Is Nathan For You worth watching?
Is Nathan For You worth watching?
Yes. There are some slow episodes here and there, but it's definitely worth it for the gold episodes.
Lmao I met him IRL
The exorcism scene in the Ghost Realtor episode might be the funniest thing ever televised
he's a big guy
The car wash with bird poop
Absolutely. Now say "I love you".
Did he save your business?
technically i say no this is because the guy is in a bad place and he is probably not gonna I know it’s not like he is a good guy but he has to a point where I was going to say that it had been to my point in about the English and the fact that it was a little something to that I was told to say something about how you are doing
has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
it is until you realize its all scripted. then its unwatchable.
Don't be ridiculous. You should say yes because the guy could be in a better place and probably will even being a stand up fellow and an unlimited amount if I post your message about the Amerifats and the entire point of it all when I was told you to go fuck yourself.
It's not all scripted. That is a lie.
I love you
you could never get actors that good
Abso lutely. Season 4 is amazing.
I love you
Horse balloons is Kino
what the fuck are you guys talking about
I love you
based incoherent poster
still listen to the banzai perdicament occasionally
Can't you read, dumbass?
nathan is a trained magician
I love you
>when they check up on the guy that nathan tried to make a national hero and it is revealed he got rid of the black girl only to swap her out with a white one
I knew immediately from looking at his face when he was shown the picture of the black gf that he was going to break it off asap.
Based and Brutal splash to the mouth pilled