Give me one reason this man
Give me one reason this man
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Give me one reason to dislike this man*
he's a kike
other people like him
This. He's dangerously close to over exposure. Yea Forums will turn on him soon unless he goes back to his private way of life.
Literally the only reason, but hey he's the talk of the town for now because of his new movie and his appearance in a video game, but after this blows over he'll become perfect again
Kys kike
Yea Forums will hate him by no later than noon tomorrow. Posting keanu will be met with derision and "go back" posts.
He's breathtaking
I have a theory that he's sick and possibly dying. He never releases this many films in such a short time. Something is wrong
But he's Neil from the matricks
No, Keanu is fine.
Fuck, now I’m worried about Keanu having cancer
let's turn Keanu Reeves into a forced meme!
I kinda hate the way his beard doesn't connect to his moustache but thats basically the worst thing I can say about him.
Love his hair so much please bring emo back keano
He's just discarding the persona, "Keanu Reeves" is going to die soon and somewhere, a lookalike will pop up who looks like early Keanu, with a completely new identity
Why is this dude suddenly everywhere? Stupid pathetic teens going crazy because they saw him in some video game commerical and Redit niggers going apeshit because he's "lonely". Death is too good for pathetic teens.
Why did he drown all those children
Go back to redd*t retards
What's with the amount of Keanu threads lately?
The only remote one I can think of is he dated a tranny and appeared in a photo with kikeyahu, but even then I can't bring myself to dislike him, he genuinely seems like an awesome dude. Would be even awesomer if he genuinely played vidya
reddit loves him
/ourgirl/ proclaims it! We are officially in the Keanusence
He may or may not have banged a tranny.
nobody gives a hollering hoot about that roastie
he may or may not be based then.
Pic related.
hasn't kicked warwick davis in the head
if this is a tranny he banged then it's good for my boy
t. jessica chastain