
>the year is 2020-1
>still no movie to surpass this
>best fight, romance, and ending

Attached: oldboy.jpg (800x1138, 107K)

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Trash movie

it's the worst movie in the trilogy. wew that was hard.

Old Boy turns to shit the moment the villain gets involved. By the time it reaches the ending it's just pure trash.

This, incel weebies will cope

>best romance

Attached: 1552004051249.jpg (1823x1108, 249K)

Nah, with ending like that, i super excited seeing mc expression
Trilogy? i think those movies are independent

I can hear the music

>Trilogy? i think those movies are independent
thematic trilogy, esl

I still don't know why Old Boy is so highly rated.
I think I just don't see what's the big deal about incest.