Why is no one talking about it? Not even coworker normies who love all this stuff seem to care anymore

Why is no one talking about it? Not even coworker normies who love all this stuff seem to care anymore.

Attached: star-wars-logo.jpg (1920x1080, 125K)

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that is not the SW logo

because it is complete irredeemable shit. and people who like it tend to be the most dumpy retarded people possible.

Attached: Kao Cen Darach and Satele Shan vs Lord Vindican and Malgus.webm (1000x562, 2.96M)

The Jews finally took it too far.

I've gotten more entertainment from the memes roasting Disney's Star Wars based products than I have from any of the movies. But that can only go so far. The Mouse fucked up hard, and now their merchandising division is in the shitter and the remaining fans are embarrassing.

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Because they grow up?

They shit on the people who get excited and talk about it. All the casuals they expected to hang around moved onto something new because that's what casuals do

Because is only June and Disney hasn't started pushing it yet. Normies here didn't talk about end game until the week before and they all went to see that trash.

Face it, it is making over a billion in one week. They're doing the right thing not talking about it and letting wounds heal, then the retcon of last jedi and "last jedi was a great film, here's 10 reasons why" then the final push.

you're one of them faggot

500 million tops

well, it's not out for 6 months

because most of the "hype" for these movies is manufactured by Disney, and now it might be good to lay low and avoid people getting tired of it.
They also just opened the new Disney World shit

Not enough US political agenda in it, thats why.


This is wrong and you know it

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>tons of hate left from the last movie

Gonna be fun to see the backlash when the Disney shills go full time.

I work at Target and dorks come in to buy merchandise and speculate every day. I couldn't give a fuck less but I chat it up with them so they remember me giving good service, and these onions filled idiots are as excited as they ever were for any of these films.

The only difference is now there's a bunch of annoying fangirls in the mix too, where it used to just be smelly fatass dudes.

The marketing will pump up soon and then everyone will see it and it will be shit and forgettable

This, they released the teaser, doing anything more would tentatively impair hype building efforts between Halloween and the release itself. Better to save all their trailer cuts and viral marketing for October and after, than give people more time and material to cringe at than back flips over off brand tiefighters for the last couple months.

Doesn't anyone honestly remember the teaser hook? Just wondering if anyone does without hafting the look it up

If Reylo doesn't happen I will demand a refund.

all shippers must hang faggot

No. We're gonna ship and nobody can stop us.

Attached: reylo.jpg (903x1280, 120K)

you'll drop star wars after you don't get your fanfiction in 9 though.

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muh deconstruction and left it in tatters

Nice larp; no one buys the toys and no one cares anymore.

The kikes killed Star Wars, then raped the corpse.

I'm a big fan of Reylo, it's unironically the only thing I'm interested about when it comes to the sequel trilogy.

Attached: reylo.png (1145x2351, 1.13M)


DESU at the end of TLJ kylo would have stopped the fleet from destroying the base. There wasn't any real reason to continue it, Rey was DTF right then and he could declare himself emperor.

>I'm a big fan of Reylo

I hope you and your disgusting cunt of a mother both get cancer

Finn fags must be seething.

finn is a fat gay nigger and all shippers need the rope

Attached: Satele vs Malgus.webm (854x480, 2.38M)

No. Fuck off, faggot. lmao

No. Fuck off, nigger. lmao

I completely agree with you, based Reylobro!

This is now a KotOR thread.

Attached: KOTOR 1 & 2.jpg (752x423, 127K)

>Why is no one talking about it?
Probably because they're all going to the theme park.



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