Take it easy Yea Forums....
Take it easy Yea Forums
I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment
How can I get as good at talking to girls as Nick is?
mde power rankings:
1. Nick (most 'well-adjusted' despite not being well-adjusted, personable, funny)
2. Murder Chals (resonates with internal struggles and the balance of sanity, represents the duality of man)
3. Sam (funny, has chicken legs)
Accurate, I'd say Nick was the most underappreciated member of the group, its interesting to see what's become of the trio after their breakup. Charl's streams are pretty good and Nick being in sams videos improves them by a lot.
Charls > Nick, neurotyps can FRICK OFF!
Charls fucking gets it.
-Is a devout Christian
-Even though his beliefs are evolving constantly in the redpilled direction, he's not afraid to openly state and defend them at any given time.
-Is a father and has a family, respects traditional values and honesty.
-Is actually funny and can do a decent standup routine without needing to read his jokes off a sheet of paper.
-Doesn't beg for money.
-Values his friends.
-Godless nihilist.
-Anal fetishist, obsessed with gay lifestyle humor and probably a full on bisexual
-Doesn't do interviews that aren't softball wankfests, interacts with his fans in the most opaque ways possible with meaningless twitter jabber (he probably secretly hates his fanbase)
-Abuses his eceleb status to buttfuck his teen fangirls instead of getting into a stable, child-bearing relationship.
-Lost his comedic luster years ago (probably because he fried his brain with steroid injection abuse), hides behind whats left of his comedy to the point that you wonder if he actually believes anything at all.
-Acts like a complete kike, where he literally pretended to be poor for fan sympathy/donations even though he's crypto-rich.
-Alienates people that get close to him and only keeps company with sycophants.
I think I know who I side with now. Owen today is funnier than Sam has ever been:
The best part of this is the boss is driving a Mercedes at first but when he pulls into the parking lot he has a Mitsubishi
jesus christ you are almost worse than the tranny posters
>Sam's show gets cancelled and he gets deplatformed off of youtube
>He cries about being blacklisted and begs his fans for support
>A fan kindly puts up some his content/World Peace stuff, without monetization, to promote him
>He says some shit in an open conversation that doesn't paint Sam in saintly light
>Sam immedietly tries to get said fan deplatformed
Why does Sam shit on his fans and act in such a hypocritical manner? What's wrong with him?
All I know about this guy is that he used to be fucking Christina Ricci then he started saying some questionable shit about Jews and Hitler and now he's hard-blackballed out of the industry, supposedly some comedian.
Well, that video was pretty humorous.
chapo tranny anti MDE pic spam in 3...2...1
Nick owns his own op shop and sells retro shit.
Love the dude and follow him on insta.
You mean like the tranny that facefucked sam?
Of course it was fucking chapofags. I didn't really care about them before, but then they turned my brother into an even more entitled, useless degenerate than he already was.
Nick's insta is comfy, I truly wish to be like him when I get to that point in my life.
He seems genuinely happy and is doing something he loves which I find comfy, He also was always my favorite characters on MDE.
He was amazing in moms.
>Nick owns his own op shop and sells retro shit.
lol not anymore he doesnt
When he breaks the mental case actor off craigs list always makes me chuckle to myself through the day.
Hahaha, dumb Nazi cunt deserved it
>I truly wish to be like him when I get to that point in my life.
What? Fail out of show business, start a business which fails within a few years and then go running back to your mentally deranged former colleagues?
I think Nick is back selling cars or something
Ya tripped her, Nick
I love these threads, seething chapo fags are the best
Stop masturbating, start lifting weights, and learn how to look through people instead of looking at people.
>He was amazing in moms.
He was the single best part of moms
5:35 - 5:55 is amazing
I saw ya do it with my own two feet!
That bit was stupid and you're an idiot if you think otherwise.
Just dropping my favorite MDE skit in case any newfag is browsing
>defending a tranny fucker
I wish I had two dicks do I could slap Derrick and Tyler's mom in their buttholes at the same time.
A real matey double slap. A real meaty double slap.
bro are you fucking retarded? lmao read those emails and then ask yourself the right questions
The fact that the tranny had knew Sam's private email address in the first place is damning enough.
he gave it out publicly, also notice how the tranny emphasizes shit like "tall", etc., but gets sam's height wrong in the pic. also lol, a tranny wanting anything but sex
>he gave it out publicly
he gave out alienmode publicly, not ccriztoff
>gets sam's height wrong
There isn't any solid confirmation of Sam being 6'4", and it could just as easily have been a typo
>emphasizes shit like "tall"
yeah no shit, Sam is a tall guy, something that a tranny fabricating a story could easily have missed the mark completely on
not that the tranny in question had the ability to fabricate something like this in the first place if you look through its post history
nice try at damage control but unless you can show Sam advertising his old email you are full of shit.
have sex.
>defending sodomy