eventually they will die and general knowledge of medicine would be lower and so on a cycle until doctors and shamans are the same thing

Doctors will also be exposed to more zombies as the dying will flock to them, especially at the beginning when doctors would be surrounded by hospitals full of zombies.

why? I would ask to be put in a very heavy stone crypt. being dead is no fun when assholes are around, even these days there are faggots who dig up the dead on Halloween for the lolz , they pose them and do stuff with their bones

What if there's still a bit of your consciousness still there? Wouldn't you want to wander free, instead of being locked up in pitch darkness?

not much you can see in a helmet and not that far you can walk, your legs would give out soon, so the real question is "do you go into the dark from the start or do you wonder around for few months" not much difference in the long run. If your consciousness is there its better to focus on reliving the good shit form your life, until you fade all the way

Maybe instead, knowing that my end is near, I'd drug and kidnap someone, chain them up so they can't defend themselves, then at least get to experience doing what zombies love so much.

>3 Walking Dead series running at the same time or 48 weeks out of the year combined

Not even Charlie on all three shows could get me to watch all that.

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but why? Do you really want your last act to be a shitty one?

I'd make sure my victim was Jewish.

that changes nothing.

where were you when jim jarmusch brought it bacak to life

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This. I can't even think of a good zombie movie.
The beginning of Shaun of the Dead was good maybe.

>Will follow two female protagonists

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>What is the goal here?
Trillions of dollars in propaganda budgets and money laundering going through the studio system. Just look at CNN it has no viewers.

These two idiots don't know how the world works but want to sound smart.

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Romero night of the dead and dawn of the dead

The evil dead series

Zombie land (has Emma Stone)

>evil dead
I forgot about those. I've only seen Army of Darkness.

shut up boomer

Boomers = Feminism


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Why won't they stop? Have they learn't nothing from the ever increasing drop in viewers and people shitting on the show?

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Did anyone think "Fear the walking dead" was good?

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Fuck that noise. When do we get a third Breaking Bad show starring Hank and Gomey? Fuck AMC.

Lol no



>desperately trying to keep people interested now that TWD is several years into having jumped the shark, and Fear fizzled out after it became clear the initial outbreak was over in the first episode

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>Will follow two female protagonists
>females being anything more then harem fodder in a post apocalyptic world

Friendly reminder.

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Fear the Walking Dead is even worse off, last weeks season premiere didn't even crack 2 million viewers.

I'm not exactly a normie but for me it is about any world different than the one we currently live in. It's also why I like to read about pre history or think about exploring a planet with life of any kind. Just something different man.

zombieland was utter trash and day is romero's masterpiece

You know what would be unique for this pathetic genre?
All the fucking zombies dying and then the show being about rebuilding the world.

The show tanked because of the writing and cheap corner cutting not the casting.

Fear fizzled out because it was lazy pro-illegal immigration white man bad shit and the market is saturated with that garbage.

That would require a budget and writers that weren't 90% diversity hires and women whose entire scope of storywriting ability encompasses the lesbian plot, the white man bad plot, and let's not forget the illustrious time-honored I was raped plot. We might even be lucky enough to get the Crème de la Crème brown lesbian raped by white man plot.

The goal is normalizing clown world, so young and future generations will think their queer brown nightmare societies are and were normal, repressing the urge to lash out violently.

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Watching "The Walking Dead" is living proof that people engage in the sunk cost fallacy.

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Am I really supposed to believe a couple of dykes would make it on their own?

filmed in georgia?

*rolls eyes*

There was a second one?

I stopped watching TWD because of how serious they were taking it. killed all enjoyment for me.
>talking dead
>mini-eps during the commercials
I just want to watch a fucking show, I don’t need all the cash grab faggotry.

the comics are still good at least and I can always reread World War Z if I’m in a zombie mood, which I haven’t been for several years now.

people are watching more through streaming, too late on demand for it count, etc. not saying there isn't a drop-off but those numbers are likely misleading.

>zombie genre
>implying it won't limp on as a decaying abomination for years to come


Lol remember when Fear was being marketed as the early days of the apocalypse, focusing on family bonds? Then that shit went out the window in the second season?

The last 20 issues have been kind of rushed and shitty. I only enjoyed the last two issues but I will say that it still worth following at least. Can't say the same for the show

>this is what the World War Z movie could’ve been
I want to die just thinking about what we missed because Hollywood is retarded and worthless

I totally forgot the cliffhanger, so the last issue caught me off guard.
I haven’t watched the show in so long that I don’t even remember what the last episode I watched was.

Except I'm 28 and zombie shit has been a constant cliched shitty thing through my whole life and 20+ years before I was born. It won't stop.

these 2 get it

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Who the fucks still watching?

Meanwhile NOS4A2 is 2 episodes in and Yea Forums hasn't even mentioned it once that I could see.

Yes, but 99.8% of the population is dead in TWD. The remaining 0.02% would create such a small zombie population that it's irrelevant.

>Will follow two female protagonists
naturally. when does the black guy show up and cause a love triangle?

are they gonna be hot? If they're hot and they eat each others pusys then i'll watch

So a third soap opera based on a source material that is going nowhere with only a decent premise as a redeeming quality, what could go wrong?

They FUCKED Fear

They FUCKED it so fucking hard



The level of wokeness will be through the roof. To the point where they will treat zombies like syrian refugees. I'd bet that there will be ok zombies, and bad zombies...

>should have gone with boy/girl?
No, gotta love the feminism propaganda absolutely everywhere.

Fuck having white children. Let's work and become zombie hunters

They will put two hijabis going full jihad against an oppressive society in a post-apocalyptic world.

It's propaganda it doesn't need to be profitable

The nu-Zombie craze was over nearly a decade ago.
Zombies used to be cool but zombie rules have been thrown out the window and it's all so terribly uninteresting.
These fags don't even call them zombies they call them zeds or walkers or some other gay shit. Fuck em.

it's reddit tier meme garbage and not good like only lovers left alive desu

New zombie movie coming out this week. Zombieland 2 being shot. Z-Nation prequel recently came out on Netflix

It's not going away

This franchise needs to die

more like the only people who watch this show are women and their orbiters so we might as well pander to them as hard as possible

that dirty ass one note actor who plays daryl walking out of conventions with trash bags full of money, fuck this show and its obese fanbase.

I did

Because it was

inb4 that fag like "uughh mm muuhh timeskip! muh timeskip!" fuck that nigger

I liked all 3 seasons. season 4 is a different show, they killed all the protagonists. season 3 was my favorite. but they fired the showrunner and brought gimple with two retards . now it's the morgan show.

iZombie is still kino

>writers win nobel prize for stretching their story one proton thick over the entire globe

there have been some pretty kino books set in eras like this (post z-day by decades)

but no tv or movies that I know of aside from like, rezort

my family stopped watching the show around the time the whites were outnumbered - but before every single relationship was interracial or lgbt

It really should follow boy/girl.

A book I read did this pretty well - girl protagonist is from a well-off but isolated community post zombie apocalypse. Boy is captured by the community, and he's worldly and dangerous. Girl frees him and leaves with him on the promise that he will take her medicine that her family needs to live.

I'm still mad. S3 was kino...the travesty that was s4 FUCK!

Will see this only for Carol Kane.

if you like your lead BLACKED

z nation prequel was a big hit too

there's a pilot being shopped around about an infected man being kicked out of his city state and roaming the Wastes

It was diverse as fuck even in its glory year (year 1 and only year 1)
It tanked in views (and reviews) after the dull dull DULL fucking storyline after the baseball bat scene.
Just all around awfulness.
Viewers TANKED.
They should have limited all the savior shit to one season - not spread it out over 3.

I'd like to see a zombie show in a full urban setting like in NYC
Something like the pilot of TWD, really tense

>>Is "vastly different" from the first two shows

I hope they use a location with an interesting climate. Enough deserts. I say this as a fan of both fear and twd

I'd like to see it on the moon

The Moonwalking Dead

a whimsical title for a gripping no-holds-barred horror-drama

Spin off series that tells the events of twd from the point of view of the undeads when?
I'm fairly sure that they are just misunderstood

oh let me guess, the entire cast will be homosex poc muslims
