/got/ general - make it make sense edition
>You command that? You, who killed your brother to come into power? You are an ill-made, spiteful little whore full of envy, lust and Ramsay's semen. My relation to your mother allows you to pass through my lands and claim my allegiance since I cannot prove that you are not hers. And to teach me humility, the gods have condemned me to watch you waddle about through those proud Riverlands that were my father's and his father's before him. But neither gods nor men will ever compel me to let you turn this great council into another contrived plot device. Go, now. And speak no more of your rights to tell me to sit down. Go. Oh, one more thing. The next piece of leather I catch you putting on a breastplate, I'll burn.
yeah, i'm thinking she's cute
Can you back that up?
The whole realm denies it, from Dorne to the Wall. Old men deny it with their death rattles and unborn children deny it in their mothers' wombs. No one wants you for their king, Brandon
I think we need more evidence
>yon now realize that the underlying conflict of season eight exists solely because D&D retconned Westeros's views on incest
She's more than just cute, she's beautiful, righteous, and deserving of the crown. Fuck Gurm and fuck Dabid
>you talk to your aunt that just lost a child to the lannisters
>she's about to attack the city, whose leader just killed her child
>she says to you "let it be fear' after you reject her affections
>"lol k" and just leave
is that an actual quote from book jon?
Fuck Cripple Kings
>Hmm well alright, be that way about my idea of voting. I mean it’s not like the Night Watch hasn’t been doing it that way for our Lord Commanders for thousands of years long before any of you nobles or kings even had thrones or titles. Oh and how about how your people choose kings Greyjoy? The Kingsmoot is done the same way isn’t it? But no, let’s have the creepy souless kid be king for no real reason, I’m sure this won’t backfire horribly.
absolutely based
Are we supposed to believe that the conversation ended there? Did Jon just leave the room, go to sleep, then sail back to King's Landing without thinking about her ominous words a single time?
Pretty much yeah
Book Jon is an absolute chad in comparison to the virgin show Jon.
Jon got brain damage after falling in the ice. Only explanation.
Aren't you a member of the Night's Watch who is training to be a maester? Shut the fuck up.
All conflict between Dany and Jon in season 8 could have been fixed with a 2 minute conversation
This shit wouldnt even work in CK2 lmao
>No heir no marriage foreign culture foreign religion ruler with nonexistent relationships with his vassals and a grossly incompetent council including bronn who is probably planning on murdering you
good luck with that!
>reminder that he is a real life failure as well
Such a thick neck...
>Jon, why are you pulling away from me?
>You're my aunt, Dany.
>So? Nobody in Westeros considers our relationship incest.
>Wow, you're right! I don't know what I was thinking.
never watched GOT before but this is cute of emilia
Triggers freefolk retards and Danyfags by just existing.
Old auntie Emilia braindead Clarke is jealous of her.
Makes incels and virgins seethe like Brie Larson did for capeshitters.
Only girl in GoT to get a perfect ending and become a Disney queen while Fatty Dany shits herself & dies.
BASED SALSA /ourgirl/
Loser Dany is Reddits girl.
>Jon’s maternal grandparents were cousins
>his paternal grandparents were siblings
>somehow thinks fucking his aunt is wrong
It fucking makes no sense for him to be turned off by incest.
>mfw le Disney princess's 15 minutes of fame are up
Box office poison.
Sansa's hotter than Dany but c'mon, compared to Phoenix she didn't star in something as successful as Solo ;)
Why didn't Dany ask Planet X for backup?
>make it make sense edition
I saw an interview with one of the actors saying that they didn't get the scripts till the last minute to minimize the chance of leaks and spoilers.
After watching the last few seasons it wouldn't surprise me if the real reason was because they didn't even write them till the last minute.
>hotter than anyone
Emilia is 32 and still hotter than Sophie
What if D&D mange to make an ok or decent Star wars trilogy? Just how fucked are we?
damn didn't realize Sophie was the same age as me (23)
Beyond fucked, I wouldn't be surprised if Disney quietly get rid of them
i know right? 23 is a weird age. there starts to be a wide demarcation between people aging well and turning rough like sophie. i can't pass for a teenager anymore but i definitely don't look like whatever happened to her
>damn didn't realize Sophie was the same age as me (23)
Are there any kids from the show who are still kids today or has everyone grow up?
The show started filming ~10 years ago
Do the maths
>i can't pass for a teenager
I'm 27 and I was having sex with a women and she thought I was underage based on my baby face and the fact I got literally no hair underneath my body.
I take after my mother for a male, my brothers take after my father.
at least emilia hit the wall at 30 instead of 17
>Shireen is 20
What the fuck?
my face is still soft but it's the brow and jaw that mark me as full grown. i think alcohol and excessive sun is primarily what makes people look shitty that young. idunno how much sophie does but that's my guess
Definitely coke abuse for actors/actresses
she did not deserve this
>Bastards were common enough, but incest was a monstrous sin to both old gods and new, and the children of such wickedness were named abominations in sept and godswood alike.
>fAegon allies with Dorne and defeats the Tyrells
>Cersei blows up the Sept
>fAegon easily takes King's Landing
>Jaime kills Cersei?
>fAegon becomes King
>Jon is revived
>Stannis beats the Freys and the Boltons
>Stannis dies?
>Daenerys ends all that boring shit in Essos
>Dany goes to Westeros
>Jon convinces her to help defeat the Others
>Jon and Dany win
>Dany turns south and burns down King's Landing
>Jon kills Dany
>faggot king Bran is elected
>Jon is banished to the wall
Is that GRRM's ending? I know Euron will have a roll to play, but he is as good as dead anyway.
it was only a sin between brother and sister in the got universe, unless you're a targ
And that quote is referring to which type of incest? Incest between siblings, which is looked down upon.
Is avunculate incest seen as incest by Westeros's standards? Be honest.
>implying Ned was an abomination
have seat
How hard did you cringe at Sam's title drop in the final episode? I knew it was coming but I didn't think it'd be such a close LoTR rip off with the book and all.
>“Robb will set aside his crown if you and your brother will do the same,” she said, hoping it was true. She would make it true if she must; Robb would listen to her, even if his lords would not. “Let the three of you call for a Great Council, such as the realm has not seen for a hundred years. We will send to Winterfell, so Bran may tell his tale and all men may know the Lannisters for the true usurpers. Let the assembled lords of the Seven Kingdoms choose who shall rule them.”
I can't believe that they end up doing something that Cat suggested
Euron is Daario
kino ending
>She would make it true if she must; Robb would listen to her, even if his lords would not
>tfw she tries to convince him exactly this later but fails
poor cat, listened to when her advice is bad, ignored when her advice is good
What the fuck was Renly's original plan with Margaery? To marry her off to an already married king with two heirs just so his boypussy's family likes him better?
I'm pretty sure Renly knew about the Cersei/Jaime incest and was planning on putting the plan into motion after Robert was informed
She is restructured its canon
>when you play the A Game of Thrones you win or you die
What the fuck did she mean by this?
Tell me /got/, why was Bran a bag choice for king? I honestly don’t see the problem. He had the story after all.
>Tell me /got/, why was Bran a bag choice for king? I honestly don’t see the problem. He had the story after all.
because he's not bran he's the 3 eyed raven
Does the 3 eyed raven not have BRan's consciousness? Is Bran dead so to speak?
>Bran's face when his biggest pawn shows up
Tyrion is the basically the king anyways, Bran is just helping him
>Is Bran dead so to speak?
Yes, and Bloodraven as an agent of the Old Gods is about to release on the world a fate far more destructive than anything that has come before
He died. No matter what happens, Stannis has no place in the faggot king Bran ending. He is a goner.
Don't like it? Take it up with GRRM.
Didn't Ramsay do it with a feast for crows?
no, but she will get her vengeance
quando quando quando
glorious writing
Based and Quandopilled
Who ever thought that was brilliant?
Not in a meme way, because as meme material it's golden
I wish I was as happy as Emilia...
Remember when this show used to be based?
>"Most of those lords should consider themselves lucky I don't hang them for treason.´´
Very friendly reminder this battle happens again and again, possibly having gone on for a very, very, long time. GRRM intends to blow everyone's asshole wide open. The Children couldn't annihilate humanity with the powers of Ice alone, so this time they will bring the forces of fire to bear against humanity as well. This is a WORK IN PROGRESS
The Bad Guys:
The Forces of Hodor, The Great Other:
Brynden "Bloodraven" Rivers - Guiding Hand of the Rising Cold Winds
Bran Stark - The Ice Dragon
Jon Snow - An Undead Lich Lord
Melissandre - His Corpse Queen
Ghost - A Monstrous Pale Wolf with Demon Eyes
Arya Stark - A Terrifying Motherwolf
Rickon Stark - A Savage Cannibalistic Warg
Benjen Stark - Who is Not Dead
Brandon the Builder - The last Night's King who also isn't dead
Aeron Greyjoy - The Damphair
The Others - An Ice Elemental Race
The Forces of R'hllor:
Aegor "Bittersteel" Rivers - Guiding Hand of the Shadow
Daenerys Targaryen - The Bloodstone Empress, A Terrible Half-Dragon (just look at that fetus), Harbinger of the Long Night
Tyrion Lannister - A Grotesque, Snarling Dwarf
Robert Strong - The UnGregor
Victarion Greyjoy - The Reaver
Moqorro - R'hllor's Fiery Hand
Quaithe - Of The Shadow
The Good Guys:
Jaime Lannister - Azhor Ahai
Brienne of Tarth - His Nissa Nissa
Tommen Baratheon - The Kitten King, Will Usher in the new Golden Age after the Long Night
Sandor Clegane - Reborn in the Light
Lord Leyton Hightower - The Keeper of the Light
The Sword of the Morning - Whichever Dayne it turns out to be
Stannis Baratheon - The Mannis, will fall to the Bloodstone Empress
Sansa Stark - The Queen of Love, Beauty, and Kindness
Walder Frey - The Lord of the Crossing
Robert Arryn - The Strong
Samwell Tarly - The Slayer, will end Bloodraven's reign of terror
Theon Greyjoy - The Redeemed
Barristan Selmy - The Cooked
Howland Reed - Likely hiding an alive Arthur Dayne (he's based on a knight who faked his death)
Mance Rayder - The Mance
The Remaining Giants and Wildings
>rightful Targaryen loyalists' claimant
>rightful Baratheon loyalists' claimant
Man, these twos had shit for brains
Those with Knowledge of the Cycle (those who seek to perpetuate it are the true antagonists of the series)
The Remaining Children - Want to Destroy Humanity Entirely
Varys - A Deep One, He is either a huge force for Evil or a huge force for Good, a big Enigma
Illyrio Mopatis - A Deep One
Littlefinger - A servant of the Deep Ones, or just a freelancer seeking to profit off of his knowledge. Likely being manipulated by Bloodraven.
The Faceless Men - A Death Cult, either they serve the Children or seek to end the cycle in a roundabout way by ending ALL life.
Euron Greyjoy - Alias "Urrathon Night-Walker" and quite possible "Daario Nohaaris", intentions unknown.
The Undying - Seem to be malevolent
Tabho Mott - A Varys Croney, proven to have exclusive knowledge
Other Players:
Royce Redfort - The Rat Cook, a Monstrous Pale Rat, the Head of House Bolton for Countless Centuries, Seeks to break his curse in some Unholy ritual I can only speculate the result of. The Starks will either accept the Boltons into the forces of Hodor or they will serve as some kind of 'false night's king' and will fight the Starks. If Roose is a false Night's King Barbary Dustin is his Corpse Queen.
Ramsay Bolton - Craster's Son, probably sent by Bloodraven
Gerion Lannister - The Shrouded Lord
Patchface - The Bloody Jester
The Weirnet - It's unknown how much of the rest of the Weirnet is loyal to Bloodraven.
The Deep Ones - Merlings, Selkies, Walrus-Men, etc. We know very little about this underwater races, at least a few of them are likely the key bad guys of the series, and we may see whole armies of the creatures rising from the deep when shit gets weird.
I'm pretty sure witnessing rape is the only way Bran can get hard after his 'accident'
Did he rape Meera through Hodor?
Kwarf ?
I just realized Daenerys' vision of the throne room in the house of the Undying in Quarth back in season 2 was a premonition of the throne room scene in season 8
He is only self deprecating himself for comedic effect to gauge the audience. His career is over after the show so why not go into comedy?
Why do Nik and Gwen get along so well?
They easily have the best interviews together
>I just realized
Spoiler alert: you're fucking slow.
I have a theory that Emilia was supposed to say "Qarth" correctly, but due to her Dysarthria from the aneurysms, she pronounced it wrong. But then the other guy just improvised and Emilia went with it.
I hadn't rewatched season 2 in 8 years. I have to admit, it's pottery.
>seven pointed star above the throne
You done goofed Dabid
Sounds legit. Put it on the wiki m8.
FUCK Targshits
so i've been thinking lately, dany is pretty cute
Hell yeah user, i'll drink to that.
She was referrring to the future video game tie-in. Didn't you catch the sly wink she gave to the camera?
based Bobby B
*There was no rape, Jon. It looked awful*
What do giants eat?
What do Wildlings in general eat?
Your moms pussy
Poor Emilia played one big role got turned into female Hitler all her other big films flopped. No BF has to live alone. She is not an expert slut like Sophie who is younger and will suck enough cocks to remain a major movie star. Kit will get by on his looks and Rose money.
But Emilia brain is fading fast she probably has memory lapses, soon she will lose control of her bladder shit & piss herself. Her acting career is all but over. 32 For a woman is like 80 in Hollywood. Also they prefer thin girls and EM is quite chubby now. She has gained so much weight shocking. She is also heavily brain damaged so no major studio will ever hire her coz she could die. Also she is a pretty mediocre actress and she knows it. She got lucky with Dany, she won't get good juicy roles now.
I think she has given up. On her career. On finding love. On life. She is an empty broken unhappy woman who is just going through the motions now.
And thats why Yea Forums loves Emilia,, she is just like us - a complete loser.
>and EM is quite chubby now. She has gained so much weight shocking.
Ha ha, post pics
Me Before You, Solo and Terminator weren't flops (money wise)
Solo was flop, but not because of her
>I'm pretty sure Renly knew about the Cersei/Jaime incest
Well you are pretty fucking wrong, illiterate moron.
She was insufferable the whole series, now that she's dead Yea Forums loves her.
Emily is going to dracarys your sorry anonymous ass
Not that user, but him implying Stannis made up the charges is more beneficial to his claim. So he could just be acting.
Yeah, Emilia's estranged cousin.
It's on these occasions that I truly cherish Yea Forums's anonymous posting system. Imagine fucking up this bad and having to carry this weight for the rest of your life.
I'm surprised he didn't delete his post
You just know that that user is going to cringe himself to sleep every night now thinking of this.
It was me, I'm committing sudoku as we speak
>implying a single typo isn't enough for you to close the tab and pretend the thread never existed
Glad to know i'm not the only one.
>he doesn't immediately slam laptop shut and starts hitting self
It made me chuckle actually, but it's probably because the shame is making me lose my mind
>a single typo
It wasn't a typo
>It wasn't a typo
might as well just go now user
He seems legitimately thrown off a bit when Cat explains to him how everything that happens makes sense if Stannis is telling the truth. Not concerned that he is going to lose but sort of uneasy for a moment there.
Intel coming in
yeah, it's confirmed. She's CUTE
her nose is a bit misaligned with her lips
Intel seems to be correct
Can't unsee but still pure cute
Sophie doesn't have this problem
Yeah but she's 23 and looks 40
whatever they want
what's your favourite dany moment?
I don't get it
here she looks almost gaunt, but on others she looks a bit chubby
But she has a coke problem
Renly knew you retard, Varys knew, Jon Arryn knew, Stannis knew, Littlefinger knew and eventually Ned found out
everyone in the council knew
The one where she dies.
when she gets raped
When she gets revived by Kinvara
any moment
omg that’s so frickin scary don’t post again pls
Her tsundere moments from season 7
yeah i'm thinking its kino
>when she gets raped
literally never got raped, please cease your dabid-tier injection of modern morality
this scene is even more cringe than shirtless Ramsay
except firstly it is her husband and you can't be raped by your husband and 2nd she consented
It's entry-level kino
>you can't be raped by your husband
you can
>you can
have sex incel
>have sex incel
>not "have seat uncel"
please keep it /got/
>she was raped
>He stopped then, and drew her down onto his lap. Dany was flushed and breathless, her heart fluttering in her chest. He cupped her face in his huge hands and looked into his eyes. "No?" he said, and she knew it was a question.
>She took his hand and moved it down to the wetness between her thighs. "Yes," she whispered as she put his finger inside her.
Why don't you take a seat, uncle
IRL women can get raped by their husband.
>Yet every night, some time before the dawn, Drogo would come to her tent and wake her in the dark, to ride her as relentlessly as he rode his stallion. He always took her from behind, Dothraki fashion, for which Dany was grateful; that way her lord husband could not see the tears that wet her face, and she could use her pillow to muffle her cries of pain. When he was done, he would close his eyes and begin to snore softly and Dany would lie beside him, her body bruised and sore, hurting too much for sleep.
>IRL women can get raped by their husband
implying 50 year old laws beat millenniums of wisdom
>it hurt so it was rape even
Yea of course it hurt she was 13 and he was huge but she still wanted him
I’m not sure if even the worst fake leaks we had of s8 were actually worse than the ending we actually got with king cripple.
>fake leaks
Such as ?
“Do I?” Renly shrugged. “So be it. Stannis was never the most cherished of brothers, I confess. Do you suppose this tale of his is true? If Joffrey is the Kingslayer’s get—” “—your brother is the lawful heir.” “While he lives,” Renly admitted. “Though it’s a fool’s law, wouldn’t you agree? Why the oldest son, and not the best fitted? The crown will suit me, as it never suited Robert and would not suit Stannis. I have it in me to be a great king, strong yet generous, clever, just, diligent, loyal to my friends and terrible to my enemies, yet capable of forgiveness, patient—”
He seemed to be taking it very casually. I think he knew the whole time.
meant to > the first bit oh well you get the point
Strange how they made show Daario more likable. Still a shitty character
i dont understand why she went with daario, i felt it was weird she would lay with another man after drogo
He wanted to do it in the books
But your grace, your grandmother was a Targ therefore you are part Targ yourself
In the book she’s still a dumb teenage girl
>Stannis was never the most cherished of brothers
Stannis saved his ass during the siege of Storm's End and this is how Renly repays him?
To be fair, Stannis was saving his own ass as much Renly's.
yeah i guess it makes more sense for a teenage girl w/o a mother to do that, thx for the explanation user
Maybe I was remembering it wrong, I read the books like 7 years ago. But looking at even if he knew about the incestual sex he didn’t seem to know the kids were not Robert’s. Look at the way he starts trying to justify himself and explain why he would be a better king- you think Cat gives a shit? She wanted him to end the feud with Stannis so they could both help her cause. He is clearly uneasy in that scene and grasping at straws trying to justify himself. It stinks of “well I’m in too deep now” to me.
>“Robert, I ask you, what did we rise against Aerys Targaryen for, if not to put an end to the murder of children?”
What the fuck was Ned smoking? Did Jon Arryn make up some bullshit about Aerys burning children to make honorfag Ned want to fight his rightful king?
Davos saved all their asses if we’re being honest
>Jon, did I ever tell you about Khal Drogo, Daario/Euron, and Hizdar zo Lorak? They all stretched your aunt’s pussy pretty wide, Jon. But she’s with you now so it’s all ok, right? You’re a good man to step up and take care of your wife’s dragons. It’s beautiful in its own way, Jon
Ned was an autistic retard, he deserved Cat DESU.
>women's pussy gets irrevocably stretched when they have "too much" sex
Incels unironically believe that
>writing sex scenes
i dunno why but this makes me cringe
It's normal to cringe when you read about something can't relate to.
but they do...though the damage is usually minimal in contrast to childbirth
Incredibly cute
Probably because it’s this man writing them
N, reading about someone shitting isn't great either.
She looks like she fucks nephews
When GRRM writes about sex, it honestly comes off as forced and him just being a dirty pervert than anything else.
you might be into something user
That's my wife you're talking about
Not great, no, but also not cringe.
Just a bit off putting.
>hop on user
what do?
god i wish i was her nephew
>come with me if you want to live
Now that the show ended we never will get this level of cuteness again. I feel like a part of me has been torn away
Not him but for a long time they said Jaime was going to die in Brienne’s arms at Winterfell after saving a bunch of people and trying to kill the Night King but dying and Tyrion blowing up Kingslanding to try to save Cercei and her unborn baby (over guilt for Myrcella and because with Jaime dead it was his only family left) and then Dany was going to have Drogon burn Tyrion alive. They also said it was still going to go tyrant but not destroy the city.
She’s also your aunt
Hop in and burn westerosi scum with her obviously
We'll still get occasional interviews and make sure you pray daily for her to do more gfkino like Me Before You
Renly was a fool and a shitty person poor Stannis deserved a better brother
Lmao, Me Before You was huge box office success and well liked by audience, Terminator also made decent money; >
>Terminator Genisys grossed over $440 million worldwide, making it the second-highest-grossing film of the franchise and of Schwarzenegger's career, behind Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
And i dont even think that she cares about acting that much, she seems doing very fine. She is anyway the most popular person from GOT cast, and most liked also, not every person want to build her life on fame and big acting career, she will do fine, she has enough money to retire, but she is smarter than that and already invested some money, rents her LA house, kickstarted her charity project to help people with brain iniures, started her production company, etc...
Solo failed because it was released after Last Jedi which was hated, had production problems, reshoots, director changes, visions changes, main male actor had acting coacho n the set, and overally Disney fucked up.
>not Jannie Lannister
Well, atleast my chances are increased
>No BF has to live alone. She is not an expert slut like Sophie who is younger and will suck enough cocks to remain a major movie star
this supposed to be bad?
yeah dude, she's JUST LIKE ME
>But Emilia brain is fading fast she probably has memory lapses, soon she will lose control of her bladder shit & piss herself
She's 100% healthy, faggot
>But Emilia brain is fading fast she probably has memory lapses, soon she will lose control of her bladder shit & piss herself
reverse Me Before You when though
>fat pink mast
>her cunt became the world
yeah real magical stuff grrm
nth for the cutest
>Asha draped the furs across her bare shoulders and mounted him, drawing him so deep inside her that she could not tell who had the cock and who the cunt.
Is Emilia the female version of Keanu Reeves, or is she going to become one perhaps?
Yes, Emilia will soon find the love of her life. Then she will have a kid with him. Then he, and their child will tragically die. Then Emilia will spend the rest of her life making others happy, but never finding happiness for themselves.
probably but instead of action movies she should stick to romcoms
She already have the tragic event on her life dude, also she can't have kids because of the aneurysms
what movie is this?
>tragic event
>can't have kids
Is she literally Dany?
She said Dany is a extension of her desu
I don't think that's quite right, user.
I don't see any uneasiness there. But that's not even when it comes up.
>“You are very free to name others traitor and usurper, my lord, yet how are you any different? You say you alone are the rightful king, yet it seems to me that Robert had two sons. By all the laws of the Seven Kingdoms, Prince Joffrey is his rightful heir, and Tommen after him … and we are all traitors, however good our reasons.”
>Renly laughed. “You must forgive Lady Catelyn, Stannis. She’s come all the way down from Riverrun, a long way ahorse. I fear she never saw your little letter.” “Joffrey is not my brother’s child,” Stannis said bluntly. “Nor is Tommen. They are bastards. The girl as well. All three of them abominations born of incest.”
>Would even Cersei be so mad? Catelyn was speechless. “Isn’t that a sweet story, my lady?” Renly asked. “I was camped at Horn Hill when Lord Tarly received his letter, and I must say, it took my breath away.” He smiled at his brother. “I had never suspected you were so clever, Stannis. Were it only true, you would indeed be Robert’s heir.” “Were it true? Do you name me a liar?” “Can you prove any word of this fable?”
Like I said I think he knew but obviously since being 5th in line arguing with the 4th in line >>> being 2nd in line arguing with the 1st in line, he pretends he never did.
what the hell
>doesn't have keanu
>My series about the difficulty of ruling and the conflict within the human heart
>I'm going to create an inhuman omniscient God Emperor of Dune ripoff character to lead humanity
I don't think thats confirmed but if I was in her situation I'd be shit scared about my brain exploding during childbirth
pregnancy raises blood pressure and that's definetly not good for her
>plan a story to be told in a set amount of releases
>expand the scope beyond any rational measure
>completely neglect the original plan in the expansion
>still use the original ending despite it not making sense anymore
What did you think of this decision by the writers of How I Met Your Mother? Pic unrelated.
shut the fuck up and have sex incel
I always had the suspicion the ending would be nihilistic like horse shit. He says he’s not that way, but honestly I always a had a sneaking suspicion he’s an extremely embittered old man, and the way he often addresses romance also makes sense if the stories about his past relations/failures with the opposite sex are true.
we’re incels when we hate on women and we’re incels when we love em. WHAT DO YOU WANT?
Have moderate like and respect for women.
>Art is not a democracy
that's scary
have sex
>Can't have a bad ending if there is no ending
what you said is the best definition for bad TV writing that it's possible to created
It's scary cute
>break his fast
>boiled leather
>a man grown
>a horse
>with child
cute dead targ
>a horse
Dany helped her overcome the aunerysms and gave her strenghts and courage she lacked at her darkest days.
>people saying the situation could've been solved by marrying Jon and Dany
>the show "addresses" this by Varys saying it could never happen for some reason
>think to myself, yeah that could make sense, I can see Dany not wanting to share the throne after everything
>she keeps offering Jon to rule alongside her even after his betrayal caused her to burn down a city
>he doesn't know
>>the show "addresses" this by Varys saying it could never happen for some reason
Varys was on the scene where Dany asks Jon what to do on season 7 btw
They started giving all the characters 21st century morals. That's why Tyrion is so upset about Dany violating the Geneva Convention.
>we never got ice spiders in the show
I'm still mad
>he thinks she's coming back
>peasants you say?
Also the massive hypocrisy of the lords suddenly caring about smallfolk
>he thinks she isn't
Pretty sure the lords would start caring if all the people tilling their fields suddenly burned to death, that's why it was such an effective scare tactic
What was your favorite character interaction in the series?
For me, it's when Tywin and Dany met.
She will
Jon had better prepare his anus and penis
>she's like 30 years old, what the fuck is wrong with her
>Varys was there when Jon told Dany not to burn down the Red Keep
>Varys was there when Jon told Dany, "Fuck you, I'm leaving."
>Varys was there when Jon convinced Dany to sail to Winterfell
>Varys saw Dany give Jon a fucking dragon
>Varys was there when Jon, who wasn't even paying attention, convinced Dany not to execute Jaime
These are only examples of Dany trying to please Jon when Varys is in the immediate proximity. This doesn't take into account all the other ways Jon got what he want from Dany.
But the audience is supposed to believe, despite all evidence to the contrary, that Dany is the one with all the power in this relationship.
Jon regrets killing her, hopefully she forgives him and both go out to conquer the world
When Drogon spoke telepathically to Kinvara to revive Dany
>be big fans of song of ice and fire
>So deep into the books they've both learned about the r+l=j theory
>Get the show made and do a great job for 4 seasons
>lose all interest in the show after George walks you through his absolute shitshow ending that craps all over his own series
>George probably walked away from the show because they didn't praise the shit ending
>Still manage to keep it relatively entertaining along the way
>Take the fall for George's ending and become most hated writers ever
Feel bad for these guys
Did he die from that? That's a very underwhelming death of one of the very important characters in the series. I stopped watching around when that guy got introduced with his religion and shit. Kind of thinking of skipping the rest of the seasons.
Imagine if, instead of Varys worrying about Dany for no reason, thought that Jon was manipulating her
What if Littlefinger were still alive and was actually trying to get Jon to manipulate Dany, setting up a Littlefinger vs Varys confrontation even while they’re nominally on the same side. Could it be Kino?
>t. Dabid
>Jon regrets killing her
>when a Targaryen is born the Gods flip a coin and they're either great or crazy
>90% of them were actually pretty average for lords and ladies in terms of behaviour
>implying when he see his waifu back the mad targ genes won't boil and he won't LIBERATE Winterfell with her
(((maester))) propaganda
D&D are literally Snape
Was it just a troll job making him part of House Targaryen? Jesus Christ.
George pretty much mentioned at one point the coin landed on the sane side for Dany.
At least he didn’t kneel to Sansa
>like nipples on a breastplate
Dany has done harsh things but she’s never been insane. She may burn King’s Landing but it won’t be madness.
Yes, it's retarded. They could have had a whole arc where he realises his greatest work is in fact a failure and not completely mindless and bound to his will.
her hysterical, suicidal breakdown outside quarth was pretty insane
then again, she is a woman
but the sparrow guy was based and literally did nothing wrong
Go eat your crayons DABID, you have no power here
She was also miserable and her people were starving to death. Several other sane characters threatened to kill everybody (e.g., Robb, Arya, and Tyrion) during moments of duress.
>relatively entertaining
did they reuse this scenery for the iron islands?
The geography of King's Landing changes on a weekly basis
A dany resurrection season 9 would actually be kino
>humans experiencing emotions
Wow so insane
Targs aren't human
>be fans of ASOIAF
>realize it's never going to be finished
>get the show made so GURM would tell you how it ends
>realize most of the plot points in the books are just filler
>cut them out and just show the end
>everyone shits on you
>GURM dies and never finishes the books
>people persist in the notion that the end of ASOIAF wouldn't have been trash
As in on top of a horse.