Shows only you’ve watched on Yea Forums

shows only you’ve watched on Yea Forums

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Little Marines


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Didn't his wife change after a few seasons?

We watched that shit in high school. Wasn't there some teenager trying to give away free drugs for some reason?

I remember it being pretty good as well.

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nope, the main actor changed for last season

That reminds me. There was that superhero tv show with a young Jerry O'Connell.

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>zneet znatter zneet

This is actually the first show I think of when I see your question posted OP

>wanda cannon

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Wow, Jay Bauman is a hack fraud

I use to watch this, I enjoyed it quite a bit.

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I remember this, it was great. Cancelled too soon. I presume the production costs weren't worth it for the ratings they were getting.

I remember one episode where a time travelling cyborg killed basically all the main characters, but then some time travel plot point undid everything. I think the cyborg was supposed to be one of the main characters coming back to stop something horrible happening. Watching it as a kid though I was pretty shocked when they started killing dead the protagonists though.

haven't seen it since i was a kid. amazon prime's got it. might check it out over some cheap malt liquor later

Based and Thermopilled.

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Ultraviolet. Surprisingly low key show about a secret Police division charged with chasing down Vampires.

Managed to make Vampires seem really scary by having them hardly appear and the main characters normally dealing with stuff their human familiars were doing. Had some neat concepts in it like Vampires not appearing on video, and Vampires trying to find a cure for Aids because they could contract it by drinking from someone with it.

Also Idris Elba was in it.

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Loved this show.

I need to find eps of this

The comedy version of Brimstone

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I think I remember getting that off Kazaa or Direct Connect back in the day.

This was about the main guy being tasked to track down a load of Demons that had escaped from hell wasn't it? I remember it being a bit like the original Hulk TV series with him travelling across America righting wrongs. Was pretty good.

The part where Idris Elba was trapped in the warehouse with the coffins due to open on a timer was genuinely scary...

for me, it's Le Camèlèon

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Just remembered this one as well. Something about a secret alien invasion that was predicted by Nostradamus. It was obviously trying to cash in on the X Files popularity.

I remember a ridiculous subplot in one of the series about the aliens, who had genetically modified themselves to look human, becoming addicted to sex because apparently sex in their native forms was painful. I remember thinking how did a race propogate if they found sex painful?

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>12 monkeys