Hello and welcome, history buffs!

Hello and welcome, history buffs!
I'm Nick Hodges and THIS... is Birth of a Nation.

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The same Nick Hodges that was on Spill.com way back when? Wow, it's been awhile.

I love the idea of the videos and the effort put in, but something about this guy is just off to me

>hates Mel Gibson for no reason episode


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Bullshit, when you put gross historical inaccuracies like Brits committing Nazi war crimes or smallpox appearing in the New World before Spaniards, you're going to get called out. Also he liked We Were Soldiers so your argument is invalid.

he probably just hates that the channel blew up and he has to keep reviewing an increasingly dwindling list of historical movies and tv shows to keep relevant

I'm Nick Hodges and THIS... is Triumph of the Will

He should do Catch me if you can

Holy shit I was wondering what it was called for so long now. Thank you user.

This guy is a hack he reviewed the non extended edi for kingdom of heaven

>British youtuber
>he looks like soi incarnate

Every single time.

>and THIS... is Schindler's List.

Yeah, same, for me it's the stylised caricature of the man his self, and his faggoty little voice, he's also biased to the nature of the British empire and more then willing to give it's crimes a pass, but will Rip into American Imperialism, seem like a bit of a cuck.
>pic unrelated.

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He’s British, they’re all seem a bit “off”

That's likely because the British Empire was the high point of human civilization.

It's just banter don't get to upset Y*nkoid

His "Agora" review was the biggest piece of fedora-tipping bullshit I've ever seen. The fact that he glosses over the inaccuracies in that but throws a shitfit over Apocolypto just proves what a bitch he is.

>angloids leaping to their own defence

shouldn't you be following amurricans around as they bomb the middle east like good dogs? or are you too busy forcing yourselves to forget about mass killing indians and asians

They were mass killing each other long before the british showed up.

He's British. What do you expect?

I hate how he acts like his 'research' is painstaking and thorough, when he probably just googles "x movie historical analysis".

Can't stand his faggoty voice, fake laughter, attempts to be funny and his stupid smart arse persona.

The implication was that the smallpox spread there from people who previously encountered spainards. How could someone be this retarded?

>thrashes Apocalypto while not realizing it was never meant to be historically accurate
what a fucking pleb

Because the Spaniards wouldn't arrive for another 500 years. And in the movie it's implied they just arrived at the end while the pox had been going on for what looks like years. Stop being retarded you stupid cow.

It's not historical accuracy that matters, it's authenticity. He liked 300 but Apocalypto was dishonest filmmaking.

speedreading faggot

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>christcuck mad that his religion was no better than islam

>never meant to be historically accurate
>goes through the trouble of having Mayan-speaking actors

Everything else about the movie suggests otherwise.

Waiting for his inevitable Chernobyl episode.
He makes some good stuff though

God I miss spill so much.