>Post-production. Execs happy with what they’ve seem so far. Straightforward origin story, nothing too exciting to tell. Direct reference to Hardy’s Venom to set up possible crossover. Sequel bait with Jared Harris. Aiming for PG-13.

Venom 2
>Pre-production. Hardy and Harrelson will be back, Michelle Williams and director Reuben Fleischer won’t. Fede Alvarez and Nikolaj Arcel are the top choices to direct. Anne Hathaway eyed for Eddie Brock’s new love interest, Ashley Kafka. Jodie Comer eyed for Cletus Kasady’s girlfriend, Frankie Barrison. Elodie Yung, Dylan Sprayberry, Giancarlo Esposito, Zeljko Ivanek and Matt Letscher are in various stages of talks for supporting roles. From what I reckon, Yung and Sprayberry are cops, Esposito a government agent, Ivanek an associate of Kasady and Letscher Brock’s boss. Plot revolves around Kasady becoming Carnage and Brock trying to stop his rampage while being framed for his crimes and pursued by the authorities.

>Pre-production. Antoine Fuqua will direct. Henry Cavill, Joel Kinnaman, Joe Manganiello, Luke Evans and Jamie Dorman, among others, are being eyed for Kraven. Eiza Gonzalez is the top choice for Kraven’s love interest Calypso, Latina actresses are being favored. Villain will be Tombstone, Mahershala Ali is being eyed for the role. Scott Adkins has been approached to play Tombstone’s main enforcer, and Liam Neeson is being eyed for Kraven’s father. Ernie Hudson, Mamoudou Athie, Neal McDonough, Peter Stormare and Lena Olin are in various stages of talks for supporting roles. From what I reckon, Hudson is Kraven’s mentor, Athie is his son who is also Kraven’s sidekick of sorts, McDonough and Stormare are mobsters, and Olin is Kraven’s father’s wife. Plot revolves around Kraven seeking revenge against his father’s death at Tombstone’s hands.

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Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse 2
>Advanced development. Shameik Moore, Hailee Steinfeld, Jake Johnson and Oscar Isaac will return alongside a new cast of Spider-Men. From what I’ve told, the first movie was about Spider-Men going into Miles’ universe, and the sequel will be about Miles’ going into other Spider-Men’s universes. The villain is an evil Spider-Man from another universe. The supporting spider-people from the first movie might return, but they want to put the focus on a new “team”. Miles/Gwen relationship will receive major focus.

>Early developed. Into the Spider-Verse 2 spinoff. Spider-Gwen sent on a mission by Madame Web that leads her to cross paths with other female spider-themed heroines like Spider-Girl, Spider-Woman, Tarantula and Silk. Steinfeld confirmed to return, voice cast eyeing young actresses popular with the teenage audience like Lili Reinhart and Katherine Langford.

Silver Sable
>Early development. Eyeing female directors like Rachel Talalay and Lorene Scafario. Top choices include Emilia Clarke and Blake Lively is the top choice, but no offer has been made. The Wild Pack will be featured. Gaunt will be the villain.

Black Cat
>Early development. Eyeing female directors like Rachel Talalay and Lorene Scafario. Top choices include Sofia Boutella and Ella Balinska, but no offer has been made. Silvermane and Hammerhead will be the villains.

Attached: Spider-Verse.jpg (1600x1079, 368K)

>Early development. On hiatus since Spike Lee passed, F. Gary Gray eyed to replace him. Michael B. Jordan is Sony’s top choice, but no offer has been made.

>Early development. Eyeing female/Asian directors. Lana Condor is Sony’s top choice, but no offer has been made.


>Sony is always eyeing A-listers like Tom Hardy and Jared Leto for the lead roles. They believe having “names” helps in international sales.
>The deal between Sony and Marvel is getting renewed so Tom Holland’s Spider-Man can stay a pivotal part of the MCU, and now Norman Osborn will be the new overarching villain like Thanos once was.
>Sony really wants a Spider-Man/Venom crossover with Tom Holland and Tom Hardy, but is not pushing the matter too much with Marvel Studios as Kevin Feige doesn’t want it.
>There are already plans for Venom 3.
>There are plans for a Avengers-esque crossover bringing Venom, Morbius, Kraven, Silver Sable, Black Cat and others together should all characters become popular with the audiences.
>They’re sticking with PG-13, there are no plans for R-rated SUMC movies.

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Is this the last cinematic superhero universe standing in the way of the MCU? The DCEU and the FoX-Verse have fallen, and Valiant is dead in the water already.


>Kraven film with Henry Cavil

Blahahhahahaaa!!!! You almost had me!

This is some good smut!


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He would never do it, but it doesn't stop them from considering him.

I mean, in the days of the Sinister Six movie project, they wanted Idris Elba as Doctor Octopus and Tom Hardy as Sandman.

>Dead in the water already

What happened? Last I heard some Chinese company bought them and Bloodshot looked like it was going to be okay.

I could see it.

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>Miles/Gwen relationship will receive major focus.
fuck yes

Shit, sorry, I misread it.

Why do they keep turning villains into heroes? Kraven vs Tombstone - is that even in the comics?

They should just scrap the idea of doing a Kraven's Last Hunt story and do something based on The Gauntlet. Everyone knows who Spider-Man and his enemies are just use Gauntlet style movies tying everything together for Grim Hunt

Morbius, Silver Sable... Silk?!

Good on Sony for trying to make lemonade outta horse piss, but their universe can't even compete with the wreckage that is DC right now.

Their only hope is that when they re-up this Marvel deal, they get some pieces of their own to play with (thinking Hulk, Blade, Valkyrie, Kingpin, etc).

>The DCEU has fallen
Good one mousecuck

Oh my god. You remind me of myself in my last relationship. My girlfriend cheated on me, never paid me a loan back, and got custody of our dog (technically her dog, but I cared for it).

And yet I tell myself...

>"Well hey, at least she got me a used PS4 for my bday. I'm still winning baby!"

If you cannot see how we are exactly alike, then I feel as bad for you as I do for her.

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Whats the agenda of these titles?

Blade would be right at home with Sony.

sony doesn't push the agenda as much as marvel, they just want to make blockbusters and money

that's why they cast only A-list artists, their movies are "safe" and boring but the normal people eats it up because muh action movie, just like what happened with Venom. Spiderverse is alright and they were waiting for it to be a success and they approved like 5 animated movies because of that.

Who owned Blade before it reverted back to Marvel? Wasn't it Sony?

I hope we're not re-writing history here. Sony may have had hits recently with Spiderverse and Venom, but that was most certainly off the back of the MCU. Like you implied, normies don't separate the two especially when Spider-Man is an Avenger. Sony has done nothing yet to impress me and a Black Cat film doesn't inspire me with hope.

>On hiatus since Spike Lee passed
I'm so stoned I thought you meant he died, user

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Luke Evans as Kraven would be nice

i'm excited for the spider-verse stuff but venom was mediocre so i don't care about the live action films.

sony's universe feels soulless and bland, but normies are feeding them right now. The moment they stop making money they will cancel every unwanted spin off like black cat and keep the safe ones

I hope Morbius fails (it has to right, it's fucking Morbius!).

Sony is flying too close to the sun and needs it's wings clipped before we see a film about Alistair Smythe the anti-hero.

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>jared leto

i don't think it will fail, if they manage to do it with a small budget. They only need fuckloads of marketing and tie ins, just like with venom and people will eat it up.

I can roll with that, really. That's what FoX-Men were to me and they dropped the ball hard and never really work.


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This. I want a Peni Parker movie.

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>Spike Lee passed
For a momment I thought that nigger died

At least both leads are genuinely likeable. Unlike most attempts at this.

You were literally cucked, why should anyone listen to you?

Blade with Masherala Ali would be kino

>>Early development. On hiatus since Spike Lee passed, F. Gary Gray eyed to replace him. Michael B. Jordan is Sony’s top choice, but no offer has been made.
I actually own Nightwatch comics and I think that is fucking insane.

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DCU shills need to realize they are equally as cucked as this guy. Stop being in denial like he used to be.

Guess what...

I'm pretty good at this shitposting thing and am willing to go the extra mile in my believable lies just to get a nice suckerpunch at DCfags.

Don't worry, you're not the first retard I've fooled... you won't be the last.

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>Spike Lee passed
I figured out what you meant but I got excited for a second that he had died without my notice.

they already fucked up the spidey/venom dynamic by not including spidey anywhere near his origin. it's best for marvel to just ignore "sony's spiderman universe that doesn't feature spiderman"

i am confused with your post. kingpin is in both the MCU already and also the spiderverse movie

extremely based beyond belief poster

FUCK SONY for wasting kraven on some shit solo film instead of using him for the third MCU spidey film

you like that BLACKED.COM huh?

>Joe Manganiello for Kraven
Yes, please

Are his comics any good?

Morbius is gonna bomb hard and Sony will stop this nonsense

No. Marvel just made their own version of Spawn because the editors were pissed at Todd McFarlane for leaving and helping form Image.

I haven't seen that character in any comic since 1996.




What will flop first, lads?

>Marvel just made their own version of Spawn
i've never heard of nightwatch before and after seeing the image "spawn" was the first thing that popped in my mind.



I always thought he an was interesting and underrated villain.

Careful, Icarus...

>Black Cat
>Top choices include Sofia Boutella and Ella Balinska

>no more peni, boomer peter and nic cage
What's the fucking point

My money is on Spiderverse 2

These potential films are borderline mockbusters.

It's like Sony still lives in the early 00s and beleives people want to see half-assed adaptions, back then half-assed adaptions was what we got, not what we preferred.

>Turn villains who never had a solo comicbook run or even miniseries into main characters and anti-heros
How the hell is this not desperation?

I'm Having so many moxed feelings about this Kraven info
antoine fuqua
lead candidates
scott adkino (he deserves a superviallin role instead of enforcer)
side cast

What do you know more spider man related movies I have no interest in seeing. Miles is shit and pairing him with Gwen proves it, the more you niggers pat yourself on the back for it the more people realize that’s all it’s there for

Would watch Spider-Gwen just for the waifu content but Spider-verse 2 has me worried, the first film was near perfect

I'm not stoned but for a second or two I thought that as well

I don’t know about that. Morbius has never been the most popular character... ever. As someone who actually likes the character and has read the comics (unlike Sony), I feel safe in saying that his major contribution in comics is to help pave the way for Marvel to get back into horror, ultimately leading to Tomb of Dracula, the holy grail of serialized horror comics. Otherwise, no one cares. What Sony should have done if they were dead set on using that character minus Spider-Man, is just ask if they could use the rest of The Legion of Monsters, and make a Guardians of the Galaxy like horror/action/comedy, preferably rated R but could work as PG-13. Get the drop on Universal, and probably steal their audience as well.

I feel if they did more of a 90’s style Morbius for this movie it would actually be pretty good: an actual rated R vigilante who feels no qualms killing street punks and villains. For bonus points, they could have their pretty boy and the audience can have a monstrous looking character at the same time.

But this lame ass Edward Cullen ‘good guy’ looking shit is what they did in the 2010’s run and it was dull as dishwater and didn’t last long. And I will be frank, if I don’t see some more makeup on the actor, I am not going. I am skeptical if Jared Leto’s acting abilities, I am EXTREMELY skeptical of the script, and the rest of the film as of right now looks boring.

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Boomer Peter will be there.

When will it be his time, bros?

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I like macendale tho

This sounds pretty lame.
Specially the Kraven one. Reworking the character from a game hunter willing to even hunt people so that he can be the good guy in his movie is basically making another character, if he remains Kraven, then they should prepare for backlash, Kraven isnt a likable asshole and hardly compelling.

Miles in the Spider-Verse movie was actually really cute and had a personality unlike in almost every Bendis comic related to the character. He was so well done that him smashing Gwen's 15-year-old pussy doesn't bother me, he deserves it.

I want the *leak* from yesterday to be true, that Zendaya was out after FFH. She ruins MCU Spider-Man.

I wish they’d stop pushing that fucking shit. I’m a white girl, I want Tom Holland to impregnate me, but we always get out with the men we find least desirable. Why? Do they want us to watch their fucking films or not, because I’m boycotting them all for now despite the big names.

Miles is insufferable.

Isn’t she white?

*Comic Miles is insufferable.

PS4 Spider-Man/Spider-Verse Miles weren't handled by Bendis but instead people with actual talent.

>Plot revolves around Kraven seeking revenge against his father’s death at Tombstone’s hands.


>crossover happen
>Venom lends the symbiote to Peter
>Symbiote fall in love and don't wanna leave him
>Peter force him out
>Goes back to Brock and fuck with his head

I don't know if Sony would want Venom to be turned into a villain though. They could half-ass a talk no jutsu ending and keep Venom a good guy.

>The supporting spider-people from the first movie might return, but they want to put the focus on a new “team”

You'll be sorry...

>Silver Sable
>Emilia Clarke

Sable is supposed to be an ATTRACTIVE woman

And fit.

Oh god, this means Emilia Clarke in another stupid white hair wig.

He's still hunting, but his prey is his father's killer.

Based if true

Yeah, that wont jive with audiences.

They'll just think he had it coming.