Who is the most autistic poster on Yea Forums?
Who is the most autistic poster on Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
I hope and pray to God you choke on your own spit tonight.
Anyone with doubles in this thread
not me
Not too fond of the guy who posts pictures of his meals saying the cinema employee let him in. That is mentally retarded.
I literally feel like committing murder-suicide right now, please help me.
the /pol/lacks who come here to dump their libraries of blacked porn
czech em
That guy that posts screencaps of tweets from +3 years ago with 7 retweets. Somehow the thread gets +300 replies in 10 minutes, so I don't know if the people replying are more autistic
this guy
i'm a chronic baneposter and sneedpoester
i post multiple waifu threads about many actresses
i go to marvel threads pretending to be DCad and shitting on MCUcks
and the same time i go to DC threads and act like marvel faggot mocking them
in fact i dont watch superhero movies at all
i havent seen any star wars since ep3 rots but i comment on new movies too
i bump my own threads from phone to create discussion
the owen benjamin poster
There's no one around worth murdering. Go ahead with the suicide though
the original based music lyrics in all caps poster
>second post from the bottom
>redditfrog poster
I post Colin Quinn threads once a week.
Kill yourself faggot scum
Definitely this faggot.
fucking BASED
>920 days until Avatar 2
I've never been mentioned once in these threads
100 this fucking guy. i can understand intense shitposting, but this nigger thinks he's on some sort of crusade. imagine trying to moralize fucking Yea Forums of all places.
Me. I’m the hot sauce guy, ; )
this guy
Not me, I'm a chad. Get fucked, virgins.
who are you're waifus?
How is this even a question? It's obviously maario naaharis poster
he's a watchful protector, the hero we need
But unironically, how many people is moeposter? Is it possible that it's one person? Every time I see "cringe" after quoting a bunch of post numbers, it's the same filename.
too many to list, it's a harem more like
>it's the same filename so it's the same poster
yikes, imagine being this much of a newfag
That guy who hates Gotham Flash and Agents of Shield Supernatural and Buffy/Angel and sage bombs all the threads for any of those shows with shitpost.
Actual autism posts cant even shine a light against all these newfags posting feels threads.
The guy who always posts that shitty horror bait
The guy who chimps out and tells people to post wrist
I'm just surprised by the consistency. I don't think I've ever seen someone do it with the wrong filename. What are the odds?
not strictly a Yea Forums poster but barneyfag
That's not at all how (You) works.
This schizo kike
>feels threads
were always apart of Yea Forums newfag. you're probably a sneed nigger.
The Finnish shitposter obsessed with January Jones and Bridget Reagan. The people only slightly less autistic are the people that reply to his threads unironically, clearly not knowing who he is despite him being here for years. Also, Gahoole.
Alicefag with the endless avatarposts and webms. He's legitimately deranged