Natalie Portman had her hair shaved on screen for the film...

>Natalie Portman had her hair shaved on screen for the film. The footage which was shot in a single take as her character cries while being imprisoned in a concentration camp. When asked later how she felt, she said that the tears were real since her own grandmother had survived the gas chambers at Auschwitz.
Huh, I never knew that.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Has a man ever suffered as much for their film?

Rian Johnson having to salvage The Force Awakens to make a kino film

>grandmother had survived the gas chambers at Auschwitz
>survived the gas chamber

Wooden doors

Men are incapable of suffering

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Of course she survived because there never was gas chambers

Did her grandmother work with de-lousing uniforms?


Youd think the most evil and meticulous mass murderers in history would be able to kill a defenseless woman they held in custody for years. Guess not though.

the gas chamber was rated for 100 people her grandmother was 101


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It's a miracle she survived!

I'm not a /pol/shit but
>surviving a death camp

Don't look into it if you don't think you would like the answer.

Shut this thread down

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>The Last Jedi

Could you believe one guy survived being gassed 6 times?
Could you believe one time the nazis accidentally released water instead of zyklon b?
Unbelievable! (but true)

>survived the gas chambers

explain, the only way i can see this happening is if she was filtered out and sent to the womens worker camp on the left and so would never have seen a gas chamber

It’s like the “my grandpa was late to work on 9/11 in the WTC :DDD” bullshit


I should've known.


you can see a little bit of her vagene

all 4 of my grandparent were gassed at auschwitz when they were 6.
feel sorry for me goy

my whole family got gassed in ausschwitz but 4 of them survived the gas chambers

yeah and my grandma was bff's with stalin

she was not put in one, so she survived.
100? depictions made the rooms seem tiny. even in pics they don't seem to fit more than 50 (if you want to keep up the illusion that its a shower)

probably held her breath

she probably ment the camp itself rather than the chambers.

well surviving a death camp is possible, in that you hold on until you get freed but if they want to actively kill you there is no surviving that

>she was not put in one, so she survived.
I was never attacked by a shark while in the ocean, so I survived a shark attack

Everyone ITT head on over to wikipedia and read what Natalie's birth name was

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What happened to all the "based portman"s from back when she told the jewish community to stop being defined by victimization

>that guy who used half A presses to jump over the spike pits and acid ponds
>that guy who lured away the dick biting dogs with the ground baby sausages
>that guy who climbed out of the underground knife chamber on the holocauster tracks
wtf how was this allowed?

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Gary Oldman one made a film with Natalie Portman, the whole time he had to pretend he wanted to kill her

>being this much of a fucking tourist

Rent Free.

>Aye tone, why would they shave their heads if they just gonna wack em?

you werent thrown into a shark filled tank even tho you were on the list because somebody came and rescude you on time.
>you survived the sharks
get it now?

No. You don't survive a death camp.

>live in New York
>i survived the Hiroshima bombing

that round face sack of shit enjoyed every minute of making tlj

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Why does a man shave someones head and tattoo them before throwing them in a gas chamber?

>Christian Bale lost so much weight for The Machinist
>Milla Jovovich's stunt double became a cripple while filming the last Resident Evil movie
>Bruce Lee's son died while filming
>Game of Thrones directors will never recover from the shitty ending because the fans will never forgive them
>Sam Raimi will secretly never recover from his shitty Spider-Man trilogy. They aged badly for our time.
>Sean Connery lost hundreds of milions because he refused to act as Gandalf. I know this one doesn't count, but it's still worth the mention
>Cameron's virgin Avatar is about to get BTFO by the Chad Endgame

Also, check how rough things were while filming The Matrix sequels.

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hot grits!

from a certain point of view liars used this logic often
yes, you do. your chances are low and lower if you got there in the early days but you can't tell me 0 people survived a death camp. I could be wrong about this but I have a hard time recalling a pure death camp, its always /work/experimentation lab so people died from bad conditions as often as from direct extermination

She probably stood close to the wooden door

not very hard to survive a shower

>>Game of Thrones directors will never recover from the shitty ending because the fans will never forgive them
The people have a shot attention span. The only question is if the big wigs will want them or not. Having read newer star wars novels its clear they don't give a shit.
>Milla Jovovich's stunt double became a cripple while filming the last Resident Evil movie
hope she got paid well for it.
>from his shitty Spider-Man trilogy. They aged badly for our time.
you wut m8? Its the best spider trilogy
>Sean Connery
Connery always was an old foggy with strange hangups. I guess it comes from being an incest baby.
>Cameron's virgin Avatar
time itself btfoed Avatar. should have kept his mouth shut but nooo 7 movies are coming,bla bla bla. 10 years later he has nothing to show for it

I want to die in her gas chamber

maybe she was the one dragging the bodies out and one day the door slammed but she was let out sine it was not her turn

why does that sound impossible to you? There were plenty of people in the camps when they were liberated, obviously at least those people would have survived.

These jews have quite the imagination. Too bad we don't see that in Hollywood anymore

you are worse than hitler

>lets gather those people here so we can kill them, BUT lets also just wait a couple of years until the enemies come and liberate them

Connery just wants to play golf.

>Sean Connery lost hundreds of milions because he refused to act as Gandalf. I know this one doesn't count, but it's still worth the mention
you gotta let the old man this. he has taste. if you showed me the script before i would have refused as well

>gas chambers
Honey, um...

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>you wut m8? Its the best spider trilogy
You serious?

>if you showed me the script before i would have refused as well
Ladies and gentlemen, this is why poor people stay poor.

they didn't kill everyone the second they walked in the gates. The prisoners worked. Obviously there would be prisoners at the camps at the moment of liberation since they never got the time to kill every undesirable in Europe and they were constantly bringing in new ones.

I assume Natalie's grandmother is a cockroach, if she survived gassing with Zyklon B.

Tobey's Spider-Man was much better than Spider-Emo, and Iron-Boy.

So it's a work camp now?

I just spent a minute reading about it on Wikipedia, which is the least amount of research one can do on a subject.
Why would they not make them work?

>Tobey's Spider-Man was much better than Spider-Emo
Oh you

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V looks like THAT?

>since her own grandmother had survived the gas chambers at Auschwitz
Btw this is her grandmother

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if you google OP's quote this thread seems to be the only result.
Her great-grandparents died in Auschwitz but I can't find any mention of her grandmother surviving it.

Explain how a man acting rambunctiously emo?

So she got all the prisoners killed?

>You serious?
yes, it fun, its comic book and not too dumb like shazam.
>Ladies and gentlemen, this is why poor people stay poor.
Did you just assume his financial state?

hershlag isn't a marketable name, like leibowitz

3rd movie was a fun train wrack. The dancing bit is iconic and brought joy to many. He was not being emo he was acting thought in his own mind.
I think he is going for "its a work camp so holocaust was not real" ending. many wannabe nazis think the difference between whether or not those people died of poor treatment or deliberate action is important

Here you go.

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>oy stop noticing things

how many levels of being a ghost is this?
Does not matter? If she escaped solo the others would be put to death so remaining ones would not allow anyone else to escape

Wrong, I meant this one.

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leibowitz sounds nice. hershlag is painful to the ear and sound like Sean Connery saying "her slag"

>the others would be put to death
If it was a death camp why not just kill them in the first place?

having emotions is not emo? your uncle is dying, better be stone forced

Okay, I actually meant this one.

Look at that hair, man. Fucking look at it!

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Why not just shoot them in their home and save on the gas? seriously, are you pretending to be retarded or don't you know the difference between a death star and an orbital defense station?

How does one survive a gas chamber? Was she just really good at holding her breath? Were the Nazis so impressed that they decided not to shoot her?

>One officer lost his nose and another was scalped by the jewish women prisoners.

Never been on /pol/ but why am I not believing this for some reason?

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germans are autistic and have to mark everything

That's not vagene, that's her ass chamber

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Don’t bully Portman. Thanks!

Lever activated clubbing machines, the Nazis were apparently fans of Scooby Doo

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based and redpilled


>I am growing stronger

>About to be gassed
>wake up in the Auschwitz hospital

Close call

>a few jews no genuine historian ever cites as a source make some dumb shit up (and the vast majority of them get called out for it too), this means EVERYTHING is fabricated

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she held her breath?
how long witll this retarded story continue for?

>survived the gas chambers at Auschwitz
really...only once?

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all of it is dumb made up shit

funny you never hear the stories from the jews who talk about the swimming pools, soccer games, bands, theater plays etc...

The face wasn't shown in the movie

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maybe the eastern germans were just jerks

>build death camps away from major population centres

based cockroach jews survived even being gassed

>When asked later how she felt, she said that the braps were real since her own grandmother had survived the brap chambers at Auschwitz.


the absolute state of 4k HD, what a blurry mess

The holocaust never happened but it should happen again


Elie Wiesel claimed he was in that photo too.
There’s probably at least three or four hundred Jews walking the earth right now that were in that photo.
Makes you wonder why Germans were so bad at killing people.

It's reason enough to question a lot of what you hear. People blindly believe what they're told and it isn't healthy. I'm not saying people didn't die in the holocaust, but the number do not add up. It's also suspicious that we are constantly reminded of how jews are victims, when they control Hollywood, and do shady shit with their anti-defamation organization.

>incels have never heard of a gas mask

What is this meant to imply?

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imagine the smell

Actually all of the accounts of human skin lampshades, masturbation machines and rollercoasters into gas chambers were taken as fact for many decades prior to the internet exposing them as lies. I remember being taught about the furniture made of human skin in elementary school in the 90s. Now they're teaching the Holohoax to kindergartners, I shit you not. My 5 year old nephew is already being indoctrinated. Got to get them younger now that the internet exists.

What Holocaust Deniers Think
>A council of centralized Jewish leadership that has no documentation or evidence to ever existing decides to fake "the holocaust" as part of a plot to take over the world and enslave the Master Race
>Plant the seeds for decades (centuries?) in advance long before WW1 even happened (/pol/ often uses the old "six million" references as evidence of a conspiracy)
>None of this is ever discovered or found out
>Somehow orchestrate in the middle of WW2 the mass disappearance of 11 million people including 6 million jews and 5 million non-jews
>covertly relocate these people secretly to ??? (Israel I guess?)
>build all these complex facilities and phony camps that were actually resorts with theaters and swimming pools and etc
>falsify thousands of documents, photographs, etc
>create thousands of fake mass graves and fill them with fake bodies in the middle of nazi-controlled territory
>pay off millions of witnesses of dozens of nationalities, none of whom EVER break the silence that they were in fact in on a gargantuan conspiracy
>Pay off every single historian to have existed at the time or has existed since, they're all in on it too and none of them ever blab
>All the nazi's are in on it too as not one of them denied the holocaust took place at their trials, just their individual responsibility.
>The leaders of every country in the world is in on that, including both sides of the Cold War
>Jews coordinate all this despite no real method of communication at the time. Moreover not a single document exists of them communicating so it was all psychic I guess
>No paper trail of this MASSIVE unprecedented operation that has spanned now many years exists.
>Somehow THIS is more believable than the nazi's killing the people they said they always wanted to kill

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everyone is


>>Pay off every single historian to have existed at the time or has existed since, they're all in on it too and none of them ever blab
No non-Jewish historian of the time had anything to say about gas chambers, most of them denied the existence of them. The Holocaust didn't become popular until the Boomers became teenagers and manifested their childhood of jewish television programming into a pro-Israel political ideology.

>>create thousands of fake mass graves and fill them with fake bodies in the middle of nazi-controlled territory
Where are these mass graves you speak of? They've never been found, but apparently these graves hold 6 million people.

>Historian at the time

Why did so many Jews survive the gas chambers? Like, for example, all of them? Was it because the gas chambers weren't real?

Really makes you think.

You never hear any interview from those who did die, that is indeed suspicious

If only we had a time machine to interview the ones that died of old age 20 years ago.

Yes, if you don't think about the millions who died, they all lived. That's strange indeed. Shouldn't some of the survivors have died? But somehow everyone made it out alive. Truly baffling.

So many survivors, it’s a wonder those incompetent fools managed to kill 10 million people using these camps alone, especially because only the ones discovered by the Communists were death camps.

Based and unequivocally redpilled

Questioning a historical event that has always had a shifting narrative and generates billions in entertainment revenue and forced reparations on innocent taxpayers makes you a /pol/shit? Who knew!

>Such a mouthbreather that he needs to shill some eceleb video because he's too much of a brainlet to articulate his own points.
The original Spider-Man films were real movies with actual directorial vision. Andrew Garfield was a cash grab to hold onto the character's rights. MCU Spider-Man is a product designed to fit into a predetermined mold and appeal to the lowest common denominator. Spider-verse is the best Spider-Man movie, but it was a complete fluke and Sony will shit all over it with sequels.

And why don’t they shoot, stab or just toss the survivors of that round of gas into the ovens alive? If they’re marked for death, why are they allowed to drain camp resources another day? I’m genuinely curious.

Or it was an internment/labour camp and the whole death camp narrative is a lie? People died of disease, and the cruelty and medical experiments are real, but actual extermination policies are not? That’s a more logical way to explain survivors to me.

Summerfags OUT

Holland’s is best, although Tobey’s is excellent too. Quit trying to force the Iron-Boy meme.

That hair is fucking cute, although that film was a bit boring and over egged.

I hope you’re reading the replies, because they make far more sense than just believing the current narrative.

Spider-verse is absolute shit made by neurotic beasts like Bendis.
>here’s Spider-Man
>now here’s 57 varieties of him including this black kid because everyone gets a turn!

You're an absolute fucking moron. Peter has a better arc in Spider-Verse than he does in literally any other Spider-Man film, and he isn't even the main character.

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>Spider-verse is absolute shit made by neurotic beasts like Bendis.
>Imagine unironically thinking this

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I remember watching videos in school in the early 2000's about the human skin furniture




I don't care about kikemon. Where's Metroid?

death camps had crematoriums.

how do you survive a gas chamber
like she held her breath real long then the german soldiers came in after and raised her arm up in triumph for living
like ninja warrior aushwitz
the crown goes nuts for grandma hershlag

>60% of a total of 10 camps liberated by the Soviets turned out to be "muh evil deathcamps"
>0% of a total of 12 camps liberated by the US/UK turned out to just be ordinary concentration camps, like the ones the US had for Japanese Americans
>We are to trust the Soviet Union that death camps were real, as if the Soviet Union were not infamous for pushing false propaganda to villify their enemies, whether it be Germany or the US

Really activates the ol' almond.

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what's with the samefagging

I'm assuming she misspoke, and meant that she was in proximity to danger, but never once saw the inside of a gas chamber. She "survived the gas chambers" by "avoiding the gas chambers"

>I have no argument
I know.

>If I respond to my own post, I'll look like I'm getting support



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same reason so many jews were "killed" during the holocaust, yet tens of millions of them migrated out of Europe to other countries and still had enough to start their own country a few decades later

same reason why EU countries still to this day pay millions to "holocaust victims" in reparations and put you in jail for questioning anything related to it

Many people survived aushwitz


Hit or miss

I think the quote in the OP is fake anyway. Google finds only this thread.

V was the one who captured and shaved her
if it isn't him, then who the fuck is this guy

I'm pretty sure no one survived the gas chambers, most likely she avoided them


good analogy, because killing people by throwing them into a shark tank would be slow inefficient and cost prohibitive and doesn't make any sense during a war, and you would get lots of people saying "I survived the sharks!"

>Portman emphasized that she thinks modern anti-Semitism should be differentiated from Nazi ideology.
>“Sometimes [the Holocaust] can be subverted to fear-mongering and like ‘Another Holocaust is going to happen.’ We need to, of course, be aware that hatred exists, anti-Semitism exists against all sorts of people, not in the same way. I don’t mean to make false equivalences, we need it to serve as something that makes us empathetic to people rather than paranoid,” Portman said.

She is unironically based. Anti-semitism was merely a small byproduct for Germany to achieve their National Socialist goals, and not a core issue. I'm surprised she's clever enough to realize that instead of doing what most other Jews are doing.

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>six million Jews won fabulous prizes in the hollow coats
>five million Jews moved to America in the exact span of time the aforementioned happened
What did demography statisticians mean by this?

she probably hid right next to the air hole in the wooden door

hershlag is a nasty ugly kike whore
god i wish some nigger rapes her

Haha gross I wouldn’t wanna be there hahaha

Not to mention the creation of Israel, and that in the 10 years after WWII, the population grew to 2 million. Of which the vast majority were Jewish.

if you weren't a brainlet and knew any history it wouldn't have to be explained to you brainlet

People unironically believe this crap?

It wasn't a fucking concentration camp, are you retarded or did you just not watch the movie?

>that guy who used half A presses
an a press is an a press. You can't say its only a half

I've visited the auschwitz museum twice, ask me anything

Crematoriums were not as advanced as they are now. It took days to burn a single body and mash the bones. You think they did that for millions of people?

You realize they’ve had pressure-sensitive buttons on controllers since ps2 era, right grandpa? Go back to playing your neo geo, boomer retard.

Why didn't you ask about the wooden doors?

I've been there too, but I was too young to know anything, so I just swallowed all emotional bullshit that the guides fed us without questioning any of it.

I guess the birkenau gas chambers were the ones that saw the most use, and those were blown up

Hello friend, it seems you're new here. I have friendly advice to lurk moar before posting, especially when calling others retards when you could in fact be the retard.

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he's right though. An A press is not always just an A press.

Raimi did Amazing Spider man?

>survived the gas chambers

B, for barber.

>she said that the tears were real since her own grandmother had survived the gas chambers at Auschwitz

I know this is bait but come on.

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>0% of a total of 12 camps liberated by the US/UK turned out to just be ordinary concentration camps
so all of them were death camps?

Fuck off /pol/fag it's not impossible to survive stuff like that, my grandmother survived 4 nazi death camps. There are survivors of gulags too yet you don't question communist crimes.

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>La Sexta
get the fuck outta here you liberal scum

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medical reasons most likely

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/pol/ BTFO once again

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And now for some primary documents.

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Probably passed out from hunger and had to be hospitalized

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>they made a youtube video about it so it must be true!
Brainless zoomer.
Spiderman 1 and 2 are the best superhero movies ever made. Not that that's saying much.

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Thank god she survived, i hope the camp dentist was able to help her

yfw the jdif posting from israel shows up to post his faked documents after one of the Chosen People fucks up and strains the lie

reminder there isn't a single document that mentions gas chambers or mass ovens of any sort

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>historian of the time
Nigger, little to no scholarly work/research was done on the Holocaust until at least the 1960s, Jewish or not. And even then you still had reports from people who weren't Jewish discussing gassings, one early account being Witold's Report.

By the way, your framing of the question is very jew-like.

Except for the ones being posted right now.


not only are there no nazi documents mentioning gas chambers, there isn't a single pre 1944 mention of gas chambers anywhere because it is a modern fabrication ;)

No mass graves ever found containing 6 millions jews, no mass ovens capable of burning 6 million bodies with no trace ever found, no mention of any gas chamber ever found

>1943 Zentralbauleitung Document regarding the crematory output of Auschwitz-Birkenau (the "Janisch document")
This is the famous 1943 document from the Zentralbauleitung, which lists the daily crematory capacity of Auschwitz and Birkenau. Some have questioned whether this is a realistic, achievable number, a peak performance, an exaggeration/advertisement intended to impress the higher ups, or the usual denier last resort argument of it being a forgery.

Josef Janisch (born April 22, 1909 in Salzburg, † July 26, 1964 at the Tuxer Joch) was an Austrian engineer. He was a member of the management staff of the Central Construction (Zentralbauleitung) involved in the construction of the Auschwitz camp and its crematoria with gas chambers.

Josef Janisch was a member of the SS (no. 299 849) and reached the rank of SS-Hauptsturmführer (equivalent to Hauptmann). Janisch became head of Bauleitung 2, which was initially responsible for Birkenau as a labor and POW camp, but then also became responsible for its conversion to an extermination camp. 1943 onward, the task description for Bauleitung 2 was supplemented with the addition: "implementation of special treatment". [1]

On January 29, 1943, the head of the Zentralbauleitung in the Auschwitz concentration camp, Karl Bischoff, stressed in a letter the indispensability of his employee Janisch, in regard to the management of the "special construction" of Auschwitz-Birkenau due to him being "the only reliable technical specialist". [2] The term "special construction" was chosen as the code name for the extermination facilities. [3]

>she was not put in one, so she survived.
Well I wasn't put into a gas chamber either. So I guess I'm a Holocaust survivor now.
Give me money goyim.

Dated June 28, 1943, the document above, a list of the "daily [cremation] performance of the various crematories", was attached to Janisch's message regarding the "construction of crematorium III" and thus of "all ordered crematoria" at Auschwitz-Birkenau. The message was sent to the SS-Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungshauptamt (SS-WVHA) in Berlin, intended for the head of the construction industry in the SS, the SS-group leader and Amtsgruppenchef of "Amt C" ("Bauwesen"), Hans Kammler. Kurt Prüfer, senior engineer of Topf and Sons, the company that manufactured the crematoria ovens, gives a more conservative estimate in a telegram here: Josef Janisch was a devout Nazi, while his brother, Franz Janisch, was the opposite. Franz Janisch's daughter, Line Wintersteller, still has memories of her uncle, and claims he once threatened to send her mother to Dachau for saying Jews are people, too.[4] Source: [1]: Rainer Fröbe: "Bauen und Vernichten. Die Zentrale Bauleitung Auschwitz und die Endlösung" in: Christian Gerlach (Hrsg.): „Durchschnittstäter.“ Handeln und Motivation (= Beiträge zur Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus, Band 16). Assoziation – Schwarze Risse – Rote Straße, Berlin 2000, ISBN 3-922611-84-2, page 183. [2]: Annegret Schüle: "Industrie und Holocaust. Topf & Söhne – Die Ofenbauer von Auschwitz." Herausgegeben von der Stiftung Gedenkstätten Buchenwald und Mittelbau-Dora. Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen 2010, ISBN 978-3-8353-0622-6, page 187. [3]: Ibid, page 186 [4]:

>there isn't a single pre 1944 mention of gas chambers
Pic related

>containing 6 millions jews, no mass ovens capable of burning 6 million
You have a child-like understanding of the holocaust

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reminder that you've completely lost control of the narrative in the US with newer generations and your days of getting away with your manipulation are at their end soon

What are you gonna do? Make more holocaust movies to influence the youth? You're completely fucked and its hilarious

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>raimi movies aged badly
These movies are kino nowadays
>raimi movies aged
Yes, like every piece of media in the last 20 years

>Pic related
You're implying that P*les fabricated it?

Why would the nazis construct the camps in the german heartlands instead of in the newly conquered areas to the east? Especially with the attitude they had towards the people of these conquered countries.

As for no gassings, let's continue. See Wetzel's letter to Lohse and "the Brack remedy", October 29, 1941
The above pictured letter is chronologically the first German document which called for an extermination of Jews deemed unfit for labor via homicidal gassing. At the same time, the existence of this document proves a link between, on one hand, Aktion T4, regarding which Adolf Hitler's personal involvement has been conclusively proven (including signature), and on the other hand the mass murder of Jews that became collectively known as the Holocaust, even referencing the Einsatzgruppen shootings.

Viktor Brack, a civil servant in the T4 euthanasia program, had served in 1930 and 1931 as Heinrich Himmler’s driver. In 1934, he was appointed the head of Central Office II of the Chancellery of the Führer (address Tiergartenstraße 4, hence abbreviated T4), where he oversaw the murder by gas and lethal injections of some seventy thousand mentally and physically handicapped ethnic German victims.

Hinrich Lohse (yes, Hinrich, not Heinrich) was the Reich Commissar for the East - for the combined Baltic States and Russia. In 1941, he moved into his offices in Kovno, and then Riga.

On October 4, 1941, Lohse sent a letter from Riga to court judge and Adviser on Jewish Affairs Dr. Erhard Wetzel, “re: the solution of the Jewish question.” While that letter did not survive the war, three weeks later, on October 25 1941, Wetzel replied the following to Lohse, which is the letter pictured above:

Now would be the time to post proof of such fabrication, which you won't

Learn English.

>Witold Pilecki
Guy was a fucking badass, more people should know his name.

>let me shut down the discussion by spamming things
Fuck off.

Not him, but the entire area on the right is literally newly conquered area to the eat

The Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories Berlin, October 25, 1941 Expert AGR Dr. Wetzel Secret! Re: Solution of the Jewish Question 1. To the Reich Commissar for the East Re: Your report of October 4, 1941 in respect to the Solution of the Jewish Question With reference to my letter of October 18, 1941, this is to inform you that Oberdienstleiter Brack of the Führer Chancellery has agreed to collaborate in the production of the required shelters and gassing devices. At this time, the envisaged devices are not available in sufficient quantity; they will first have to be manufactured. Since in Brack’s opinion, the manufacture of the devices in the Reich will cause much greater difficulties than doing it on the spot, Brack considers it most expedient to send his people to Riga, especially his chemist Dr. Kallmeyer, who will effect all further steps there. Oberdienstleiter Brack points out that the procedure in question is not without danger, so that special protective measures are necessary. In these circumstances, I request that you address yourself to Oberdienstleiter Brack in the Führer Chancellery through your Higher SS and Police Leader and request the dispatch of the chemist Kallmeyer and other assistants. I should inform you that Sturmbannführer Eichmann, the expert for the Jewish Question in the RSHA is entirely in agreement with this process.

It comes from the lying mouth of P*les. That's proof enough.

Attached: poland.png (1022x2570, 239K)

According to information from Sturmbannführer Eichmann, camps for Jews are to be set up in Riga and Minsk, to which Jews from the Old Reich territory may also come. At this time, Jews are being evacuated out of the Old Reich to Litzmannstadt (Lodz), and also other camps, to then later be used for labour in the east insofar as they are capable of work. As things now are, there are no objections if the Jews who are not capable of work, are eliminated with the Brackian remedy. In this way, events such as those that, according to a report in front of me, took place on the occasion of the shootings of the Jews in Vilna, and which, considering that the shootings were carried out in public, can hardly be excused, will no longer be possible. On the other hand, those capable of work will be transported for labour in the east. It goes without saying that the male and female Jews capable of work will be kept apart.


I request a report on your further measures. (the last paragraph is translated from the harder to read original 2nd page, so I will provide the transcript of this page below:) "Nach Sachlage bestehen keine Bedenken, wenn diejenigen Juden, die nicht arbeitsfähig sind, mit den Brackschen Hilfsmitteln beseitigt werden. Auf diese Weise dürften dann auch Vorgänge, wie sie sich bei den Erschießungen der Juden in Wilna nach einem mir vorliegenden Bericht ergeben haben, und die auch im Hinblick darauf, daß die Erschießungen öffentlich vorgenommen wurden, kaum gebilligt werden können, nicht mehr möglich sein. Die Arbeitsfähigen dagegen werden zum Arbeitseinsatz nach Osten abtransportiert. Daß bei den arbeitsfähigen Juden Männer und Frauen getrennt zu halten sind, dürfte selbstverständlich sein." So what we have here, is a letter that speaks plain as day of gassing devices (Vergasungsapparate), in all likelihood mobile gas vans rather than stationary gas chambers (since they theoretically could, but for practical purposes cannot be manufactured in the Reich and should rather be assembled on-location instead, as Wetzel stresses); of eliminating (beseitigen) Jews via the Brackian remedy (T4), and even references to Einsatzgruppen activity, i.e. shootings of Jews in Vila in public (Erschießungen der Juden in Wilna; öffentlich vorgenommen). No euphemisms this time

what an amazing coincidence that so many survived the deadly gasses

Someone post the masturbation machine.
For the record, I think the Holocaust happened, but it's absolutely certain that Jews exaggerate and use it for their own benefit.

>While that letter did not survive the war


JDIF are pathetic

What are you going to do in 20-30 years and US support is non existant and all those countries around you start taking revenge

That's what I thought

>spamming things

If by "things" you mean primary documents, ie proof, then yes, I'm spamming "things" from my jidf bunker here in Tel Aviv

>Someone post the masturbation machine.


You thought that P*les are all liars?

>Let me just disregard all these other letters, telegrams, and documents that are extant because one is missing.


>anything I don't like is cherry picking
That's some reddit tier retardation. You might as well go the full distance and screech "slippery slope fallacy" and "whataboutism" at anything and everything you disagree with.


By "things" I mean image macros, blogposts and 'debunkings' to arguments no one was even making. You have no intention of engaging with the arguments the other side makes so you just spam your nonsense under the (usually correct) assumption that the other guy doesn't have the time to sift through and refute all of it.

Its some obsessed butthurt user, my guess is jewish, obviously. I even said the Holocaust happened but is exaggerated and he still sperged out.
He's the same guy that posts Nazis soldiers farting around in drag and stuff. He must have filled out 6 million captchas by now.

Classic gish gallop. Reddit does it all the time. And if you do take the time to refute it all, they just ignore it and spam more bullshit, sometimes even just the same stuff. They have no intention of partaking in a good faith debate. As bad as the worst of /pol/.

No, I agree with you that it's bullshit. But you can't disregard libraries of proof because some eccentrics, liars, or psychology unsound individuals said things that were false.

I never said the Holocaust didn't occur. Read my post again instead of being a kneejerk spammer.

>to arguments no one was even making

Except all of these debunkings were made to specifically counter denier infographics. Unless the jidf made those too? How sinister!

> the (usually correct) assumption that the other guy doesn't have the time to sift through and refute all of it

But I thought you guys were serious historians?