So now that the dust has settled

So now that the dust has settled...


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Nah it was just weak fetish shit.

Completely outclassed by Totally Spies.
Canadian Animation is terrible for anything but fapbait.

I hate you but it's only because you're right

Braces are kino

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You are but child,
elevate to my level, small faggot

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I want to take her to a cabin in Montana to live out our years.


I lived vicariously through this nigga Andy because I was homeschooled.
Great show

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>Canadian Animation is terrible for anything but fapbait.
the most redpilled statement I've ever heard

I remember when they virally marketed this show with flash online. I thought it was just going to be an online flash series until I started seeing it on teletoon. What a crazy time.

>what is breast expansion

Kids from room 402 was fucking cool though.

Damn right.
>that inflating tits episode

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Muh nigguhs

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literally been years since a good live action BE scene
why bros? and what do you think will give us the next one?

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>why bros?
It's such an obscure fetish, that's neither vanilla nor depraved /d/ tier shit, so it automatically won't have a lot of people into it.
>what do you think will give us the next one?
Video games are really the only place you can find it now, even if it's not done correctly.

Today I will remind them

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>1x08: Periods
>1x09: Divorce
>1x10: Shoplifting
>1x14: Underage drinking
>1x22: Inappropriate relationships/crushes
>2x1: Homosexuality >2x5: Internet porn, drinking
>2x8: Crash diets/eating disorders
>2x9: Racism
>2x25: Smoking >3x6: Breasts/body insecurity
they're all on Youtube

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I love how the sign says "Believe in Britain" yet there's nothing but the flag of Europe in the background